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Created October 31, 2014 21:59
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object(Zend\Paginator\Paginator)#492 (11) {
["cacheEnabled":protected] => bool(true)
["adapter":protected] => object(DoctrineORMModule\Paginator\Adapter\DoctrinePaginator)#483 (1) {
["paginator":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator)#489 (4) {
["query":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Query)#504 (17) {
["_state":"Doctrine\ORM\Query":private] => int(2)
["_dql":"Doctrine\ORM\Query":private] => string(120) "SELECT UserCountry FROM UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry UserCountry WHERE UserCountry.code='IDN' GROUP BY UserCountry.code"
["_parserResult":"Doctrine\ORM\Query":private] => NULL
["_firstResult":"Doctrine\ORM\Query":private] => NULL
["_maxResults":"Doctrine\ORM\Query":private] => NULL
["_queryCache":"Doctrine\ORM\Query":private] => NULL
["_expireQueryCache":"Doctrine\ORM\Query":private] => bool(false)
["_queryCacheTTL":"Doctrine\ORM\Query":private] => NULL
["_useQueryCache":"Doctrine\ORM\Query":private] => bool(true)
["parameters":protected] => object(Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection)#503 (1) {
["_elements":"Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection":private] => array(0) {
["_resultSetMapping":protected] => NULL
["_em":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager)#436 (10) {
["config":"Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Configuration)#152 (1) {
["_attributes":protected] => array(13) {
["autoGenerateProxyClasses"] => bool(true)
["proxyDir"] => string(28) "data/DoctrineORMModule/Proxy"
["proxyNamespace"] => string(23) "DoctrineORMModule\Proxy"
["entityNamespaces"] => array(0) {
["classMetadataFactoryName"] => string(41) "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory"
["metadataCacheImpl"] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["queryCacheImpl"] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["resultCacheImpl"] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["hydrationCacheImpl"] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["metadataDriverImpl"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\DriverChain)#156 (2) {
["defaultDriver":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain":private] => NULL
["drivers":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver)#166 (6) {
["entityAnnotationClasses":protected] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => int(1)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappedSuperclass"] => int(2)
["reader":protected] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader)#164 (4) {
["delegate":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\IndexedReader)#165 (1) {
["delegate":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\IndexedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader)#158 (5) {
["parser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser)#159 (9) {
["lexer":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocLexer)#160 (7) {
["noCase":protected] => array(9) {
["@"] => int(101)
[","] => int(104)
["("] => int(109)
[")"] => int(103)
["{"] => int(108)
["}"] => int(102)
["="] => int(105)
[":"] => int(112)
["\"] => int(107)
["withCase":protected] => array(3) {
["true"] => int(110)
["false"] => int(106)
["null"] => int(111)
["tokens":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => array(26) {
[0] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(0)
[1] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(3) "var"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(1)
[2] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(6) "string"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(5)
[3] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(26)
[4] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Column"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(27)
[5] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "("
["type"] => int(109)
["position"] => int(37)
[6] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(38)
[7] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(42)
[8] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(43)
[9] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(66)
[10] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(4) "type"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(68)
[11] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(72)
[12] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(7) "decimal"
["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(73)
[13] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(82)
[14] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(9) "precision"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(84)
[15] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(93)
[16] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(2) "13"
["type"] => int(2)
["position"] => int(94)
[17] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(96)
[18] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(5) "scale"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(98)
[19] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(103)
[20] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "4"
["type"] => int(2)
["position"] => int(104)
[21] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(105)
[22] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(8) "nullable"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(107)
[23] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(115)
[24] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(5) "false"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(116)
[25] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ")"
["type"] => int(103)
["position"] => int(121)
["position":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(26)
["peek":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(0)
["lookahead"] => NULL
["token"] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ")"
["type"] => int(103)
["position"] => int(121)
["target":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => int(4)
["isNestedAnnotation":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(true)
["imports":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(4) {
["ignoreannotation"] => string(55) "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation"
["orm"] => string(20) "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping"
["arraycollection"] => string(43) "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection"
["__NAMESPACE__"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["classExists":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(6) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => bool(true)
["ignoreNotImportedAnnotations":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(false)
["namespaces":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(0) {
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["Attribute"] => bool(true)
["Attributes"] => bool(true)
["Required"] => bool(true)
["Target"] => bool(true)
