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Last active November 5, 2017 03:10
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A freenode-specific hexchat script that checks whether someone is banned on some channel. For irssi version see
__module_name__ = "isbanned"
__module_author__ = "mniip"
__module_version__ = "0.6"
__module_description__ = "freenode-specific module that checks whether someone is banned on some channel"
/isbanned <channel> <user>
Check whether <user> is banned on <channel>
/ismuted <channel> <user>
Check whether <user> is muted on <channel>
/islisted <channel> <mode> <user>
Check whether <user> is listed in <channel>'s
<mode> list (can be b, q, e, or I)
If something screws up, this resets the state to inactive
<user> can either be a nickname, or a hostmask in the form
where some parts can be omitted. Strictly speaking the form is
[nick] ['!' ident] ['@' host] ['#' gecos] ['$' account]
If any part is omitted, it is assumed to be empty string, except for
account: if the account part is omitted the user is assumed to be
unidentified (as opposed to identified as empty string)
import hexchat
import socket, re, time
active = False
user = None
channel = None
orig_list = None
modes = None
whois = None
lists_left = 0
bans = []
ipv6_regex = re.compile(r"^0*[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}$")
def parse_ipv6_word(w):
m = ipv6_regex.match(w)
if not m:
raise ValueError("Invalid IPv6 octet")
return int(, 16)
ipv4_regex = re.compile(r"^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$")
def parse_ip(ip, strict = False):
if ip.find(":") == -1:
m = ipv4_regex.match(ip)
if m:
o1 = int(
o2 = int(
o3 = int(
o4 = int(
if o1 < 256 and o2 < 256 and o3 < 256 and o4 < 256:
return o1 << 24 | o2 << 16 | o3 << 8 | o4
except ValueError:
if strict:
raise ValueError("Invalid IPv4")
return 0
edge = False
if ip[:2] == "::":
edge = True
ip = "0" + ip
if ip[-2:] == "::":
edge = True
ip = ip + "0"
if ip.find("::") == -1:
words = ip.split(":", 8)
if len(words) == 8:
words = [parse_ipv6_word(w) for w in words]
ip = 0
for i in range(8):
ip |= words[i] << ((7 - i) * 16)
return ip
except ValueError:
head, tail = ip.split("::", 1)
headwords = head.split(":", 8)
tailwords = tail.split(":", 8)
if len(headwords) + len(tailwords) <= (8 if edge else 7):
headwords = [parse_ipv6_word(w) for w in headwords]
tailwords = [parse_ipv6_word(w) for w in tailwords]
words = headwords + [0] * (8 - len(headwords) - len(tailwords)) + tailwords
ip = 0
for i in range(8):
ip |= words[i] << ((7 - i) * 16)
return ip
except ValueError:
if strict:
raise ValueError("Invalid IPv6")
return 0
char_classes = {
"[": r"[\[{]",
"{": r"[{\[]",
"|": r"[|\\]",
"\\": r"[\\|]",
"]": r"[\]}]",
"}": r"[}\]]",
"~": r"[~^]",
"?": "."
for c in "-_`^0123456789":
char_classes[c] = c
for c in range(0, 25):
lc = chr(ord("a") + c)
uc = chr(ord("A") + c)
char_classes[lc] = "[" + lc + uc + "]"
char_classes[uc] = "[" + uc + lc + "]"
pass1_regex = re.compile(r"[?*]+")
def match_pattern(string, pattern):
def pass1(m):
w =
return "?" * w.count("?") + ("" if w.find("*") == -1 else "*")
pattern = pass1_regex.sub(pass1, pattern)
last_pos = 0
pieces = pattern.split("*")
for i in range(len(pieces)):
regex = []
if i == 0:
for c in pieces[i]:
regex.append(char_classes.get(c, "\\" + c))
if i == len(pieces) - 1:
m ="".join(regex), string[last_pos:])
if m:
last_pos += m.end()
regex = []
return False
return True
def analyze():
global active
active = False
nick, ident, host, gecos, account, ssl = whois
found_modes = []
hostile_modes = []
for c in modes:
if orig_list == "b":
if c == "i" or c == "k" or (c == "r" and not account) or (c == "S" and not ssl):
elif orig_list == "q":
if c == "m" or (c == "r" and not account):
if len(hostile_modes):
found_modes.append("\x0302+%s\x0F in \x0306%s\x0F" % ("".join(hostile_modes), channel))
def add_ban(b):
