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Created December 1, 2010 02:56
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Lisp interpreter in 200 lines
// Scheme Interpreter in 90 lines of C++ (not counting lines after the first 90).
// Inspired by Peter Norvig's
// Copyright (c) 2010 Anthony C. Hay. This program leaks memory.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <stdlib.h>
// return given mumber as a string
std::string str(long n) { std::ostringstream os; os << n; return os.str(); }
// return true iff given character is '0'..'9'
bool isdig(char c) { return isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)) != 0; }
////////////////////// cell
enum cell_type { Symbol, Number, List, Proc, Lambda };
struct environment; // forward declaration; cell and environment reference each other
// a variant that can hold any kind of lisp value
struct cell {
typedef cell (*proc_type)(const std::vector<cell> &);
typedef std::vector<cell>::const_iterator iter;
typedef std::map<std::string, cell> map;
cell_type type; std::string val; std::vector<cell> list; proc_type proc; environment * env;
cell(cell_type type = Symbol) : type(type), env(0) {}
cell(cell_type type, const std::string & val) : type(type), val(val), env(0) {}
cell(proc_type proc) : type(Proc), proc(proc), env(0) {}
typedef std::vector<cell> cells;
typedef cells::const_iterator cellit;
const cell false_sym(Symbol, "#f");
const cell true_sym(Symbol, "#t"); // anything that isn't false_sym is true
const cell nil(Symbol, "nil");
////////////////////// environment
// a dictionary that (a) associates symbols with cells, and
// (b) can chain to an "outer" dictionary
struct environment {
environment(environment * outer = 0) : outer_(outer) {}
environment(const cells & parms, const cells & args, environment * outer)
: outer_(outer)
cellit a = args.begin();
for (cellit p = parms.begin(); p != parms.end(); ++p)
env_[p->val] = *a++;
// map a variable name onto a cell
typedef std::map<std::string, cell> map;
// return a reference to the innermost environment where 'var' appears
map & find(const std::string & var)
if (env_.find(var) != env_.end())
return env_; // the symbol exists in this environment
if (outer_)
return outer_->find(var); // attempt to find the symbol in some "outer" env
std::cout << "unbound symbol '" << var << "'\n";
// return a reference to the cell associated with the given symbol 'var'
cell & operator[] (const std::string & var)
return env_[var];
map env_; // inner symbol->cell mapping
environment * outer_; // next adjacent outer env, or 0 if there are no further environments
////////////////////// built-in primitive procedures
cell proc_add(const cells & c)
long n(atol(c[0].val.c_str()));
for (cellit i = c.begin()+1; i != c.end(); ++i) n += atol(i->val.c_str());
return cell(Number, str(n));
cell proc_sub(const cells & c)
long n(atol(c[0].val.c_str()));
for (cellit i = c.begin()+1; i != c.end(); ++i) n -= atol(i->val.c_str());
return cell(Number, str(n));
cell proc_mul(const cells & c)
long n(1);
for (cellit i = c.begin(); i != c.end(); ++i) n *= atol(i->val.c_str());
return cell(Number, str(n));
cell proc_div(const cells & c)
long n(atol(c[0].val.c_str()));
for (cellit i = c.begin()+1; i != c.end(); ++i) n /= atol(i->val.c_str());
return cell(Number, str(n));
cell proc_greater(const cells & c)
long n(atol(c[0].val.c_str()));
for (cellit i = c.begin()+1; i != c.end(); ++i)
if (n <= atol(i->val.c_str()))
return false_sym;
return true_sym;
cell proc_less(const cells & c)
long n(atol(c[0].val.c_str()));
for (cellit i = c.begin()+1; i != c.end(); ++i)
if (n >= atol(i->val.c_str()))
return false_sym;
return true_sym;
cell proc_less_equal(const cells & c)
long n(atol(c[0].val.c_str()));
for (cellit i = c.begin()+1; i != c.end(); ++i)
if (n > atol(i->val.c_str()))
return false_sym;
return true_sym;
cell proc_length(const cells & c) { return cell(Number, str(c[0].list.size())); }
cell proc_nullp(const cells & c) { return c[0].list.empty() ? true_sym : false_sym; }
cell proc_car(const cells & c) { return c[0].list[0]; }
cell proc_cdr(const cells & c)
if (c[0].list.size() < 2)
return nil;
cell result(c[0]);
return result;
cell proc_append(const cells & c)
cell result(List);
result.list = c[0].list;
for (cellit i = c[1].list.begin(); i != c[1].list.end(); ++i) result.list.push_back(*i);
return result;
cell proc_cons(const cells & c)
cell result(List);
for (cellit i = c[1].list.begin(); i != c[1].list.end(); ++i) result.list.push_back(*i);