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["fixme"] => bool(true)
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["static"] => bool(true)
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["todo"] => bool(true)
["TODO"] => bool(true)
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["uses"] => bool(true)
["var"] => bool(true)
["version"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnore"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnoreStart"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnoreEnd"] => bool(true)
["SuppressWarnings"] => bool(true)
["noinspection"] => bool(true)
["package_version"] => bool(true)
["startuml"] => bool(true)
["enduml"] => bool(true)
["context":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => string(60) "property UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry::$currencyExchangeUsd"
["preParser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser)#161 (9) {
["lexer":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocLexer)#162 (7) {
["noCase":protected] => array(9) {
["@"] => int(101)
[","] => int(104)
["("] => int(109)
[")"] => int(103)
["{"] => int(108)
["}"] => int(102)
["="] => int(105)
[":"] => int(112)
["\"] => int(107)
["withCase":protected] => array(3) {
["true"] => int(110)
["false"] => int(106)
["null"] => int(111)
["tokens":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => array(9) {
[0] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(0)
[1] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(9) "ORM\Table"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(1)
[2] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "("
["type"] => int(109)
["position"] => int(10)
[3] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(11)
[4] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(15)
[5] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(12) "user_country"
["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(16)
[6] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ")"
["type"] => int(103)
["position"] => int(30)
[7] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(35)
[8] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Entity"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(36)
["position":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(9)
["peek":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(0)
["lookahead"] => NULL
["token"] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Entity"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(36)
["target":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => NULL
["isNestedAnnotation":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(false)
["imports":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(1) {
["ignoreannotation"] => string(55) "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation"
["classExists":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(2) {
["ORM\Table"] => bool(false)
["ORM\Entity"] => bool(false)
["ignoreNotImportedAnnotations":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(true)
["namespaces":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(0) {
["ignoredAnnotationNames":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(0) {
["context":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => string(35) "class UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["phpParser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\PhpParser)#163 (0) {
["imports":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(4) {
["ignoreannotation"] => string(55) "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation"
["orm"] => string(20) "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping"
["arraycollection"] => string(43) "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection"
["__NAMESPACE__"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["ignoredAnnotationNames":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(65) {
["Annotation"] => bool(true)
["Attribute"] => bool(true)
["Attributes"] => bool(true)
["Required"] => bool(true)
["Target"] => bool(true)
["fix"] => bool(true)
["fixme"] => bool(true)
["override"] => bool(true)
["abstract"] => bool(true)
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["endcode"] => bool(true)
["exception"] => bool(true)
["final"] => bool(true)
["ingroup"] => bool(true)
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["name"] => bool(true)
["toc"] => bool(true)
["tutorial"] => bool(true)
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["staticVar"] => bool(true)
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["property"] => bool(true)
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["property-write"] => bool(true)
["return"] => bool(true)
["see"] => bool(true)
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["source"] => bool(true)
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["TODO"] => bool(true)
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["var"] => bool(true)
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["codeCoverageIgnore"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnoreStart"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnoreEnd"] => bool(true)
["SuppressWarnings"] => bool(true)
["noinspection"] => bool(true)
["package_version"] => bool(true)
["startuml"] => bool(true)
["enduml"] => bool(true)
["cache":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["debug":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => bool(false)
["loadedAnnotations":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => array(11) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["paths":protected] => array(1) {
[0] => string(88) "/home/mockie/importants/htdocs/hommate/module/UserDetail/config/../src/UserDetail/Entity"
["excludePaths":protected] => array(0) {
["fileExtension":protected] => string(4) ".php"
["classNames":protected] => NULL
["sqlLogger"] => object(Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack)#149 (4) {
["queries"] => array(0) {
["enabled"] => bool(true)
["start"] => NULL
["currentQuery"] => int(0)
["entityListenerResolver"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultEntityListenerResolver)#448 (1) {
["instances":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultEntityListenerResolver":private] => array(0) {
["namingStrategy"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["conn":"Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager":private] => object(Doctrine\DBAL\Connection)#440 (14) {
["_conn":protected] => NULL
["_config":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Configuration)#152 (1) {
["_attributes":protected] => array(13) {
["autoGenerateProxyClasses"] => bool(true)
["proxyDir"] => string(28) "data/DoctrineORMModule/Proxy"
["proxyNamespace"] => string(23) "DoctrineORMModule\Proxy"
["entityNamespaces"] => array(0) {
["classMetadataFactoryName"] => string(41) "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory"
