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Created February 29, 2024 20:56
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#Written by Dr. Hicham Badri @Mobius Labs GmbH - 2023
import torch, copy
import numpy as np
from .utils import *
from .optimize import *
from .bitpack import BitPack
from tqdm import tqdm
from termcolor import colored
#Main HQQ Quantizer
class Quantizer:
SUPPORTED_BITS = [8, 4, 3, 2, 1]
optimize_weights = optimize_weights_proximal
bit_to_packing = {8:'8bit_u8', 4:'4bit_u8', 3:'3bit_32', 2:'2bit_u8', 1:'1bit_u8'}
pack = {'8bit_u8':BitPack.pack_8bit_u8,
unpack = {'8bit_u8':BitPack.unpack_8bit_u8,
unpack_view_dtype = {'8bit_u8':torch.uint8,
def quantize(cls, tensor, nbits=4, channel_wise=True, group_size=64, optimize=False, round_zero=False, axis=0, bitpack=True, compute_dtype=None, view_as_float=False):
assert nbits in Quantizer.SUPPORTED_BITS, "nbits=" + str(nbits) + " not supported."
assert axis in [0, 1], "axis should be either 0 or 1"
if(group_size is not None):
assert is_divisible(tensor.numel(), group_size), "group_size should be divisble by the total tensor dimensions. shape: " + str(tensor.shape) + ", group_size: " + str(group_size)
W = tensor.float()
shape = W.shape
#Reshape for grouping
if((group_size is not None) and channel_wise):
W = W.reshape([-1, group_size]) if (axis==1) else W.reshape([group_size, -1])
#Get min/max values
_min, _max = W.min(), W.max()
optimize = False
_min = W.min(axis=axis, keepdim=True)[0]
_max = W.max(axis=axis, keepdim=True)[0]
max_v = 2**nbits - 1
min_v = 0
min_max = [min_v, max_v]
#Note: here we work with the inverse of the scale to avoid division and quantize instead via W*scale + zero, the scale is inverted later on.
scale = (max_v/(_max - _min)).clamp(max=2e4) #clamp to avoid half-precision problems
zero = -_min*scale
#Round zero as in:
if(round_zero): zero = torch.round(zero)
#Fine-tune weights
if(optimize): scale, zero = Quantizer.optimize_weights(tensor=W, scale=scale, zero=zero, min_max=min_max, axis=axis)
scale, zero = scale.clone(), zero.clone() #Necessary for fake quantization backprop
W_q = torch.round(W*scale + zero).clamp(min_max[0], min_max[1])
#Store meta-data (we invert the scale for dequantization)
meta = {'nbits':nbits, 'group_size':group_size, 'shape':shape, 'scale':1./scale, 'zero':zero, 'axis':axis, 'packing':Quantizer.bit_to_packing[nbits]}
meta['unpack_view_dtype'] = Quantizer.unpack_view_dtype[meta['packing']]
#Pack bits
meta['view_as_float'] = view_as_float
W_q = Quantizer.pack[meta['packing']](W_q)
if view_as_float: W_q = W_q.view(torch.float32 if compute_dtype is None else compute_dtype) # store quantized weights as compute_dtype
W_q =
meta['packing'] = None
del W, _min, _max
return W_q, meta
#Main dequantization: bit_unpacking > (W_q - z)*s > reshape
def dequantize(cls, W_q, meta):
compute_dtype = meta['compute_dtype'] if ('compute_dtype' in meta) else torch.float16
if meta['view_as_float']: W_q = W_q.view(meta['unpack_view_dtype'])
W_r = Quantizer.unpack[meta['packing']](W_q).to(compute_dtype)
if((meta['group_size'] is not None) and (meta['nbits']==3)):
W_r = W_r[:meta['group_size']] if (meta['axis']==0) else W_r[:,:meta['group_size']]
W_r =
W_r = ((W_r - meta['zero'])*meta['scale']).reshape(meta['shape'])
return W_r
def to_inplace(cls, W_q, meta, device):
compute_dtype = meta['compute_dtype'] if ('compute_dtype' in meta) else torch.float16
if(W_q is not None):
W_q =
