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Created May 1, 2016 14:09
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" based on :
" assumes compile_commands.json is in the current working directory
function! s:Oclint ()
let out = system('oclint -p . '.expand("%"))
let errors = split(out, '\n')
let errors = map(errors,'split(v:val,":")')
let errors = filter(errors,'len(v:val) == 4')
let error_list = []
for e_list in errors
let error_list += [{'filename': e_list[0], 'lnum': e_list[1], 'col': e_list[2], 'text': e_list[3]}]
call setqflist(error_list, 'r')
command! Oclint call <SID>Oclint()
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