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Created September 6, 2019 08:16
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Live environment #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------#
production/host =
production/user = bar
production/port = 22
production/path = /var/www/
define production/shell
ssh $(production/user)@$(production/host) -p$(production/port) 'cd $(production/path) &&$1'
production/deploy: build/production
git -C ./ ls-files --exclude-standard -oi --directory > /tmp/excludes;
rsync -rz \
--exclude=".git" \
--exclude-from="/tmp/excludes" \
-e 'ssh -p$(production/port)' \
'./' \
rsync -rz \
-e 'ssh -p$(production/port)' \
'./$(asset_path)/Build/' \
$(call production/shell, composer install --ignore-platform-reqs)
$(call production/shell, ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction)
$(call production/shell, ./bin/console assets:install)
$(call production/shell, ./bin/console cache:clear --env=prod)
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