for key in meta:
meta[key] = (meta[key].to(compute_dtype) if torch.is_floating_point(meta[key]) else meta[key]).to(device).contiguous()
return W_q, meta
def to_ooplace(cls, W_q, meta, device):
compute_dtype = meta['compute_dtype'] if ('compute_dtype' in meta) else torch.float16
if(W_q is not None):
W_q_c =
W_q_c = None
meta_c = {}
for key in meta:
meta_c[key] = (meta[key].to(compute_dtype) if torch.is_floating_point(meta[key]) else meta[key]).to(device).contiguous()
meta_c[key] = meta[key]
return W_q_c, meta_c
def cuda(cls, W_q, meta, device_n=0):
return Quantizer.to_inplace(W_q, meta, device='cuda:' + str(device_n))
def cpu(cls, W_q, meta):
return Quantizer.to_ooplace(W_q, meta, device='cpu')
#Main linear layer
import hqq_aten
print(colored('hqq_aten package available. Set backend to HQQBackend.ATEN for faster inference and HQQBackend.ATEN_BACKPROP for faster training!', 'cyan'))
hqq_aten = None
from enum import Enum
class HQQBackend(Enum):
#Name of the forward functions
PYTORCH = "forward_pytorch"
PYTORCH_COMPILE = "forward_pytorch_compile"
PYTORCH_BACKPROP = "forward_pytorch_backprop"
PYTORCH_BACKPROP_COMPILE = "forward_pytorch_backprop_compile"
ATEN = "forward_aten"
ATEN_BACKPROP = "forward_aten_backprop"
#No cache: less memory, slower
class HQQMatmulNoCacheDeq(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(x, dequantize, bias):
out = torch.matmul(x, dequantize().t())
if(bias!=None): out += bias
return out
def setup_context(ctx, inputs, outputs):
x, dequantize, bias = inputs
ctx.save_for_backward(x, bias)
ctx.dequantize = dequantize
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
x, bias = ctx.saved_tensors
dtype_out = grad_output.dtype
grad_input = grad_weight = grad_bias = None
if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
grad_input = torch.matmul(grad_output, ctx.dequantize())
# weight grad for frozen quantized weights not defined
# if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
# grad_weight = torch.matmul(grad_output.t(), x)
if bias is not None and ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
grad_bias = grad_output.sum(0)
return grad_input, grad_weight, grad_bias
class HQQMatmulNoCacheMul(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(x, matmul, bias):
out = matmul(x, transpose=True)
if(bias!=None): out += bias
return out
def setup_context(ctx, inputs, outputs):
x, matmul, bias = inputs
ctx.save_for_backward(x, bias)
ctx.matmul = matmul
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
x, bias = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_input = grad_weight = grad_bias = None
if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
grad_input = ctx.matmul(grad_output, transpose=False)
# weight grad for frozen quantized weights not defined
# if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
# grad_weight = torch.matmul(grad_output.t(), x)
if bias is not None and ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
grad_bias = grad_output.sum(0)
return grad_input, grad_weight, grad_bias
#Cache dequantized tensor: Faster but needs more memory
class HQQMatmulCachedDeq(torch.autograd.Function):
def forward(ctx, x, hqq_layer, bias):
weight_tmp = hqq_layer.dequantize()
out = torch.matmul(x, weight_tmp.t())
if(bias!=None): out += bias
ctx.save_for_backward(x, bias, weight_tmp)
return out
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
x, bias, weight_tmp = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_input = grad_weight = grad_bias = None
