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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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A regex-like pattern matcher operating on arbitrary data types.
module Patterns
captures, match, residue,
maybeCaptures, maybeMatch, gsub,
capture, captureMap, captureGuard, captureEq, lookAhead, lookAheadNot,
attach, orElse, tryOne, greedySome, lazySome, greedyMany, lazyMany,
always, never, end, anything, value, notValue, range, anyOf, noneOf, lambda,
list, balanced,
numeric, hexadecimal, lowercase, uppercase, alpha, alphanumeric, ascii,
) where
-- | The 'Match' type encapsulates a possible expression match. Expressions
-- always return a list of matches, from which, the first is the usually
-- required one.
-- Match captures match residue
data Match a = Match [[a]] [a] [a] deriving Show
-- | 'cmatch' creates a Match with no captures
cmatch :: [a] -> [a] -> Match a
cmatch = Match []
-- | 'mprepend' prepends a character to a list of matches
mprepend :: a -> [Match a] -> [Match a]
mprepend d = map (\(Match c m r) -> Match c (d:m) r)
-- | 'captures' returns a Match's captures
captures :: Match a -> [[a]]
captures (Match c _ _) = c
-- | 'match' returns part of the string consumed by the pattern
match :: Match a -> [a]
match (Match _ m _) = m
-- | 'residue' returns a Match's residue, that is, part of the string not
-- consumed by the pattern yet
residue :: Match a -> [a]
residue (Match _ _ r) = r
-- | 'maybeCaptures' matches a pattern against a string, and returns captures
-- created by the least backtracked Match, if any
maybeCaptures :: Pattern a -> [a] -> Maybe [[a]]
maybeCaptures f ds = case f ds of
[] -> Nothing
(r:_) -> Just $ captures r
-- | 'maybeMatch' matches a pattern against a string, ignoring any captures, and
-- returns part of the string consumed by the least backtracked Match, if any
maybeMatch :: Pattern a -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
maybeMatch f ds = case f ds of
[] -> Nothing
(r:_) -> Just $ match r
-- | 'gsub f l d' finds all non-overlapping (least-backtraced) occurences of 'f'
-- in 'd', pipes their captures through 'l', and then puts back into 'd' in
-- respective places
gsub :: Pattern a -> ([[a]] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a]
gsub _ _ [] = []
gsub f l dd@(d:ds) = case f dd of
[] -> d:(gsub f l ds)
(Match c _ r:_) -> (l c) ++ (gsub f l r)
-- | The 'Pattern' type encapsulates an expression. It is a function, which,
-- when being fed an input string, returns a list of possible ways to parse that
-- input string, with the first attempted parse being first and so on.
type Pattern a = [a] -> [Match a]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Pattern operators
-- | 'capture f' captures whatever 'f' has matched
capture :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
capture f ds = map (\(Match c h t) -> (Match (h:c) h t)) $ f ds
-- | 'captureMap l f' changed 'f's captures using 'l'
captureMap :: ([[a]] -> [[a]]) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
captureMap l f ds = map (\(Match c h t) -> Match (l c) h t) $ f ds
-- | 'captureGuard l f' filters out those matches of 'f', for which 'l' returns
-- True
captureGuard :: ([[a]] -> Bool) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
captureGuard l f ds = filter (\(Match c _ _) -> l c) $ f ds
-- | 'captureEq a b f' filters those matches of 'f', for which a'th capture
-- equals b'th capture. If one of the required captures is not present, the
-- filter returns false. If both aren't, it returns True.
captureEq :: (Eq a) => Int -> Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
captureEq a b = captureGuard (\c -> (maybeIndex a c) == (maybeIndex b c))
maybeIndex :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe a
maybeIndex _ [] = Nothing
maybeIndex 0 (x:_) = Just x
maybeIndex n (x:c) = maybeIndex (n - 1) c
-- | 'lookAhead f' matches empty string if 'f' matches
lookAhead :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
lookAhead f ds = case f ds of
[] -> []
_ -> [cmatch [] ds]
-- | 'lookAheadNot f' matches empty string if 'f' does not match
lookAheadNot :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
lookAheadNot f ds = case f ds of
[] -> [cmatch [] ds]
_ -> []
-- | 'f `attach` g' matches 'f' followed by 'g'
infixr 6 `attach`
attach :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
attach f g ds = [ Match (c1 ++ c2) (m1 ++ m2) r2 |
Match c1 m1 r1 <- f ds,
Match c2 m2 r2 <- g r1]
-- | 'f `orElse` g' matches 'f' and in case of failure matches 'g'
infixr 5 `orElse`
orElse :: Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
orElse f g ds = (f ds) ++ (g ds)
-- | 'tryOne f' attempts to match 'f' once, and upon failure to do so, matches
-- empty string
tryOne :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
tryOne f ds = (f ds) ++ [cmatch [] ds]
-- | 'greedySome f' attempts to match 'f' as many times as possible, then one
-- time less, and so on, excluding the empty match. Backtracks matches that
-- matched 0 characters. If the input list is infinite and therefore given
-- pattern matches infinitely, neither of possible results will ever evaluate
greedySome :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
greedySome f ds = case f ds of
[] -> []
r -> [ Match (c1 ++ c2) (m1 ++ m2) r2 |
Match c1 m1 r1 <- r, not $ null m1,
Match c2 m2 r2 <- greedySome f r1] ++ r
-- | 'lazySome f' attempts to match 'f' 1 time, then 2 times, until it is
-- impossible to match any more. Backtracks matches that matched 0 characters.
