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Created April 18, 2012 12:51
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;; AtCoder 過去問 : 001-D 【レースゲーム】
(defn- read-input
(letfn [(read-num-pair
[] (->> (clojure.string/split (read-line) #"\s+")
(map #(Long/parseLong %))))
[n] (repeatedly n read-num-pair))]
(let [N (Long/parseLong (read-line))
[[x0 xn] & coll] (read-num-pairs (inc N))]
[N x0 xn (rest (map list (range) coll))])))
(defn- search-path
[N x0 xn pss]
(let [[path & _] (reduce (fn [[acc xa ya da :as v] [y [xl xr]]]
(let [dl (- xl xn)]
(if (> dl da)
[(conj acc [xl y]), xl y dl]
(let [dr (- xr xn)]
(if (< dr da)
[(conj acc [xr y]), xr y dr]
[[[x0 0]] x0 0 (- x0 xn)]
(conj path [xn N])))
(defn- calc-length
(->> (partition 2 1 path)
(reduce (fn [acc [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]]
(let [dx (- x1 x2)
dy (- y1 y2)]
(+ acc (Math/sqrt (double (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))))))
(defn q001-d
(println (->> (read-input)
(apply search-path)
;; ------------------------------------------
;; 以下動作確認用
;; ------------------------------------------
(defn run-test
[f & args]
(with-in-str (apply str (interpose "\n" args))
(println "【出力1】")
(run-test q001-d
"3 3"
"2 5"
"4 6"
"2 3"
"3 6"
"3 4"
"4 6"
"2 5"
"1 5")
(println "\n【出力2】")
(run-test q001-d
"3 3"
"0 5"
"0 5"
"0 5"
"0 5"
"0 5"
"0 5"))
;; ------------------------------------------
;; 結果
;; ------------------------------------------
;; 【出力1】
;; 8.22677276241436
;; 【出力2】
;; 5.0
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