["metadataCacheImpl"] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["queryCacheImpl"] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["resultCacheImpl"] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["hydrationCacheImpl"] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["metadataDriverImpl"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\DriverChain)#156 (2) {
["defaultDriver":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain":private] => NULL
["drivers":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver)#166 (6) {
["entityAnnotationClasses":protected] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => int(1)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappedSuperclass"] => int(2)
["reader":protected] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader)#164 (4) {
["delegate":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\IndexedReader)#165 (1) {
["delegate":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\IndexedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader)#158 (5) {
["parser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser)#159 (9) {
["lexer":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocLexer)#160 (7) {
["noCase":protected] => array(9) {
["@"] => int(101)
[","] => int(104)
["("] => int(109)
[")"] => int(103)
["{"] => int(108)
["}"] => int(102)
["="] => int(105)
[":"] => int(112)
["\"] => int(107)
["withCase":protected] => array(3) {
["true"] => int(110)
["false"] => int(106)
["null"] => int(111)
["tokens":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => array(26) {
[0] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(0)
[1] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(3) "var"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(1)
[2] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(6) "string"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(5)
[3] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(26)
[4] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Column"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(27)
[5] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "("
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["position"] => int(37)
[6] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(38)
[7] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
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["position"] => int(42)
[8] => array(3) {
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["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(43)
[9] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(66)
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["value"] => string(4) "type"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(68)
[11] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
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["position"] => int(72)
[12] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(7) "decimal"
["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(73)
[13] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
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["type"] => int(100)
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[15] => array(3) {
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[16] => array(3) {
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["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(98)
[19] => array(3) {
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[20] => array(3) {
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["type"] => int(100)
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["value"] => string(5) "false"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(116)
[25] => array(3) {
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["position"] => int(121)
["position":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(26)
["peek":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(0)
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["value"] => string(1) ")"
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["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => bool(true)
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["enduml"] => bool(true)
["context":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => string(60) "property UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry::$currencyExchangeUsd"
["preParser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser)#161 (9) {
["lexer":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocLexer)#162 (7) {
["noCase":protected] => array(9) {
["@"] => int(101)
[","] => int(104)
["("] => int(109)
[")"] => int(103)
["{"] => int(108)
["}"] => int(102)
["="] => int(105)
[":"] => int(112)
["\"] => int(107)
["withCase":protected] => array(3) {
["true"] => int(110)
["false"] => int(106)
["null"] => int(111)
["tokens":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => array(9) {
[0] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(0)
[1] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(9) "ORM\Table"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(1)
[2] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "("
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["position"] => int(10)
[3] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(11)
[4] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
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[5] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(12) "user_country"
["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(16)
[6] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ")"
["type"] => int(103)
["position"] => int(30)
[7] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(35)
[8] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Entity"
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["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Entity"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(36)
["target":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => NULL
["isNestedAnnotation":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(false)
["imports":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(1) {
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["ORM\Table"] => bool(false)
["ORM\Entity"] => bool(false)
["ignoreNotImportedAnnotations":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(true)
["namespaces":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(0) {
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["context":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => string(35) "class UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["phpParser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\PhpParser)#163 (0) {
["imports":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(4) {
["ignoreannotation"] => string(55) "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation"
["orm"] => string(20) "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping"
["arraycollection"] => string(43) "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection"
["__NAMESPACE__"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["ignoredAnnotationNames":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(65) {
