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Last active November 14, 2022 12:58
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Code example: How to scrape the web with Playwright 3
// Import the playwright library into our scraper.
const playwright = require('playwright');
async function main() {
// Open a Chromium browser. We use headless: false
// to be able to watch what's going on.
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({
headless: false,
// Open a new page / tab in the browser.
const page = await browser.newPage({
bypassCSP: true, // This is needed to enable JavaScript execution on GitHub.
// Tell the tab to navigate to the GitHub Topics page.
await page.goto('');
// Click and tell Playwright to keep watching for more than
// 20 repository cards to appear in the page.
await'text=Load more');
await page.waitForFunction(() => {
const repoCards = document.querySelectorAll('article.border');
return repoCards.length > 20;
// Extract data from the page. Selecting all 'article' elements
// will return all the repository cards we're looking for.
const repos = await page.$$eval('article.border', (repoCards) => {
return => {
const [user, repo] = card.querySelectorAll('h3 a');
const stars = card.querySelector('#repo-stars-counter-star').getAttribute('title');
const description = card.querySelector('div.px-3 > p + div');
const topics = card.querySelectorAll('a.topic-tag');
const toText = (element) => element && element.innerText.trim();
const parseNumber = (text) => Number(text.replace(/,/g, ''));
return {
user: toText(user),
repo: toText(repo),
url: repo.href,
stars: parseNumber(stars),
description: toText(description),
topics: Array.from(topics).map((t) => toText(t)),
// Print the results. Nice!
console.log(`We extracted ${repos.length} repositories.`);
// Turn off the browser to clean up after ourselves.
await browser.close();
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