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Created May 6, 2024 17:45
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@threads for j ∈ eachindex(𝒯.R)
Rⱼ = 𝒯.R[j]
αⱼ = real(𝒯.α[j])
ð̄²α = real(𝒯.ð̄²α[j])
κ⁻¹ = γ * (1 - v⃗ ⋅ Rⱼ(𝐤))
spline = @view 𝒯.splines[:, :, j]
guess = firstindex(𝒯.u)
for (i, u′) ∈ enumerate(𝒯.u′)
u = κ⁻¹ * u′ + αⱼ
d, guess = interpolate(𝒯.u, 𝒯.h, spline, u, guess)
𝒯.d′[j,i] = κ⁻¹ * (d - ð̄²α)
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