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["cache":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
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["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
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["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
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["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
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["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
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["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
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[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
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["length"] => int(52)
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["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
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["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
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["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
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["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["debug":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => bool(false)
["loadedAnnotations":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => array(11) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["paths":protected] => array(1) {
[0] => string(88) "/home/mockie/importants/htdocs/hommate/module/UserDetail/config/../src/UserDetail/Entity"
["excludePaths":protected] => array(0) {
["fileExtension":protected] => string(4) ".php"
["classNames":protected] => NULL
["sqlLogger"] => object(Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack)#149 (4) {
["queries"] => array(0) {
["enabled"] => bool(true)
["start"] => NULL
["currentQuery"] => int(0)
["entityListenerResolver"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultEntityListenerResolver)#448 (1) {
["instances":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultEntityListenerResolver":private] => array(0) {
["namingStrategy"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["_eventManager":protected] => object(Doctrine\Common\EventManager)#441 (1) {
["_listeners":"Doctrine\Common\EventManager":private] => array(1) {
["loadClassMetadata"] => array(1) {
["00000000744feadc0000000048393222"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener)#444 (1) {
["resolveTargetEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener":private] => array(0) {
["_expr":protected] => object(Doctrine\DBAL\Query\Expression\ExpressionBuilder)#442 (1) {
["connection":"Doctrine\DBAL\Query\Expression\ExpressionBuilder":private] => *RECURSION*
["_isConnected":"Doctrine\DBAL\Connection":private] => bool(false)
["_transactionNestingLevel":"Doctrine\DBAL\Connection":private] => int(0)
["_transactionIsolationLevel":"Doctrine\DBAL\Connection":private] => int(2)
["_nestTransactionsWithSavepoints":"Doctrine\DBAL\Connection":private] => NULL
["_params":"Doctrine\DBAL\Connection":private] => array(8) {
["driverClass"] => string(36) "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver"
["wrapperClass"] => NULL
["pdo"] => NULL
["host"] => string(9) "localhost"
["port"] => string(4) "3306"
["user"] => string(4) "root"
["password"] => string(5) "dodol"
["dbname"] => string(7) "hommate"
["_platform":protected] => object(Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform)#443 (4) {
["doctrineTypeMapping":protected] => NULL
["doctrineTypeComments":protected] => NULL
["_eventManager":protected] => object(Doctrine\Common\EventManager)#441 (1) {
["_listeners":"Doctrine\Common\EventManager":private] => array(1) {
["loadClassMetadata"] => array(1) {
["00000000744feadc0000000048393222"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener)#444 (1) {
["resolveTargetEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener":private] => array(0) {
["_keywords":protected] => NULL
["_schemaManager":protected] => NULL
["_driver":protected] => object(Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver)#438 (0) {
["_isRollbackOnly":"Doctrine\DBAL\Connection":private] => bool(false)
["defaultFetchMode":protected] => int(2)
["metadataFactory":"Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory)#435 (9) {
["em":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory":private] => *RECURSION*
["targetPlatform":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform)#443 (4) {
["doctrineTypeMapping":protected] => NULL
["doctrineTypeComments":protected] => NULL
["_eventManager":protected] => object(Doctrine\Common\EventManager)#441 (1) {
["_listeners":"Doctrine\Common\EventManager":private] => array(1) {
["loadClassMetadata"] => array(1) {
["00000000744feadc0000000048393222"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener)#444 (1) {
["resolveTargetEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener":private] => array(0) {
["_keywords":protected] => NULL
["driver":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\DriverChain)#156 (2) {
["defaultDriver":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain":private] => NULL
["drivers":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver)#166 (6) {
["entityAnnotationClasses":protected] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => int(1)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappedSuperclass"] => int(2)
["reader":protected] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader)#164 (4) {
["delegate":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\IndexedReader)#165 (1) {
["delegate":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\IndexedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader)#158 (5) {
["parser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser)#159 (9) {
["lexer":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocLexer)#160 (7) {
["noCase":protected] => array(9) {
["@"] => int(101)
[","] => int(104)
["("] => int(109)
[")"] => int(103)
["{"] => int(108)
["}"] => int(102)
["="] => int(105)
[":"] => int(112)
["\"] => int(107)
["withCase":protected] => array(3) {
["true"] => int(110)
["false"] => int(106)
["null"] => int(111)
["tokens":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => array(26) {
[0] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(0)
[1] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(3) "var"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(1)
[2] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(6) "string"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(5)
[3] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(26)
[4] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Column"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(27)
[5] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "("
["type"] => int(109)
["position"] => int(37)
[6] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(38)
[7] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(42)
[8] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(43)
[9] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(66)
