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dchest / randomString.js
Last active December 22, 2019 08:19
Generates cryptographically secure uniform random string in browsers and Node.js [IN DEVELOPMENT]
// randomString(length)
// --------------------
// Generates and returns a cryptographically secure
// uniform alphanumeric random string.
// Examples:
// randomString(14) // "oXYWpc1vODNR3M"
// randomString.hex(8) // "663c722b65943b9b"
zph / direnv.el
Last active March 30, 2017 16:29
(require 'cl-lib)
;; Depends on s.el
(defun direnv-data (dir)
;; TODO: use dir for folder or smart current-project-dir variable
(let ((cmd (concat "$SHELL -i -c '" "cd " dir " && direnv export bash'")))
(shell-command-to-string cmd)))
;;(direnv-data "~/src/direnv")
(defun commands-from-direnv (text)
peczenyj / README
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
This script creates one fuse filesystem with one file, cat.jpg, with a random kitten image (from
NEW! you can install via cpan:
1. you should install LWP::Simple and Fuse:Simple - use cpan or cpanm
2. you should configure the local fuse install to run as root or as common user
3. don't forget 'fusermount -u <mountpoint>' after finish the script
to install dependencies
you can use regular cpan OR cpanminus ( )