found_modes.append("\x0302%s %s\x0F in \x0306%s\x0F set by \x0310%s\x0F on \x0308%s\x0F" % (b[1], b[0], b[2], b[3], time.ctime(int(b[4]))))
for b in bans:
ban = b[0][0] + b[0][1:].split("$", 1)[0]
if ban[0] == "$":
if ban == "$a":
if account:
elif ban == "$~a":
if not account:
elif ban[:3] == "$a:":
if account and hexchat.nickcmp(account, ban[3:]) == 0:
elif ban[:4] == "$~a:":
if not account or hexchat.nickcmp(account, ban[4:]) != 0:
elif ban[:4] == "$~j:":
elif ban[:3] == "$r:":
if match_pattern(gecos, ban[3:]):
elif ban[:4] == "$~r:":
if not match_pattern(gecos, ban[4:]):
elif ban[:3] == "$x:":
for h in host:
if match_pattern("%s!%s@%s#%s" % (nick, ident, h, gecos), ban[3:]):
elif ban[:4] == "$~x:":
found = False
for h in host:
if match_pattern("%s!%s@%s#%s" % (nick, ident, h, gecos), ban[4:]):
found = True
if not found:
elif ban == "$z":
if ssl:
elif ban == "$~z":
if not ssl:
hexchat.prnt("\x0304Unknown extban: " + b[0])
v = ban.split("@", 1)
bhost = v[1] if len(v) == 2 else ""
v = v[0].split("!", 1)
bident = v[1] if len(v) == 2 else ""
bnick = v[0]
if match_pattern(nick, bnick) and match_pattern(ident, bident):
found = False
for h in host:
if match_pattern(h, bhost):
found = True
if not found:
ip, width = bhost.rsplit("/", 1)
width = int(width)
if width > 0:
is_v4 = ip.find(":") == -1
width = max((32 if is_v4 else 128) - width, 0)
ip = parse_ip(ip)
for h in host:
if (h.find(":") == -1) == is_v4:
h = parse_ip(h, strict = True)
except ValueError:
if ip >> width == h >> width:
except ValueError:
if len(found_modes):
if orig_list == "b":
hexchat.prnt("The following are preventing \x0310%s\x0F from joining \x0306%s\x0F:" % (user, channel))
elif orig_list == "q":
hexchat.prnt("The following are preventing \x0310%s\x0F from speaking in \x0306%s\x0F:" % (user, channel))
hexchat.prnt("The following \x0302+%s\x0F modes affect \x0310%s\x0F in \x0306%s\x0F:" % (orig_list, user, channel))
for m in found_modes:
if orig_list == "b":
hexchat.prnt("Nothing is preventing \x0310%s\x0F from joining \x0306%s\x0F" % (user, channel))
elif orig_list == "q":
hexchat.prnt("Nothing is preventing \x0310%s\x0F from speaking in \x0306%s\x0F" % (user, channel))
hexchat.prnt("No \x0302+%s\x0F modes affect \x0310%s\x0F in \x0306%s\x0F" % (orig_list, user, channel))
def reset(w, we, udata):
global active
active = False
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def lookup_host(host):
hexchat.prnt("\x0302Resolving '%s'" % (host))
ips = list(set([host] + socket.gethostbyname_ex(host)[2]))
hexchat.prnt("\x0302IPs: %s" % (repr(ips)))
return ips
except (socket.gaierror, socket.herror):
hexchat.prnt("\x0302Found nothing, will use %s" % (repr([host])))
return [host]
def query_list(channel, mode):
global lists_left
lists_left += 1
hexchat.command("quote MODE %s" % (channel))
hexchat.command("quote MODE %s %s" % (channel, mode))
def query_whois(nick):
hexchat.command("quote WHOIS %s" % (nick))
def ignored(w, we, udata):
if active:
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def modes(w, we, udata):
global modes
if active:
if "s" in w[4]:
hexchat.prnt("\x0302Channel %s is +s, report may be incomplete" % (w[3]))
if hexchat.nickcmp(w[3], channel) == 0:
modes = w[4]
if lists_left == 0 and whois:
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def list_entry(w, we, udata):
global lists_left
if active:
if udata == "+q":
del w[4]
if w[4][:3] == "$j:":
if hexchat.nickcmp(w[3], channel) == 0:
query_list(w[4][3:].split("$", 1)[0], "b")
bans.append((w[4], udata, w[3], w[5], w[6]))
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def list_end(w, we, udata):
global lists_left
if active:
lists_left -= 1
if lists_left == 0 and whois and modes:
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def no_modes(w, we, udata):
global modes, lists_left
if active:
hexchat.prnt("\x0304Attempted to get modes for a nickname, did you put the arguments in the wrong order?")
