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Created April 15, 2012 10:35
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;; AtCoder 過去問 : 001-B 【リモコン】
(defn- q001-b*
[A B]
(letfn [(loop- [a b d acc xs]
(zero? d) acc
(empty? xs) (+ acc d)
:else (let [[x & xs] xs
times (quot d x)
times' (inc times)
next-a (+ a (* x times))
next-a' (+ next-a x)
next-d (- b next-a)
next-d' (- next-a' b)]
(min (loop- next-a b next-d (+ acc times) xs)
(loop- b next-a' next-d' (+ acc times') xs)))))]
(if (< A B)
(loop- A B (- B A) 0 [10 5])
(loop- B A (- A B) 0 [10 5]))))
(defn q001-b
(let [xs (-> (read-line)
(clojure.string/split ,,, #"\s+"))
[A B] (map #(Long/parseLong %) xs)]
(println (q001-b* A B))))
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