return result;
cell proc_list(const cells & c)
cell result(List); result.list = c;
return result;
// define the bare minimum set of primintives necessary to pass the unit tests
void add_globals(environment & env)
env["nil"] = nil; env["#f"] = false_sym; env["#t"] = true_sym;
env["append"] = cell(&proc_append); env["car"] = cell(&proc_car);
env["cdr"] = cell(&proc_cdr); env["cons"] = cell(&proc_cons);
env["length"] = cell(&proc_length); env["list"] = cell(&proc_list);
env["null?"] = cell(&proc_nullp); env["+"] = cell(&proc_add);
env["-"] = cell(&proc_sub); env["*"] = cell(&proc_mul);
env["/"] = cell(&proc_div); env[">"] = cell(&proc_greater);
env["<"] = cell(&proc_less); env["<="] = cell(&proc_less_equal);
////////////////////// eval
cell eval(cell x, environment * env)
if (x.type == Symbol)
return env->find(x.val)[x.val];
if (x.type == Number)
return x;
if (x.list.empty())
return nil;
if (x.list[0].type == Symbol) {
if (x.list[0].val == "quote") // (quote exp)
return x.list[1];
if (x.list[0].val == "if") // (if test conseq [alt])
return eval(eval(x.list[1], env).val == "#f" ? (x.list.size() < 4 ? nil : x.list[3]) : x.list[2], env);
if (x.list[0].val == "set!") // (set! var exp)
return env->find(x.list[1].val)[x.list[1].val] = eval(x.list[2], env);
if (x.list[0].val == "define") // (define var exp)
return (*env)[x.list[1].val] = eval(x.list[2], env);
if (x.list[0].val == "lambda") { // (lambda (var*) exp)
x.type = Lambda;
// keep a reference to the environment that exists now (when the
// lambda is being defined) because that's the outer environment
// we'll need to use when the lambda is executed
x.env = env;
return x;
if (x.list[0].val == "begin") { // (begin exp*)
for (size_t i = 1; i < x.list.size() - 1; ++i)
eval(x.list[i], env);
return eval(x.list[x.list.size() - 1], env);
// (proc exp*)
cell proc(eval(x.list[0], env));
cells exps;
for (cell::iter exp = x.list.begin() + 1; exp != x.list.end(); ++exp)
exps.push_back(eval(*exp, env));
if (proc.type == Lambda) {
// Create an environment for the execution of this lambda function
// where the outer environment is the one that existed* at the time
// the lambda was defined and the new inner associations are the
// parameter names with the given arguments.
// *Although the environmet existed at the time the lambda was defined
// it wasn't necessarily complete - it may have subsequently had
// more symbols defined in that environment.
return eval(/*body*/proc.list[2], new environment(/*parms*/proc.list[1].list, /*args*/exps, proc.env));
else if (proc.type == Proc)
return proc.proc(exps);
std::cout << "not a function\n";
////////////////////// parse, read and user interaction
// convert given string to list of tokens
std::list<std::string> tokenize(const std::string & str)
std::list<std::string> tokens;
const char * s = str.c_str();
while (*s) {
while (*s == ' ')
if (*s == '(' || *s == ')')
tokens.push_back(*s++ == '(' ? "(" : ")");
else {
const char * t = s;
while (*t && *t != ' ' && *t != '(' && *t != ')')
tokens.push_back(std::string(s, t));
s = t;
return tokens;
// numbers become Numbers; every other token is a Symbol
cell atom(const std::string & token)
if (isdig(token[0]) || (token[0] == '-' && isdig(token[1])))
return cell(Number, token);
return cell(Symbol, token);
// return the Lisp expression in the given tokens
cell read_from(std::list<std::string> & tokens)
const std::string token(tokens.front());
if (token == "(") {
cell c(List);
while (tokens.front() != ")")
return c;
return atom(token);
// return the Lisp expression represented by the given string
cell read(const std::string & s)
std::list<std::string> tokens(tokenize(s));
return read_from(tokens);
// convert given cell to a Lisp-readable string
std::string to_string(const cell & exp)
if (exp.type == List) {
std::string s("(");
for (cell::iter e = exp.list.begin(); e != exp.list.end(); ++e)
s += to_string(*e) + ' ';
if (s[s.size() - 1] == ' ')
s.erase(s.size() - 1);
return s + ')';
else if (exp.type == Lambda)
return "<Lambda>";
else if (exp.type == Proc)
return "<Proc>";
return exp.val;
// the default read-eval-print-loop
void repl(const std::string & prompt, environment * env)
for (;;) {
std::cout << prompt;
std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line);
std::cout << to_string(eval(read(line), env)) << '\n';
int main ()
environment global_env; add_globals(global_env);
repl("90> ", &global_env);
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