if not modes:
modes = "+"
if lists_left == 0 and whois:
lists_left -= 1
if lists_left == 0 and whois and modes:
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def mode_error(w, we, udata):
global modes, lists_left
if active:
hexchat.prnt("\x0304Something went wrong with the modes, report may be incomplete")
if not modes:
modes = "+"
if lists_left == 0 and whois:
lists_left -= 1
if lists_left == 0 and whois and modes:
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def no_list(w, we, udata):
global lists_left, modes
if active:
if hexchat.nickcmp(w[3], channel) == 0 and not modes:
hexchat.prnt("\x0304Could not obtain modes for %s, report may be incomplete" % (w[3]))
modes = "+"
if lists_left == 0 and whois:
hexchat.prnt("\x0304Could not obtain list for %s, report may be incomplete" % (w[3]))
lists_left -= 1
if lists_left == 0 and whois and modes:
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
wh = None
ac = None
ssl = None
def whois_start(w, we, udata):
global wh, ac, ssl
if active:
wh = (w[3], w[4], lookup_host(w[5]), we[7][1:])
ac = None
ssl = False
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def whois_ssl(w, we, udata):
global ssl
if active:
ssl = True
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def whois_account(w, we, udata):
global ac
if active:
ac = w[4]
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def whois_end(w, we, udata):
global whois, active, wh
if active:
if wh:
whois = (wh[0], wh[1], wh[2], wh[3], ac, ssl)
wh = None
hexchat.prnt("\x0304Whois failed, aborting!")
active = False
if lists_left == 0 and modes:
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def start_search(ch, u, mode):
global active, channel, user, modes, whois, lists_left, bans, orig_list
whois = None
orig_list = mode
channel = ch
user = u
if "!" in user or "@" in user or "#" in user or "$" in user:
v = user.split("$", 1)
account = v[1] if len(v) == 2 else None
v = v[0].split("#", 1)
rname = v[1] if len(v) == 2 else ""
v = v[0].split("@", 1)
host = v[1] if len(v) == 2 else ""
v = v[0].split("!", 1)
ident = v[1] if len(v) == 2 else ""
nick = v[0]
whois = (nick, ident, lookup_host(host), rname, account, False)
modes = None
lists_left = 0
bans = []
active = True
query_list(channel, mode)
if not whois:
def isbanned(w, we, udata):
start_search(w[1], we[2], "b")
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def ismuted(w, we, udata):
start_search(w[1], we[2], "q")
query_list(w[1], "b")
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def islisted(w, we, udata):
start_search(w[1], we[3], w[2].lstrip("+"))
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
hexchat.hook_server("329", ignored)
hexchat.hook_server("276", ignored)
hexchat.hook_server("317", ignored)
hexchat.hook_server("378", ignored)
hexchat.hook_server("319", ignored)
hexchat.hook_server("312", ignored)
hexchat.hook_server("324", modes)
hexchat.hook_server("367", list_entry, "+b")
hexchat.hook_server("728", list_entry, "+q")
hexchat.hook_server("346", list_entry, "+I")
hexchat.hook_server("348", list_entry, "+e")
hexchat.hook_server("368", list_end)
hexchat.hook_server("729", list_end)
hexchat.hook_server("347", list_end)
hexchat.hook_server("349", list_end)
hexchat.hook_server("502", no_modes)
hexchat.hook_server("221", no_modes)
hexchat.hook_server("472", mode_error)
hexchat.hook_server("501", mode_error)
hexchat.hook_server("403", no_list)
hexchat.hook_server("482", no_list)
hexchat.hook_server("311", whois_start)
hexchat.hook_server("671", whois_ssl)
hexchat.hook_server("330", whois_account)
hexchat.hook_server("318", whois_end)
hexchat.hook_command("isbanned", isbanned)
hexchat.hook_command("ismuted", ismuted)
hexchat.hook_command("islisted", islisted)
hexchat.hook_command("isreset", reset)
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