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Created June 7, 2016 17:11
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A summary of the methods used to enable cross-domain support between a primary domain an an Eventbrite event

#Cross-domain Google Analytics + Eventbrite


Allow continuous tracking across two primary domains ( and in order to track the success of marketing initiatives.

Steps to Setup GA for Events

  1. Ensure that no live events are using "classic tracking"
  2. Go to manage page and select "manage" for the desired event
  3. Copy the event URL
  4. In GA Dashboard, create (or locate) a property for the event using the event URL, event name (or other suitable name)
  5. Copy the tracking ID for the property
  6. Back on Eventbrite, go to "Tracking Pixels" under "Analyze" for the event
  7. Apply the tracking ID to this event (or all)
  8. Save and verify it's firing

Steps to Enable Cross-domain support for Events's where it gets tricky...

  1. Establish a method for obtaining and assigning a unique client-id for all visitors on your site. There are many ways to do this, but the easiest is to use the code sample provided by Google
ga(function(tracker) {
  var clientId = tracker.get('clientId');
  1. Ensure all outbound links to Eventbrite follow this format:]?_eboga=[CLIENT_ID]

(where [EVENT_ID] and [CLIENT_ID] are the actual values)
  1. Enable ecommerce tracking (optional) - use naming conventions glossary provided by Eventbrite (r.1)


  1. Eventbrite Support - Cross-domain
  2. Eventbrite Support - GA Pixels
  3. Optimize Smart Article
  4. Google Developer Docs
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