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Created January 2, 2022 18:25
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#!/usr/bin/env raku
=begin pod
=NAME auto_vid_conv
=VERSION 1.0.0
Scans current working directory and converts all unconverted mp4 files to specified resolution (e.g. 240p).
Converted files are detected by a prefix (e.g. C<240_>).
=item ffmpeg
=AUTHOR monnef
=end pod
# config
my $PREFIX = "240_";
my $RES_HEIGHT = 240;
my $RES_WIDTH = 428;
my $RES_BITRATE = "750k";
my $RES_MIN_BITRATE = "400k";
my $RES_MAX_BITRATE = "1000k";
my $BUF_SIZE = "1500k";
# config END
say "Starting [auto_vid_conv] by *monnef*.";
my @files = dir(test => { .IO.f && /:i '.' mp4 $/ }).map({ .IO.path }).sort;
say "All mp4 files ({ @files.elems }): " ~{ .raku }).join(", ");
my @valid_files = @files.grep({ !/^ $PREFIX/ }).grep({ @files ∌ ($PREFIX ~ $_) });
say "Valid files ({ @valid_files.elems }): " ~{ .raku }).join(", ");
my @files_with_errors;
for @valid_files.kv -> $i, $f {
my $new_name = $PREFIX ~ $f;
say("\n>> Processing file { $i + 1 }/{ @files.elems }: { $f.raku } -> { $new_name.raku }\n");
my $cmd = "ffmpeg -i \"$f\" -preset slow -codec:a aac -b:a 128k -codec:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v $RES_BITRATE -minrate $RES_MIN_BITRATE -maxrate $RES_MAX_BITRATE -bufsize $BUF_SIZE -vf \"scale=h={ $RES_WIDTH }:w={ $RES_HEIGHT }:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,crop='iw-mod(iw\,2)':'ih-mod(ih\,2)'\" \"$new_name\"";
say("Running command: $cmd");
my $res = shell($cmd);
$res.Bool unless @files_with_errors.push($f);
say("\n<< end of processing of { $f.raku }\n");
if @files_with_errors {
say("Completed run with ERRORS during processing of: " ~{ .raku }).join(", "));
} else {
say("Finished successfully.");
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