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Last active November 21, 2015 22:56
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  • Save mo6020/de3c040fa0747fe62c1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mo6020/de3c040fa0747fe62c1f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Ed Morgan []
# version 1.2
# 11/09/2015
# Install Hombrew first!
# Make sure we’re using the latest Homebrew
echo "Updating brews..."
brew update
# Upgrade any already installed brews
echo "Upgrading..."
brew upgrade
# Install GNU core utilities
echo "And away we go..."
brew install coreutils
echo "Don’t forget to add $(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin to \$PATH."
# Install GNU `find`, `locate`, `updatedb`, and `xargs`, g-prefixed
brew install findutils
# Install Additional Shells
brew install bash
brew install oh-my-zsh
# Install wget with IRI support
brew install wget --enable-iri
# Install other useful binaries
brew install ack
brew install git
brew install rename
brew install tree
brew install tmux
brew install vim
# Install native apps
brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
function installcask() {
if brew cask info "${@}" | grep "Not installed" > /dev/null; then
brew cask install "${@}"
echo "${@} is already installed."
installcask 1password
installcask bartender
installcask crashplan
installcask disk-inventory-x
installcask dropbox
installcask dropletmanager
installcask evernote
installcask flux
installcask github
installcask google-chrome
installcask iterm2
installcask knock
installcask lastfm
installcask macid
installcask macvim
installcask onyx
installcask skype
installcask slack
installcask sophos-anti-virus-home-edition
installcask spotify
installcask sublime-text
installcask the-unarchiver
installcask transmit
installcask transmission
installcask unetbootin
installcask vlc
installcask viscosity
installcask vmware-fusion
# Remove outdated versions from the cellar
brew cleanup
echo "MacBook base build complete - install Office365, Tweetbot, Disk App, Simple Note, Wunderlist, and Pocket to complete install."
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