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Last active June 18, 2021 18:46
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  • Save mnyrop/5512ae4c5012c4825ea8cfd4e6c03cd0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mnyrop/5512ae4c5012c4825ea8cfd4e6c03cd0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


  1. Download and install Atom
  2. Make sure you have Docker and Git installed (instructions)
  3. Open Terminal (Mac) or GitBash (Windows) and run the following commands one at a time:
    a. git --version
    b. docker -v
    Each command should return some info with a number, e.g., Docker version 20.10.6, build 370c289
  4. Log into your GitHub account. (Or sign up if you don’t have one!)
  5. Head to the Wax repository and click “Use this Template” button (Green). It will prompt you to create a copy of the repository in your own account. You should name it after the collection or exhibition you’ll make, since this name will inform your free URL for the project with GitHub. For this example, our repository is called “my-wax-site”.
  6. On your own, new Wax repository page, click the Green “Code” button and copy the URL it provides to your clipboard, e.g,
  7. Open your Terminal/Shell application and change directory into where you’d like to work on your project, e.g., your Desktop:
    cd ~/Desktop
  8. Run the git clone command plus the link you copied on your clipboard in one line, e.g., git clone
  9. When the clone is complete, change directory into your newly cloned project folder, in our case:
    cd my-wax-site
  10. Open the project folder in atom manually or using the command
    atom .
  11. Look around at the files to get a rough sense of what we're working with.
  12. Build the minicomp/wax base Docker image: docker build -t minicomp/wax .
    *You should only have to do this once-ish!
  13. Create and access an interactive bash container from the image by running:
    docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/wax --name wax -p 4000:4000 minicomp/wax bash
    **if you have errors in GitBash, try:
    docker run -it --rm -v `pwd -W`:/wax --name wax -p 4000:4000 minicomp/wax bash
  14. Inside the container, update the dependencies by running:
    bundle update
  15. Check that you have the wax_tasks available by running:
    bundle exec rake --tasks
  16. Serve the site "locally" by running:
    bundle exec jekyll serve --host
  17. When the process is complete, open a browser (e.g., Firefox) and view the site at
  18. Open in Atom. At the very bottom, add some more text, like "testing" and save.
  19. Go back to your browser and refresh the page.
  20. Kill the server by holding Control-c while in Terminal/GitBash.
  21. Exit the container with the command exit

After / only once: 22. Log into GitHub on the Command line by running the following commands:
a. git config --global "Vlad Dracula" with the user name you signed up with
b. git config --global "vlad@tran.sylvan.ia" with the email you signed up with
23. Check that your email and username were added by running git config --list (you can exit after with Control-C)

When you re-enter your project, start with cd ~/Desktop/my-wax-site (or wherever your project is) and then Step 13!

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