if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
grad_input = torch.matmul(grad_output, weight_tmp)
del weight_tmp
if bias is not None and ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
grad_bias = grad_output.sum(0)
return grad_input, grad_weight, grad_bias
#Main linear layer
class HQQLinear(torch.nn.Module):
backend = HQQBackend.PYTORCH #Default
def __init__(self, linear_layer, quant_config, del_orig=True, compute_dtype=torch.float16, device_n=0, initialize=True):
self.ready = False
self.in_gpu = False
self.device = None
self.bias = None
self.device_n = device_n
self.compute_dtype = compute_dtype
self.quant_config = copy.deepcopy(quant_config)
self.del_orig = del_orig
self.offload_meta = self.quant_config.pop('offload_meta') if (self.quant_config is not None) else None
self.set_backend(HQQLinear.backend) #Default backend
self.linear_layer = linear_layer
if(initialize): self.initialize()
def initialize(self):
if(self.linear_layer is not None):
self.quantize(, **self.quant_config)
self.bias = None if (self.linear_layer.bias==None) else
if(self.del_orig): del self.linear_layer
#Set backends
def set_backend(cls, backend: HQQBackend):
HQQLinear.backend = backend
cls.forward = getattr(cls, backend.value)
#TODO: rewrite this mess
def cuda(self, device_n=0):
if(self.in_gpu): return
self.meta['compute_dtype'] = self.compute_dtype
self.W_q, self.meta = Quantizer.cuda(self.W_q, self.meta, device_n)
self.meta['zero_q'] , self.meta['meta_zero'] = Quantizer.cuda(self.meta['zero_q'], self.meta['meta_zero'], device_n)
self.meta['scale_q'] , self.meta['meta_scale'] = Quantizer.cuda(self.meta['scale_q'], self.meta['meta_scale'], device_n)
if(self.meta['quant_scale'] and self.meta['quant_zero']):
self.meta['zero_scale'] = torch.stack((self.meta['zero_q'], self.meta['scale_q']))
del self.meta['scale_q'], self.meta['zero_q']
self.meta['zero_scale'] = torch.stack((self.meta['zero'], self.meta['scale'])).to(self.compute_dtype)
del self.meta['scale'], self.meta['zero']
self.meta['zero_scale'] = self.meta['zero_scale'].contiguous().cpu()
if(self.bias is not None):
self.bias =
self.W_q = torch.nn.Parameter(self.W_q, requires_grad=False)
self.device = self.W_q.device
self.in_gpu = True
def to(self, *args, **kwargs):
def half(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self
def state_dict(self):
return {'W_q':self.W_q, 'meta':self.meta, 'bias':self.bias}
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict):
self.W_q = state_dict['W_q']
self.meta = state_dict['meta']
self.bias = state_dict['bias'] if ('bias' in state_dict) else None
#Float view settings
if('unpack_view_dtype' not in self.meta):
self.meta['unpack_view_dtype'] = Quantizer.unpack_view_dtype[self.meta['packing']]
if('view_as_float' not in self.meta):
self.meta['view_as_float'] = False
if('meta_scale' in self.meta):
if('view_as_float' not in self.meta['meta_scale']):
self.meta['meta_scale']['view_as_float'] = False
if('meta_zero' in self.meta):
if('view_as_float' not in self.meta['meta_zero']):
self.meta['meta_zero']['view_as_float'] = False
#Check GPU
self.in_gpu = self.W_q.device.type == 'cuda'
if('zero' in self.meta):
self.meta['zero'] = self.meta['zero'].to(self.compute_dtype)
if('scale' in self.meta):
self.meta['scale'] = self.meta['scale'].to(self.compute_dtype)
if(('zero_scale' in self.meta) and (self.meta['quant_scale']==False) and (self.meta['zero_scale']==False)):
