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Created April 17, 2012 15:40
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;; AtCoder 過去問 : 001-C 【パズルのお手伝】
(use '[clojure.set :only (difference)])
(use '[clojure.math.combinatorics :only (permutations)])
(def ^{:private true} r8 (range 1 9))
(defn accession-pos-set
"座標 x y に置かれた Q の利き筋列挙"
[[x y]]
(->> (concat (map #(list x %) r8)
(map #(list % y) r8)
(->> (map #(list (+ x %) (+ y %)) r8)
(take-while (fn [[x y]] (and (<= x 8) (<= y 8)))))
(->> (map #(list (- x %) (+ y %)) r8)
(take-while (fn [[x y]] (and (> x 0) (<= y 8)))))
(->> (map #(list (+ x %) (- y %)) r8)
(take-while (fn [[x y]] (and (<= x 8) (> y 0)))))
(->> (map #(list (- x %) (- y %)) r8)
(take-while (fn [[x y]] (and (> x 0) (> y 0))))))
(into #{})))
(defn init-grid
[& args]
(->> (loop [[pos & args] args
grid (into #{} (for [x r8, y r8] [x y]))]
(cond (not pos) grid
(not (grid pos)) (throw (Exception. "No Answer"))
:else (recur args
(difference grid (accession-pos-set pos)))))
(group-by second)
(map (fn [[k v]] [k (map first v)]))
(into (apply sorted-map (mapcat (fn [[x y]] [y (list x)]) args)))))
(defn correct?
(loop [[x & xs] xs, s1 #{}, s2 #{}]
(not x) true
(or (s1 x) (s2 x)) false
:else (recur xs
(into #{} (map inc (conj s1 x)))
(into #{} (map dec (conj s2 x)))))))
(defn- perms
[coll & args]
(let [xs (into #{} (map first args))
coll (remove xs coll)]
(->> (permutations coll)
(map (fn [xs] (reduce (fn [c [x y]]
(let [[a b] (split-at (dec y) c)]
(concat a (cons x b))))
(defn q001-c*
[& args]
(let [xss (map #(into #{} (second %)) (apply init-grid args))]
(or (->> (apply perms r8 args)
(filter (fn [xs] (every? (complement nil?) (map #(%1 %2) xss xs))))
(filter correct?) ; 不要?
(throw (Exception. "No Answer2")))))
(defn read-input
(->> [r8 (repeatedly read-line)]
(apply mapcat (fn [y s] (map (fn [x c] [c x y]) r8 s)))
(filter #(-> % first (= \Q)))
(map rest)))
(defn to-grid
(let [s-join clojure.string/join
to-line (fn [n]
(s-join (concat (repeat (dec n) \.)
(repeat (- 8 n) \.))))]
(s-join \newline (map to-line xs))))
(defn q001-c
(->> (read-input) (apply q001-c*) to-grid)
(catch Exception e (.getMessage e)))))
;; 以下動作テスト
(defn run-test
[f & args]
(with-in-str (apply str (interpose "\n" args))
(println "【出力1】")
(time (run-test q001-c
(println "\n【出力2】")
(time (run-test q001-c
;; ------------------------------------------
;; 【出力1】
;; Q.......
;; ....Q...
;; .......Q
;; .....Q..
;; ..Q.....
;; ......Q.
;; .Q......
;; ...Q....
;; "Elapsed time: 11.903266 msecs"
;; 【出力2】
;; No Answer
;; "Elapsed time: 1.493405 msecs"
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