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Forked from ffub/gist:1084424
Created December 20, 2012 19:46
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if (count($argv) <= 1) {
print("usage createMockup src_dir dst_dir images_dir\n");
print("\tsrc_dir : dir where all bmml file are\n");
print("\tdst_dir : dir where write all html files\n");
print("\timages_dir : dir where all export mockup png are (will be copied to the \$dst_dir/images directory)\n");
$src_dir = trim($argv[1],'/');
$dst_dir = trim($argv[2],'/');
$images_dir = trim($argv[3],'/');
$links = array();
function filter($value) {
$value = htmlentities($value, ENT_NOQUOTES);
$value = preg_replace('#\&([A-za-z])(?:acute|cedil|circ|grave|ring|tilde|uml)\;#', '\1', $value);
$value = preg_replace('#\&([A-za-z]{2})(?:lig)\;#', '\1', $value); // pour les ligatures e.g. 'œ'
return $value;
function cleanFileName($filename, $ext) {
$filename = str_replace(array('%20', ' '), '_', $filename);
$filename = filter($filename);
return str_replace('.bmml', '.'.$ext, $filename);
function crossControlList($controls, $x = 0, $y = 0) {
global $links;
foreach ($controls->children() as $control) {
$coords = array('x' => $x + $control['x'], 'y' => $y + $control['y']);
if (isset($control->groupChildrenDescriptors)) {
if (isset($control->controlProperties->map)) {
$hrefs = isset($control->controlProperties->hrefs) ? explode('%2C',$control->controlProperties->hrefs) : array($control->controlProperties->href);// array_pop($hrefs);
$maps = str_replace(array('&lt;','&gt;'),array('<','>'), filter(rawurldecode(((string)$control->controlProperties->map))));
$mapsxml = simplexml_load_string('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><map>'. $maps .'</map>');
foreach ($mapsxml->area as $area) {
$areacoords = explode(',',$area['coords']);
$href = rawurldecode($area['href']);
$listhref = explode('&bm;',$href);
echo "maps = ", $listhref[0], "\n";
$links[] = array(
'href' => $listhref[0],
'zOrder' => $control['zOrder'],
'x' => (string)$areacoords[0],
'y' => (string)$areacoords[1],
'w' => (string)$areacoords[2] - $areacoords[0],
'h' => (string)$areacoords[3] - $areacoords[1],
} elseif ($href = (string)$control->controlProperties->href) {
$href = rawurldecode($href);
$listhref = explode('&bm;',$href);
echo "href = ",$listhref[0], "\n";
$links[] = array(
'href' => $listhref[0].'.bmml',
'zOrder' => $control['zOrder'],
'x' => (string)$coords['x'],
'y' => (string)$coords['y'],
'w' => (string)$control['w'] != '-1' ? (string)$control['w'] : (string)$control['measuredW'],
'h' => (string)$control['h'] != '-1' ? (string)$control['h'] : (string)$control['measuredH']
function createHtml($filename, $links, $title = '',$dimensions) {
global $dst_dir, $images_dir;
$width = $dimensions[0];
$height = $dimensions[1];
$contents = '<html><title>'.(empty($title)?$filename:$title).'</title><style> body {position: relative; margin: 20px; } a:hover { background: #000000; opacity: 0.2; filter: alpha(opacity = 20); }</style><body>';
$contents .= '<div style="width: ' . $dimensions[0] . '; height: ' . $dimensions[1] . '; position: relative; background: no-repeat url(images/'.cleanFileName($filename,'png').')">&nbsp;';
foreach ($links as $key=>$link) {
$contents .= '<a style="display: block; width: '.$link['w'].'px; height: '.$link['h'].'px; position: absolute; left: '.($link['x']).'px; top: '.($link['y']).'px" href="'.cleanFileName($link['href'],'html').'">&nbsp;</a><br />';
$contents .= '</div></body></html>';
function sort_list($a,$b) {
return $b['zOrder'] < $a['zOrder'];
if (!file_exists($dst_dir)) {
echo "Create directory $dst_dir...\n";
if ($dh = opendir($src_dir.'/')) {
echo "Process mockup in $src_dir ...\n";
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
$links = array();
$filepath = $src_dir .'/'. $file;
$imagepath = $images_dir .'/'. str_replace('.bmml', '.png', $file);
if (filetype($filepath) == 'file' && substr($file, strlen($file) - 5) == ".bmml") {
echo "Process $file ...\n";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($filepath);
usort($links, "sort_list");
$browserWindowValues = $xml->xpath('//control[@controlTypeID="com.balsamiq.mockups::BrowserWindow"]/controlProperties/text');
if (count($browserWindowValues)) {
$browserWindowValue = explode("\n",rawurldecode($browserWindowValues[0]));
$title = $browserWindowValue[0];
else {
$title = str_replace('.bmml', '', $file);
echo "title = ", $title, "\n";
$dimensions = getimagesize($imagepath);
} else die ('Nie mo&#380;na otworzy&#263; katalogu src');
if ($dh = opendir($images_dir.'/')) {
echo "Process mockup images from $images_dir ...\n";
if (!file_exists($dst_dir .'/images')) {
echo "Create directory $dst_dir/images...\n";
mkdir($dst_dir .'/images');
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
$filepath = $images_dir .'/'. $file;
if (filetype($filepath) == 'file' && substr($file, strlen($file) - 4) == ".png") {
echo "Copy $file ...\n";
copy($filepath, $dst_dir .'/images/' . cleanFileName($file, 'png'));
} else die ('Nie mo&#380;na otworzy&#263; katalogu src');
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