self.meta['zero_scale'] = self.meta['zero_scale'].to(self.compute_dtype)
self.ready = True
def quantize(self, W, weight_quant_params, scale_quant_params, zero_quant_params):
quant_scale = scale_quant_params is not None
quant_zero = zero_quant_params is not None
self.in_features, self.out_features = W.t().shape
W_q , meta = Quantizer.quantize(W, compute_dtype=self.compute_dtype, **weight_quant_params)
meta.update({'quant_scale':quant_scale, 'quant_zero':quant_zero})
meta['zero_q'], meta['meta_zero'] = Quantizer.quantize(meta['zero'], view_as_float=False, **zero_quant_params); del meta['zero']
meta['meta_zero']['compute_dtype'] = self.compute_dtype
meta['scale_q'] , meta['meta_scale'] = Quantizer.quantize(meta['scale'], view_as_float=False, **scale_quant_params); del meta['scale']
meta['meta_scale']['compute_dtype'] = self.compute_dtype
self.W_q = W_q
self.meta = meta
self.ready = True
def dequantize(self):
assert self.ready, "model was not quantized"
W_q, meta = self.W_q, self.meta
del_keys = []
if('zero_scale' in meta):
zero_scale = meta['zero_scale'].to(self.W_q.device)
meta['zero_q'] = zero_scale[0]; del_keys.append('zero_q');
meta['scale_q'] = zero_scale[1]; del_keys.append('scale_q');
meta['zero'] = zero_scale[0]; del_keys.append('zero');
meta['scale'] = zero_scale[1]; del_keys.append('scale');
meta['zero'] = Quantizer.dequantize(meta['zero_q'], meta['meta_zero']); del_keys.append('zero')
meta['scale'] = Quantizer.dequantize(meta['scale_q'], meta['meta_scale']); del_keys.append('scale')
W_est = Quantizer.dequantize(W_q, meta)
for key in del_keys: del meta[key]
return W_est
def matmul(self, x, transpose=True):
weight = self.dequantize()
return torch.matmul(x, weight.t() if (transpose) else weight)
def matmul_compile(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.matmul(*args, **kwargs)
def forward_pytorch_backprop(self, x):
return HQQMatmulNoCacheMul.apply(x, self.matmul, self.bias)
def forward_pytorch_backprop_compile(self, x):
return HQQMatmulNoCacheMul.apply(x, self.matmul_compile, self.bias)
def forward_pytorch(self, x):
out = torch.matmul(x, self.dequantize().t())
if(self.bias is not None):
out += self.bias
return out
def forward_pytorch_compile(self, x):
return self.forward_pytorch(x)
#Requires building the aten backend
def dequantize_Wq_aten(self, W_q, meta):
if meta['view_as_float']: W_q = W_q.view(meta['unpack_view_dtype'])
return hqq_aten.dequantize(W_q, meta['scale'], meta['zero'], meta['shape'], meta['group_size'] if (meta['group_size']) else -1, meta['nbits'], meta['axis'], meta['packing'])
def dequantize_aten(self):
assert self.ready, "model was not quantized"
W_q, meta = self.W_q, self.meta
del_keys = []
if('zero_scale' in meta):
zero_scale = meta['zero_scale'].to(self.W_q.device)
meta['zero_q'] = zero_scale[0]; del_keys.append('zero_q');
meta['scale_q'] = zero_scale[1]; del_keys.append('scale_q');
meta['zero'] = zero_scale[0]; del_keys.append('zero');
meta['scale'] = zero_scale[1]; del_keys.append('scale');
meta['scale'] = self.dequantize_Wq_aten(meta['scale_q'], meta['meta_scale']); del_keys.append('scale')
meta['scale'] = Quantizer.dequantize(meta['scale_q'], meta['meta_scale']); del_keys.append('scale')
meta['zero'] = self.dequantize_Wq_aten(meta['zero_q'], meta['meta_zero']); del_keys.append('zero')
meta['zero'] = Quantizer.dequantize(meta['zero_q'], meta['meta_zero']); del_keys.append('zero')
W_est = self.dequantize_Wq_aten(W_q, meta)
