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Created February 23, 2018 09:37
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# Puts a SuperGenPass in XA_PRIMARY hashed fom url in XA_PRIMARY or XA_CLIPBOARD
# and a password. xclip gets the url and Zenity gets user input. openssl hashes.
readonly length=15
readonly digest=md5
validHash() {
# Password should be hashed at least 10 times until it begins with
# lowercase and contains both uppercase and number characters.
[[ $i -ge 10 ]] &&
[[ "$hash" =~ (^[a-z].*) ]] &&
[[ "$hash" =~ ([A-Z]) ]] &&
[[ "$hash" =~ ([0-9]) ]]
validDomain() {
declare -l url
if [[ $domain == "" ]]; then
url="$(xclip -o)" #First run: get XA_PRIMARY
url="$(xclip -selection clipboard -o)" #Second run: Try with XA_CLIPBOARD
url="${url#*//}" # strip protocol
domain="${url%%/*}" # strip path, query, etc
regex="^.*\\..*$" # Contains a dot
if [[ "${domain}" =~ $regex ]]; then
regex="^.*\\..*\\..*$" # Contains two dots
if [[ "${domain}" =~ $regex ]]; then
domain="${domain#*.}" # Strip (first) subdomain
return 1 # No dots, probably not an url
if validDomain || validDomain; then
master=$(zenity --entry --hide-text --ok-label="Copy" --text="Password for ${domain}")||\
(echo "Input aborted" >&2; exit 1)
trap "unset master hash domain" EXIT 15 2 5 6
echo "Invalid url" >&2; exit 1
declare hash=$master:$domain
let i=0
until validHash
let "i++"
hash=$(echo -n "$hash" | openssl ${digest} -binary | openssl base64)
hash=${hash//+/9}; hash=${hash//\//8}; hash=${hash//=/A} # tr +/= 98A
echo ${hash:0:length}|xclip -i -l 1
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