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Created December 11, 2012 21:38
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Save mnicky/4262380 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scheme interpreter with explicit continuations by Peter Norvig
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*-
;;; Code from Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming
;;; Copyright (c) 1991 Peter Norvig
;;; File interp3.lisp: Scheme interpreter with explicit continuations
;;; One bug fix by Cheng Lu Hsu, hsuc@cory.Berkeley.EDU
(requires "interp1")
(defun interp (x env cc)
"Evaluate the expression x in the environment env,
and pass the result to the continuation cc."
((symbolp x) (funcall cc (get-var x env)))
((atom x) (funcall cc x))
((scheme-macro (first x))
(interp (scheme-macro-expand x) env cc))
((case (first x)
(QUOTE (funcall cc (second x)))
(BEGIN (interp-begin (rest x) env cc))
(SET! (interp (third x) env
#'(lambda (val)
(funcall cc (set-var! (second x)
val env)))))
(IF (interp (second x) env
#'(lambda (pred)
(interp (if pred (third x) (fourth x))
env cc))))
(LAMBDA (let ((parms (second x))
(code (maybe-add 'begin (rest2 x))))
#'(lambda (cont &rest args)
(interp code
(extend-env parms args env)
(t (interp-call x env cc))))))
;;; ==============================
(defun scheme (&optional x)
"A Scheme read-eval-print loop (using interp).
Handles call/cc by explicitly passing continuations."
;; Modified by norvig Jun 11 96 to handle optional argument
;; instead of always going into a loop.
(if x
(interp x nil #'print)
(loop (format t "~&==> ")
(interp (read) nil #'print))))
(defun interp-begin (body env cc)
"Interpret each element of BODY, passing the last to CC."
(interp (first body) env
#'(lambda (val)
(if (null (rest body))
(funcall cc val) ;; fix, hsuc 2/20/93; forgot to call cc
(interp-begin (rest body) env cc)))))
(defun interp-call (call env cc)
"Interpret the call (f x...) and pass the result to CC."
(map-interp call env
#'(lambda (fn-and-args)
(apply (first fn-and-args)
(rest fn-and-args)))))
(defun map-interp (list env cc)
"Interpret each element of LIST, and pass the list to CC."
(if (null list)
(funcall cc nil)
(interp (first list) env
#'(lambda (x)
(map-interp (rest list) env
#'(lambda (y)
(funcall cc (cons x y))))))))
;;; ==============================
(defun init-scheme-proc (f)
"Define a Scheme primitive procedure as a CL function."
(if (listp f)
(set-global-var! (first f)
#'(lambda (cont &rest args)
(funcall cont (apply (second f) args))))
(init-scheme-proc (list f f))))
;;; ==============================
(defun call/cc (cc computation)
"Make the continuation accessible to a Scheme procedure."
(funcall computation cc
;; Package up CC into a Scheme function:
#'(lambda (cont val)
(declare (ignore cont))
(funcall cc val))))
;; Now install call/cc in the global environment
(set-global-var! 'call/cc #'call/cc)
(set-global-var! 'call-with-current-continuation #'call/cc)
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