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AtomicParsley - Help page for setting iTunes-style metadata into MPEG-4 files

Help page for setting iTunes-style metadata into MPEG-4 files.

atomicparsley [mp4FILE]... [OPTION]... [ARGUMENT]... [ [OPTION2]...[ARGUMENT2]...] 
atomicparsley video.mp4 -e ~/Desktop/pix
atomicparsley video.mp4 --podcastURL "" --tracknum 45/356
atomicparsley video.mp4 --copyright "℗ © 2006"
atomicparsley video.mp4 --year "2006-07-27T14:00:43Z" --purchaseDate timestamp
atomicparsley video.mp4 --sortOrder artist "Mighty Dub Cats, The"


Extract any pictures in user data covr atoms to separate files

--extractPix       ,  -E                     Extract to same folder (basename derived from file).
--extractPixToPath ,  -e  (/path/basename)   Extract to specific path (numbers added to basename).
                                             example: --e ~/Desktop/SomeText
                                             gives: SomeText_artwork_1.jpg  SomeText_artwork_2.png
                                             Note: extension comes from embedded image file format

Tag settings

--artist           ,  -a   (str)    Set the artist tag: "moov.udta.meta.ilst.©"
--title            ,  -s   (str)    Set the title tag: "moov.udta.meta.ilst.©"
--album            ,  -b   (str)    Set the album tag: "moov.udta.meta.ilst.©"
--genre            ,  -g   (str)    Set the genre tag: "©gen" (custom) or "gnre" (standard).
                                        see the standard list with "AtomicParsley --genre-list"
--tracknum         ,  -k   (num)[/tot]  Set the track number (or track number & total tracks).
--disk             ,  -d   (num)[/tot]  Set the disk number (or disk number & total disks).
--comment          ,  -c   (str)    Set the comment tag: "moov.udta.meta.ilst.©"
--year             ,  -y   (num|UTC)    Set the year tag: "moov.udta.meta.ilst.©"
                                        set with UTC "2006-09-11T09:00:00Z" for Release Date
--lyrics           ,  -l   (str)    Set the lyrics tag: "moov.udta.meta.ilst.©"
--lyricsFile       ,       (/path)  Set the lyrics tag to the content of a file
--composer         ,  -w   (str)    Set the composer tag: "moov.udta.meta.ilst.©"
--copyright        ,  -x   (str)    Set the copyright tag: ""
--grouping         ,  -G   (str)    Set the grouping tag: "moov.udta.meta.ilst.©"
--artwork          ,  -A   (/path)  Set a piece of artwork (jpeg or png) on ""
                                        Note: multiple pieces are allowed with more --artwork args
--bpm              ,  -B   (num)    Set the tempo/bpm tag: ""
--albumArtist      ,  -A   (str)    Set the album artist tag: ""
--compilation      ,  -C   (bool)   Sets the "cpil" atom (true or false to delete the atom)
--hdvideo          ,  -V   (bool)   Sets the "hdvd" atom (true or false to delete the atom)
--advisory         ,  -y   (1of3)   Sets the iTunes lyrics advisory ('remove', 'clean', 'explicit') 
--stik             ,  -S   (1of7)   Sets the iTunes "stik" atom (--stik "remove" to delete) 
                                         "Movie", "Normal", "TV Show" .... others: 
                                         see the full list with "AtomicParsley --stik-list"
                                         or set in an integer value with --stik value=(num)
                                    Note: --stik Audiobook will change file extension to '.m4b'
--description      ,  -p   (str)    Sets the description on the "desc" atom
--Rating           ,       (str)    Sets the Rating on the "rate" atom
--longdesc         ,  -j   (str)    Sets the long description on the "ldes" atom
--storedesc        ,       (str)    Sets the iTunes store description on the "sdes" atom
--TVNetwork        ,  -n   (str)    Sets the TV Network name on the "tvnn" atom
--TVShowName       ,  -H   (str)    Sets the TV Show name on the "tvsh" atom
--TVEpisode        ,  -I   (str)    Sets the TV Episode on "tven":"209", but it is a string: "209 Part 1"
--TVSeasonNum      ,  -U   (num)    Sets the TV Season number on the "tvsn" atom
--TVEpisodeNum     ,  -N   (num)    Sets the TV Episode number on the "tves" atom
--podcastFlag      ,  -f   (bool)   Sets the podcast flag (values are "true" or "false")
--category         ,  -q   (str)    Sets the podcast category; typically a duplicate of its genre
--keyword          ,  -K   (str)    Sets the podcast keyword; invisible to MacOSX Spotlight
--podcastURL       ,  -L   (URL)    Set the podcast feed URL on the "purl" atom
--podcastGUID      ,  -J   (URL)    Set the episode's URL tag on the "egid" atom
--purchaseDate     ,  -D   (UTC)    Set Universal Coordinated Time of purchase on a "purd" atom
                                     (use "timestamp" to set UTC to now; can be akin to id3v2 TDTG tag)
--encodingTool     ,       (str)    Set the name of the encoder on the "©too" atom
--encodedBy        ,       (str)    Set the name of the Person/company who encoded the file on the "©enc" atom
--apID             ,  -Y   (str)    Set the name of the Account Name on the "apID" atom
--cnID             ,       (num)    Set iTunes Catalog ID, used for combining SD and HD encodes in iTunes on the "cnID" atom

                                    To combine you must set "hdvd" atom on one file and must have same "stik" on both file
                                    Must not use "stik" of value Home Video(0), use Movie(9)

                                    iTunes Catalog numbers can be obtained by finding the item in the iTunes Store.  Once item
                                    is found in the iTunes Store right click on picture of item and select copy link.  Paste this link
                                    into a document or web browser to display the catalog number ID.

                                    An example link for the video Street Kings is:
                                    Here you can see the cnID is 278743714

                                    Alternatively you can use iMDB numbers, however these will not match the iTunes catalog.

--geID             ,       (num)    Set iTunes Genre ID.  This does not necessarily have to match genre.
                                    See --genre-movie-id-list and --genre-tv-id-list

--xID              ,       (str)    Set iTunes vendor-supplied xID, used to allow iTunes LPs and iTunes Extras to interact 
                                          with other content in your iTunes Library
--gapless          ,       (bool)   Sets the gapless playback flag for a track in a gapless album
--sortOrder    (type)      (str)    Sets the sort order string for that type of tag.
                                     (available types are: "name", "artist", "albumartist",
                                      "album", "composer", "show")

Except for artwork, only 1 of each tag is allowed; artwork allows multiple pieces.

Tags that carry text (str) have a limit of 255 utf8 characters; however lyrics and long descriptions have no limit.

Delete a single atom

Set the tag to null (except artwork)

--artist "" --lyrics ""
--artwork REMOVE_ALL 
--metaEnema        ,  -P            Douches away every atom under "moov.udta.meta.ilst" 
--foobar2000Enema  ,  -2            Eliminates foobar2000's non-compliant so-out-o-spec tagging scheme
--manualAtomRemove "some.atom.path" where some.atom.path can be:
    keys to using manualAtomRemove: or ilst.ATOM target an iTunes-style metadata tag
       ATOM:lang=foo               target an atom with this language setting; like 3gp assets[foo]        target a reverseDNS metadata tag; like iTunNORM
                                   Note: these atoms show up with 'AP -t' as: Atom "----" [foo]
                                       'foo' is actually carried on the 'name' atom
       ATOM[x]                     target an atom with an index other than 1; like trak[2]
       ATOM.uuid=hex-hex-hex-hex   targt a uuid atom with the uuid of hex string representation
  examples:[iTunNORM]      moov.trak[3].cprt:lang=urd

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