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Last active February 28, 2019 03:32
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Mod 9 30-Day Plan
#1: 30-Day Action Plan Checklist
Establish shareable calendar and provide a link/screenshot here
List your cut-off date for having a full-time position
- As soon as I find a job that I find satisfying and rewarding
List monthly, weekly, and daily goals
- Daily: Code
- Weekly: Attend one meetup; two coffee/lunches; five cold outreaches; apply to three jobs
- Monthly: Meet weekly goals; interview with 3 companies
Create "daily_practice" repo and describe to instructor(s) what you plan to practice
- Code challenges
- Open-source projects
- Improve existing projects
List 3 people you will reach out to. Describe to instructor(s) why you'll reach out, when you'll email them by, what you hope to talk about, and what follow-up will look like
- Karl Maisner, President, KMJ Web Design
- Charles Yach, Software Engineer
- Kenny Eliason, CTO, NeonBrand
- I will email these individuals by the end of week 1 because they reflect where I want to be. I will be seeking advice in regards to job-hunting, technologies to pursue, and what is important to them in peer/subordinate developers. I will try to meet with each of these individuals for lunch. After meeting, I will follow-up with a friendly email.
List 3 meetups you'll attend and describe to instructor(s) why you'll attend them
- Full Stack Boulder (I want a job that isn't limited to front- or back-end.)
- Bootcamp Collective (I want to meet others that can relate to where I came from, where I am, and where I want to go.)
- Operation Code: Denver (I want to meet other veterans that are transitioning to software development.)
List the job search tracking system you're using and describe to instructor(s) why you're using it/how it will help you
- I'm using hunter to track where I am in the process with each potential employer and to share my progress with Kate.
List 2-3 areas you'd like to continue to improve on for interviewing and outline concrete action steps on how you will improve those skills to describe to instructor(s)
- Cultural questions: meet with classmates/staff/friends/family to practice answering these types of questions
- Talking to strangers: do it often; go to meetups
Turing portfolio is updated with 3 projects
- check
Summary of how you've updated your LinkedIn profile
- I went through all of the privacy-type settings and ensured there were no barriers to recruiters finding me. I still need to work on my profile summary and will do so in week 1.
List additional area you'll focus on in your job search and describe why to instructor(s)
- Be more active on social media
- Practice white-boarding at home
- Code challenges
List 1-2 people you'll check in with during job search
- Kate
List 1-2 "barriers" and describe how you will overcome them to your instructor(s)
- Short-term memory: code in different language/technology everyday
#2: Supporting Cohortmates in Job Search
List 1-2 people from PD Peer Group who you will continue to check in with during the first 30 days post-graduation. Describe your plans for these check-ins to your instructor(s)
- Quinn Krug; check-in on Slack and at Mod 5 workshops
- Charles Yach; check-in on Slack and lunch/dinner as possible
Describe one area of the job search that you feel particularly skilled in to help your cohortmates with and how you will do that with your instructor(s)
- Business correspondence
List 1-2 people whom you will recommend your cohortmates to, how you will make that introduction, and when you'll do that by to share with instructor(s)
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