lazySome :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
lazySome f ds = let r = f ds in
r ++ [ Match (c1 ++ c2) (m1 ++ m2) r2 |
Match c1 m1 r1 <- r, not $ null m1,
Match c2 m2 r2 <- lazySome f r1]
-- | 'greedyMany f' attempts to match 'f' as many times as possible, then one
-- time less, and so on, up to and including the empty match. Backtracks
-- matches that matched 0 characters. If the input list is infinite and
-- therefore given pattern matches infinitely, neither of possible results
-- will ever evaluate
greedyMany :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
greedyMany f ds = case f ds of
[] -> [cmatch [] ds]
r -> [ Match (c1 ++ c2) (m1 ++ m2) r2 |
Match c1 m1 r1 <- r, not $ null m1,
Match c2 m2 r2 <- greedyMany f r1] ++ [cmatch [] ds]
-- | 'lazyMany f' attempts to match 'f' 0 times, then 1 time, until it is
-- impossible to match any more. Backtracks matches that matched 0 characters.
lazyMany :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
lazyMany f ds = case f ds of
[] -> [cmatch [] ds]
r -> (cmatch [] ds) : [ Match (c1 ++ c2) (m1 ++ m2) r2 |
Match c1 m1 r1 <- r, not $ null m1,
Match c2 m2 r2 <- lazyMany f r1]
-- | 'times n f' matches 'f', repeated exactly 'n' times
times :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
times 0 _ = always
times n f = foldr1 attach $ replicate n f
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Patterns
-- | 'always' matches an empty string
always :: Pattern a
always ds = [cmatch [] ds]
-- | 'never' never matches
never :: Pattern a
never _ = []
-- | 'end' matches the end of input
end :: Pattern a
end [] = [cmatch [] []]
end _ = []
-- | 'anything' matches any value in input's head
anything :: Pattern a
anything [] = []
anything (d:ds) = [cmatch [d] ds]
-- | 'value x' matches input's head if it is 'x'
value :: (Eq a) => a -> Pattern a
value _ [] = []
value v (d:ds)
| v == d = [cmatch [d] ds]
| otherwise = []
-- | 'value x' matches input's head if it is not 'x'
notValue :: (Eq a) => a -> Pattern a
notValue _ [] = []
notValue v (d:ds)
| v /= d = [cmatch [d] ds]
| otherwise = []
-- | 'range a b' matches input's head if it lies within [a; b]
range :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> Pattern a
range _ _ [] = []
range a b (d:ds)
| d >= a && d <= b = [cmatch [d] ds]
| otherwise = []
-- | 'anyOf l' matches input's head if it is an element of 'l'
anyOf :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Pattern a
anyOf _ [] = []
anyOf l (d:ds)
| elem d l = [cmatch [d] ds]
| otherwise = []
-- | 'noneOf l' matches input's head if it is not an element of 'l'
noneOf :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Pattern a
noneOf _ [] = []
noneOf l (d:ds)
| notElem d l = [cmatch [d] ds]
| otherwise = []
-- | 'lambda l' matches input's head, if 'l' returns True for it
lambda :: (a -> Bool) -> Pattern a
lambda _ [] = []
lambda l (d:ds)
| l d = [cmatch [d] ds]
| otherwise = []
-- | 'list m' matches m, if the input begins with it
list :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Pattern a
list [] d = [cmatch [] d]
list _ [] = []
list (v:vs) (d:ds)
| v == d = mprepend d $ list vs ds
| otherwise = []
balanced :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Pattern a
balanced a b (d:ds)
| a == d = mprepend d $ balance 1 a b ds
| otherwise = []
balance 0 _ _ ds = [cmatch [] ds]
balance _ _ _ [] = []
balance l a b (d:ds) = mprepend d $ balance (offset d a b l) a b ds
offset d a b l
| d == a = l + 1
| d == b = l - 1
| otherwise = l
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Useful String-wise patterns
numeric = range '0' '9'
hexadecimal = numeric `orElse` range 'a' 'f' `orElse` range 'A' 'F'
lowercase = range 'a' 'z'
uppercase = range 'A' 'Z'
alpha = lowercase `orElse` uppercase
alphanumeric = alpha `orElse` numeric `orElse` anyOf "_-"
ascii = range ' ' '~'
whitespace = anyOf "\t\n\v\f\r "
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