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Created November 6, 2017 04:33
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Lumo script demonstrating environment variable exports
(require '[ :refer [diff]])
(def ^:no-doc fs (js/require "fs"))
(def ^:no-doc child-process (js/require "child_process"))
(def ^:no-doc os (js/require "os"))
(def ^:no-doc path (js/require "path"))
(def ignore-env-vars #{"_" "OLDPWD" "PWD" "SHELLOPTS" "SHLVL"})
(defn mktemp
"Return a temporary file name, given an identifier string"
(path.join (os.tmpdir) (str s (rand-int 65535))))
(defn jsx->clj
"Takes a js object and returns a cljs map. Use this when js->clj doesn't work a nonstandard object"
(into {} (for [k (js/Object.keys x)] [k (aget x k)])))
(defn spawn-shell
[shell exp]
(let [child (child-process.spawnSync shell (clj->js ["-c" exp]))]
{:status (aget child "status")
:stdout (str (aget child "stdout"))
:stderr (str (aget child "stderr"))}))
(defn setenv-diff
[before after]
(let [var_diff (diff before after)
removed (remove #(ignore-env-vars (first %)) (first var_diff))
changed (remove #(ignore-env-vars (first %)) (second var_diff))]
(doseq [[k _] removed] (js-delete js/process.env k))
(doseq [[k v] changed] (aset js/process.env k v))))
;; - [ ] Is it correct to return the contents of stdout?
;; - [ ] How to handle stderr?
;; - [ ] How to handle errors during execution?
;; - [ ] How to return status code?
;; - [ ] It would be nice to use something in memory instead of a temp file, but
;; beware issues with interactive scripts running in the interpreter
;; - [ ] When closh does aliases, add them here
(defn source
"Spawns a shell interpreter and executes `exp`. If it executes successfully,
any exported variables are then saved into the closh environment"
([exp] (source "bash" exp))
([shell exp]
(let [before (jsx->clj js/process.env)
temp-file (mktemp "closh")
result (spawn-shell shell (str exp "&& (node -p 'JSON.stringify(process.env)') >" temp-file))
after (js->clj (js/JSON.parse (fs.readFileSync temp-file "utf8")))]
(when (fs.existsSync temp-file) (fs.unlinkSync temp-file))
(if (= (:status result) 0)
(let [stdout (:stdout result)]
(setenv-diff before after)
(when-not (= stdout "") stdout))
(println "Error while executing" shell "command (" exp ")\n" (:stderr result))))))
(println (aget js/process.env "P"))
(source "export P=1; echo $P")
(println (aget js/process.env "P"))
(source "unset P")
(println (aget js/process.env "P"))
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