[10] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(4) "type"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(68)
[11] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(72)
[12] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(7) "decimal"
["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(73)
[13] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(82)
[14] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(9) "precision"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(84)
[15] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(93)
[16] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(2) "13"
["type"] => int(2)
["position"] => int(94)
[17] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(96)
[18] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(5) "scale"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(98)
[19] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(103)
[20] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "4"
["type"] => int(2)
["position"] => int(104)
[21] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(105)
[22] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(8) "nullable"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(107)
[23] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(115)
[24] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(5) "false"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(116)
[25] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ")"
["type"] => int(103)
["position"] => int(121)
["position":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(26)
["peek":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(0)
["lookahead"] => NULL
["token"] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ")"
["type"] => int(103)
["position"] => int(121)
["target":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => int(4)
["isNestedAnnotation":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(true)
["imports":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(4) {
["ignoreannotation"] => string(55) "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation"
["orm"] => string(20) "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping"
["arraycollection"] => string(43) "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection"
["__NAMESPACE__"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["classExists":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(6) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => bool(true)
["ignoreNotImportedAnnotations":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(false)
["namespaces":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(0) {
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["Annotation"] => bool(true)
["Attribute"] => bool(true)
["Attributes"] => bool(true)
["Required"] => bool(true)
["Target"] => bool(true)
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["fixme"] => bool(true)
["override"] => bool(true)
["abstract"] => bool(true)
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["static"] => bool(true)
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["todo"] => bool(true)
["TODO"] => bool(true)
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["uses"] => bool(true)
["var"] => bool(true)
["version"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnore"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnoreStart"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnoreEnd"] => bool(true)
["SuppressWarnings"] => bool(true)
["noinspection"] => bool(true)
["package_version"] => bool(true)
["startuml"] => bool(true)
["enduml"] => bool(true)
["context":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => string(60) "property UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry::$currencyExchangeUsd"
["preParser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser)#161 (9) {
["lexer":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocLexer)#162 (7) {
["noCase":protected] => array(9) {
["@"] => int(101)
[","] => int(104)
["("] => int(109)
[")"] => int(103)
["{"] => int(108)
["}"] => int(102)
["="] => int(105)
[":"] => int(112)
["\"] => int(107)
["withCase":protected] => array(3) {
["true"] => int(110)
["false"] => int(106)
["null"] => int(111)
["tokens":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => array(9) {
[0] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(0)
[1] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(9) "ORM\Table"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(1)
[2] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "("
["type"] => int(109)
["position"] => int(10)
[3] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(11)
[4] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(15)
[5] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(12) "user_country"
["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(16)
[6] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ")"
["type"] => int(103)
["position"] => int(30)
[7] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(35)
[8] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Entity"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(36)
["position":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(9)
["peek":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(0)
["lookahead"] => NULL
["token"] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Entity"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(36)
["target":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => NULL
["isNestedAnnotation":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(false)
["imports":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(1) {
["ignoreannotation"] => string(55) "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation"
["classExists":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(2) {
["ORM\Table"] => bool(false)
["ORM\Entity"] => bool(false)
["ignoreNotImportedAnnotations":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(true)
["namespaces":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(0) {
["ignoredAnnotationNames":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(0) {
["context":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => string(35) "class UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["phpParser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\PhpParser)#163 (0) {
["imports":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(4) {
["ignoreannotation"] => string(55) "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation"
["orm"] => string(20) "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping"
["arraycollection"] => string(43) "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection"
["__NAMESPACE__"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["ignoredAnnotationNames":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(65) {
["Annotation"] => bool(true)
["Attribute"] => bool(true)
["Attributes"] => bool(true)
["Required"] => bool(true)
["Target"] => bool(true)
["fix"] => bool(true)
["fixme"] => bool(true)
["override"] => bool(true)
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["ingroup"] => bool(true)
