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Forked from anonymous/
Created August 2, 2016 11:10
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wmctrl -o 0,0
setsid gnome-terminal -t "PIPELINE" -e "ssh pipeline -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x15+0+0 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "API1" -e "ssh api1 -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x15+640+0 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "API2" -e "ssh api2 -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x15+1280+0 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "UI" -e "ssh ui -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x15+0+325 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "UI3" -e "ssh ui3 -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x15+640+325 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "MYSQL" -e "ssh mysql -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x15+1280+325 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "MYSQL-REPLICA-1" -e "ssh mysql-replica-1 -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x15+0+625 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "MYSQL-FAST-REPLICA" -e "ssh mysql-fast-replica -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x15+640+625 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "ALEXANDRIA" -e "ssh alexandria -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x15+1280+625 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "DATACLIENT" -e "ssh dataclient -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x14+0+960 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "ASSETS" -e "ssh assets -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x14+640+960 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "REDIS" -e "ssh redis -t \"htop\"" --geometry=71x14+1280+960 &
sleep 5
wmctrl -o 1920,0
setsid gnome-terminal -t "PIPELINE" -e "ssh pipeline -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+0+0 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "API1" -e "ssh api1 -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+510+0 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "API2" -e "ssh api2 -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+1020+0 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "UI" -e "ssh ui -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+0+255 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "UI3" -e "ssh ui3 -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+510+255 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "MYSQL" -e "ssh mysql -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+1020+255 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "MYSQL-REPLICA-1" -e "ssh mysql-replica-1 -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+0+485 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "MYSQL-FAST-REPLICA" -e "ssh mysql-fast-replica -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+510+485 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "ALEXANDRIA" -e "ssh alexandria -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+1020+485 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "DATACLIENT" -e "ssh dataclient -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+0+715 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "ASSETS" -e "ssh assets -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+510+715 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "REDIS" -e "ssh redis -t \"watch -n 300 df -h\"" --geometry=56x11+1020+715 &
sleep 5
wmctrl -o 0,1200
setsid gnome-terminal -t "API1 JAVA.LOG" -e "ssh api1 -t \"tail -f /srv/surechem-api/current/log/java.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+0 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "API1 PRODUCTION.LOG" -e "ssh api1 -t \"tail -f /srv/surechem-api/current/log/production.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+325 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "API2 JAVA.LOG" -e "ssh api2 -t \"tail -f /srv/surechem-api/current/log/java.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+625 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "API2 PRODUCTION.LOG" -e "ssh api2 -t \"tail -f /srv/surechem-api/current/log/production.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+960 &
sleep 5
wmctrl -o 1920,1200;
setsid gnome-terminal -t "PIPELINE ANNOTATOR.LOG" -e "ssh pipeline -t \"tail -f /srv/pipelinelogs/annotator-1.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+0 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "PIPELINE FILTERS.LOG" -e "ssh pipeline -t \"tail -f /srv/pipelinelogs/filters-1.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+325 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "PIPELINE NAME2STRUCT.LOG" -e "ssh pipeline -t \"tail -f /srv/pipelinelogs/name2struct-1.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+625 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "PIPELINE REAPER.LOG" -e "ssh pipeline -t \"tail -f /srv/pipelinelogs/reaper-1.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+960 &
wmctrl -o 0,0
setsid gnome-terminal -t "PIPELINE SHANDLERS.LOG" -e "ssh pipeline -t \"tail -f /srv/pipelinelogs/shandlers-1.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+0 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "PIPELINE ATT-REAPER.LOG" -e "ssh pipeline -t \"tail -f /srv/surechem-pipeline/shared/log/att-reaper.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+325 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "PIPELINE BATCH_MAPPER.LOG" -e "ssh pipeline -t \"tail -f /srv/surechem-pipeline/shared/log/batch-mapper.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+625 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "PIPELINE PIPELINE-REAPER-RESTART.LOG" -e "ssh pipeline -t \"tail -f /srv/surechem-pipeline/shared/log/pipeline-reaper-restart.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+960 &
sleep 5
wmctrl -o 1920,0
setsid gnome-terminal -t "PIPELINE WO-REPROCESS.LOG" -e "ssh pipeline -t \"tail -f /srv/surechem-pipeline/shared/log/wo-reprocess.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+0 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "MYSQL MYSQL-ERROR.LOG" -e "ssh mysql -t \"tail -f /srv2/mysql/mysql-error.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+325 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "ALEXANDRIA CLIENT-INDEX.LOG" -e "ssh alexandria -t \"tail -f /var/log/alexandria/alexandria-client-index.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+625 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "ALEXANDRIA CLIENT-UPDATE.LOG" -e "ssh alexandria -t \"tail -f /var/log/alexandria/alexandria-client-update.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+960 &
sleep 5
wmctrl -o 0,1200
setsid gnome-terminal -t "ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIA.LOG" -e "ssh alexandria -t \"tail -f /var/log/alexandria/alexandria.log | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+0 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIA.LOG" -e "ssh alexandria -t \"tail -f `/bin/ls -1td /var/log/alexandria/updates/update_*.log| /usr/bin/head -n1` | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+325 &
setsid gnome-terminal -t "ALEXANDRIA ALEXANDRIA.LOG" -e "ssh alexandria -t \"tail -f `/bin/ls -1td /var/log/alexandria/updates/update_*.log| /usr/bin/head -n1` | ccze\"" --geometry=215x15+640+625 &
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