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Last active December 26, 2015 03:19
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Popular character repeat patterns

The above 13 character repeat patterns account for 50% of English words (117893 of 235786 words, using nltk's corpus.words).

name desc value
AABCDEFG occident 13155
AABCDEFGH milkgrass 11979
AABCDEF crowtoe 11021
AABBCDEFGH improperly 10006
AABBCDEFG upsitting 9699
ABCDEF larigo 8459
AABCDEFGHI wantonlike 8330
ABCDEFG dogface 8225
AABBCDEFGHI overcleanly 7915
AABCDE bleery 7362
AABBCDEF milliare 6661
ABCDE sixer 6647
ABCDEFGH nailshop 6336
AABBCDEFGHIJ excursionism 4776
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