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["name"] => bool(true)
["toc"] => bool(true)
["tutorial"] => bool(true)
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["staticVar"] => bool(true)
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["property"] => bool(true)
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["property-write"] => bool(true)
["return"] => bool(true)
["see"] => bool(true)
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["todo"] => bool(true)
["TODO"] => bool(true)
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["var"] => bool(true)
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["codeCoverageIgnore"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnoreStart"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnoreEnd"] => bool(true)
["SuppressWarnings"] => bool(true)
["noinspection"] => bool(true)
["package_version"] => bool(true)
["startuml"] => bool(true)
["enduml"] => bool(true)
["cache":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["debug":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => bool(false)
["loadedAnnotations":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => array(11) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["paths":protected] => array(1) {
[0] => string(88) "/home/mockie/importants/htdocs/hommate/module/UserDetail/config/../src/UserDetail/Entity"
["excludePaths":protected] => array(0) {
["fileExtension":protected] => string(4) ".php"
["classNames":protected] => NULL
["evm":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\EventManager)#441 (1) {
["_listeners":"Doctrine\Common\EventManager":private] => array(1) {
["loadClassMetadata"] => array(1) {
["00000000744feadc0000000048393222"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener)#444 (1) {
["resolveTargetEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener":private] => array(0) {
["cacheSalt":protected] => string(14) "$CLASSMETADATA"
["cacheDriver":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\AbstractClassMetadataFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
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["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
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["nullable"] => bool(false)
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["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
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[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
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["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
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["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
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["id"] => bool(true)
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["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
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["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["loadedMetadata":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\AbstractClassMetadataFactory":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["initialized":protected] => bool(true)
["reflectionService":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\AbstractClassMetadataFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\RuntimeReflectionService)#461 (0) {
["unitOfWork":"Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork)#446 (22) {
["identityMap":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityIdentifiers":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["originalEntityData":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityChangeSets":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityStates":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["scheduledForDirtyCheck":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityInsertions":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityUpdates":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["extraUpdates":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityDeletions":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["collectionDeletions":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["collectionUpdates":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["visitedCollections":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["em":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => *RECURSION*
["commitOrderCalculator":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => NULL
["persisters":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["collectionPersisters":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["evm":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\EventManager)#441 (1) {
["_listeners":"Doctrine\Common\EventManager":private] => array(1) {
["loadClassMetadata"] => array(1) {
["00000000744feadc0000000048393222"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener)#444 (1) {
["resolveTargetEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener":private] => array(0) {
["listenersInvoker":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Event\ListenersInvoker)#447 (2) {
["resolver":"Doctrine\ORM\Event\ListenersInvoker":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultEntityListenerResolver)#448 (1) {
["instances":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultEntityListenerResolver":private] => array(0) {
["eventManager":"Doctrine\ORM\Event\ListenersInvoker":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\EventManager)#441 (1) {
["_listeners":"Doctrine\Common\EventManager":private] => array(1) {
["loadClassMetadata"] => array(1) {
["00000000744feadc0000000048393222"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener)#444 (1) {
["resolveTargetEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener":private] => array(0) {
["orphanRemovals":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["readOnlyObjects":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["eagerLoadingEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["eventManager":"Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\EventManager)#441 (1) {
["_listeners":"Doctrine\Common\EventManager":private] => array(1) {
["loadClassMetadata"] => array(1) {
["00000000744feadc0000000048393222"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener)#444 (1) {
["resolveTargetEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener":private] => array(0) {
["proxyFactory":"Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\ProxyFactory)#449 (7) {
["em":"Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\ProxyFactory":private] => *RECURSION*
["uow":"Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\ProxyFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork)#446 (22) {