for key in del_keys: del meta[key]
return W_est
def forward_aten(self, x):
W_est = self.dequantize_aten()
out = torch.matmul(x, W_est.t())
if(self.bias is not None):
out += self.bias
return out
def forward_aten_backprop(self, x):
return HQQMatmulNoCacheDeq.apply(x, self.dequantize_aten, self.bias)
# def forward_aten(self, x):
# empt = torch.empty([0])
# W_q = self.W_q
# meta = self.meta
# bias = self.bias
# W_q, W_s, W_z = W_q, empt if (meta['quant_scale']) else meta['scale'], empt if (meta['quant_zero']) else meta['zero']
# W_shape, W_group_size = meta['shape'], meta['group_size']
# W_nbits, W_axis, W_packing = meta['nbits'], meta['axis'], meta['packing']
# if(meta['quant_scale']):
# S_q, S_s, S_z = meta['scale_q'], meta['meta_scale']['scale'], meta['meta_scale']['zero']
# S_shape, S_group_size = meta['meta_scale']['shape'], meta['meta_scale']['group_size']
# S_nbits, S_axis, S_packing = meta['meta_scale']['nbits'], meta['meta_scale']['axis'], meta['meta_scale']['packing']
# else:
# S_q, S_s, S_z = empt, empt, empt
# S_shape, S_group_size = meta['shape'], -1
# S_nbits, S_axis, S_packing = -1, 0, ""
# if(meta['quant_zero']):
# Z_q, Z_s, Z_z = meta['zero_q'], meta['meta_zero']['scale'], meta['meta_zero']['zero']
# Z_shape, Z_group_size = meta['meta_zero']['shape'], meta['meta_zero']['group_size']
# Z_nbits, Z_axis, Z_packing = meta['meta_zero']['nbits'], meta['meta_zero']['axis'], meta['meta_zero']['packing']
# else:
# S_q, S_s, S_z = empt, empt, empt
# S_shape, S_group_size = meta['shape'], -1
# S_nbits, S_axis, S_packing = -1, 0, ""
# S_group_size = 0 if (S_group_size==None) else S_group_size
# Z_group_size = 0 if (Z_group_size==None) else Z_group_size
# args = [x, bias if (bias is not None) else empt,
# W_q, W_s, W_z, W_shape, W_group_size, W_nbits, W_axis, W_packing,
# S_q, S_s, S_z, S_shape, S_group_size, S_nbits, S_axis, S_packing,
# Z_q, Z_s, Z_z, Z_shape, Z_group_size, Z_nbits, Z_axis, Z_packing]
# return hqq_aten.forward_with_quant(*args)
def hqq_base_quant_config(nbits=4, group_size=64, quant_zero=True, quant_scale=False, offload_meta=False, view_as_float=False):
assert nbits in Quantizer.SUPPORTED_BITS, "nbits value not supported. Check Quantizer.SUPPORTED_BITS."
if(group_size is not None):
assert is_divisible(group_size, 8), "Invalid group_size param: the value should be a multiple of 8."
weight_quant_params = {'nbits':nbits,'channel_wise':True, 'group_size':group_size, 'optimize':True, 'round_zero':True if nbits==4 else False, 'view_as_float':view_as_float}
print(colored("quant_zero and quant_scale must be the same when offload_meta is set to True. Setting quant_scale=quant_zero." , 'yellow'))
quant_scale = quant_zero
scale_quant_params = {'nbits':8, 'channel_wise':True, 'group_size':128, 'optimize':False} if (quant_scale) else None
zero_quant_params = {'nbits':8, 'channel_wise':True, 'group_size':128, 'optimize':False} if (quant_zero) else None
scale_quant_params = {'nbits':8, 'channel_wise':True, 'group_size':128, 'optimize':False} if (quant_scale) else None
zero_quant_params = {'nbits':8, 'channel_wise':False, 'group_size':None, 'optimize':False} if (quant_zero) else None
return {'weight_quant_params':weight_quant_params, 'scale_quant_params':scale_quant_params, 'zero_quant_params':zero_quant_params, 'offload_meta':offload_meta}
#Alias: follow similar Auto-GPTQ naming
BaseQuantizeConfig = hqq_base_quant_config
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