["identityMap":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityIdentifiers":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["originalEntityData":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityChangeSets":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityStates":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["scheduledForDirtyCheck":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityInsertions":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityUpdates":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["extraUpdates":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["entityDeletions":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["collectionDeletions":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["collectionUpdates":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["visitedCollections":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["em":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => *RECURSION*
["commitOrderCalculator":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => NULL
["persisters":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["collectionPersisters":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["evm":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\EventManager)#441 (1) {
["_listeners":"Doctrine\Common\EventManager":private] => array(1) {
["loadClassMetadata"] => array(1) {
["00000000744feadc0000000048393222"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener)#444 (1) {
["resolveTargetEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener":private] => array(0) {
["listenersInvoker":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Event\ListenersInvoker)#447 (2) {
["resolver":"Doctrine\ORM\Event\ListenersInvoker":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultEntityListenerResolver)#448 (1) {
["instances":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultEntityListenerResolver":private] => array(0) {
["eventManager":"Doctrine\ORM\Event\ListenersInvoker":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\EventManager)#441 (1) {
["_listeners":"Doctrine\Common\EventManager":private] => array(1) {
["loadClassMetadata"] => array(1) {
["00000000744feadc0000000048393222"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener)#444 (1) {
["resolveTargetEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener":private] => array(0) {
["orphanRemovals":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["readOnlyObjects":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["eagerLoadingEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork":private] => array(0) {
["proxyNs":"Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\ProxyFactory":private] => string(23) "DoctrineORMModule\Proxy"
["metadataFactory":"Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory)#435 (9) {
["em":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory":private] => *RECURSION*
["targetPlatform":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform)#443 (4) {
["doctrineTypeMapping":protected] => NULL
["doctrineTypeComments":protected] => NULL
["_eventManager":protected] => object(Doctrine\Common\EventManager)#441 (1) {
["_listeners":"Doctrine\Common\EventManager":private] => array(1) {
["loadClassMetadata"] => array(1) {
["00000000744feadc0000000048393222"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener)#444 (1) {
["resolveTargetEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener":private] => array(0) {
["_keywords":protected] => NULL
["driver":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\DriverChain)#156 (2) {
["defaultDriver":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain":private] => NULL
["drivers":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver)#166 (6) {
["entityAnnotationClasses":protected] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => int(1)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappedSuperclass"] => int(2)
["reader":protected] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader)#164 (4) {
["delegate":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\IndexedReader)#165 (1) {
["delegate":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\IndexedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader)#158 (5) {
["parser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser)#159 (9) {
["lexer":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocLexer)#160 (7) {
["noCase":protected] => array(9) {
["@"] => int(101)
[","] => int(104)
["("] => int(109)
[")"] => int(103)
["{"] => int(108)
["}"] => int(102)
["="] => int(105)
[":"] => int(112)
["\"] => int(107)
["withCase":protected] => array(3) {
["true"] => int(110)
["false"] => int(106)
["null"] => int(111)
["tokens":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => array(26) {
[0] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(0)
[1] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(3) "var"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(1)
[2] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(6) "string"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(5)
[3] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(26)
[4] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Column"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(27)
[5] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "("
["type"] => int(109)
["position"] => int(37)
[6] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(38)
[7] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(42)
[8] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(43)
[9] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(66)
[10] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(4) "type"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(68)
[11] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(72)
[12] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(7) "decimal"
["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(73)
[13] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(82)
[14] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(9) "precision"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(84)
[15] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(93)
[16] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(2) "13"
["type"] => int(2)
["position"] => int(94)
[17] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(96)
[18] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(5) "scale"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(98)
[19] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(103)
[20] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "4"
["type"] => int(2)
["position"] => int(104)
[21] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ","
["type"] => int(104)
["position"] => int(105)
[22] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(8) "nullable"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(107)
[23] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(115)
[24] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(5) "false"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(116)
[25] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ")"
["type"] => int(103)
["position"] => int(121)
["position":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(26)
["peek":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(0)
["lookahead"] => NULL
["token"] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ")"
["type"] => int(103)
["position"] => int(121)
["target":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => int(4)
["isNestedAnnotation":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(true)
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["ignoreannotation"] => string(55) "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation"
["orm"] => string(20) "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping"
["arraycollection"] => string(43) "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection"
["__NAMESPACE__"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["classExists":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(6) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => bool(true)
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => bool(true)
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["namespaces":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(0) {
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["Annotation"] => bool(true)
["Attribute"] => bool(true)
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["Required"] => bool(true)
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["fixme"] => bool(true)
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["codeCoverageIgnoreStart"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnoreEnd"] => bool(true)
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["enduml"] => bool(true)
["context":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => string(60) "property UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry::$currencyExchangeUsd"
["preParser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser)#161 (9) {
["lexer":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocLexer)#162 (7) {
["noCase":protected] => array(9) {
["@"] => int(101)
[","] => int(104)
["("] => int(109)
[")"] => int(103)
["{"] => int(108)
["}"] => int(102)
["="] => int(105)
[":"] => int(112)
["\"] => int(107)
["withCase":protected] => array(3) {
["true"] => int(110)
["false"] => int(106)
["null"] => int(111)
["tokens":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => array(9) {
[0] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(0)
[1] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(9) "ORM\Table"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(1)
[2] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "("
["type"] => int(109)
["position"] => int(10)
[3] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(11)
[4] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "="
["type"] => int(105)
["position"] => int(15)
[5] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(12) "user_country"
["type"] => int(3)
["position"] => int(16)
[6] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) ")"
["type"] => int(103)
["position"] => int(30)
[7] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(1) "@"
["type"] => int(101)
["position"] => int(35)
[8] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Entity"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(36)
["position":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(9)
["peek":"Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer":private] => int(0)
["lookahead"] => NULL
["token"] => array(3) {
["value"] => string(10) "ORM\Entity"
["type"] => int(100)
["position"] => int(36)
["target":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => NULL
["isNestedAnnotation":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(false)
["imports":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(1) {
["ignoreannotation"] => string(55) "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation"
["classExists":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(2) {
["ORM\Table"] => bool(false)
["ORM\Entity"] => bool(false)
["ignoreNotImportedAnnotations":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => bool(true)
["namespaces":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(0) {
["ignoredAnnotationNames":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => array(0) {
["context":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser":private] => string(35) "class UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["phpParser":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\PhpParser)#163 (0) {
["imports":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(4) {
["ignoreannotation"] => string(55) "Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Annotation\IgnoreAnnotation"
["orm"] => string(20) "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping"
["arraycollection"] => string(43) "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection"
["__NAMESPACE__"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["ignoredAnnotationNames":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(65) {
["Annotation"] => bool(true)
["Attribute"] => bool(true)
["Attributes"] => bool(true)
["Required"] => bool(true)
["Target"] => bool(true)
["fix"] => bool(true)
["fixme"] => bool(true)
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["codeCoverageIgnoreStart"] => bool(true)
["codeCoverageIgnoreEnd"] => bool(true)
["SuppressWarnings"] => bool(true)
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["package_version"] => bool(true)
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["enduml"] => bool(true)
["cache":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
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["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
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["id"] => bool(true)
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["length"] => int(52)
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["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
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["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
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["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
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["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
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["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
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["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["debug":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => bool(false)
["loadedAnnotations":"Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader":private] => array(11) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["paths":protected] => array(1) {
[0] => string(88) "/home/mockie/importants/htdocs/hommate/module/UserDetail/config/../src/UserDetail/Entity"
["excludePaths":protected] => array(0) {
["fileExtension":protected] => string(4) ".php"
["classNames":protected] => NULL
["evm":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\EventManager)#441 (1) {
["_listeners":"Doctrine\Common\EventManager":private] => array(1) {
["loadClassMetadata"] => array(1) {
["00000000744feadc0000000048393222"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener)#444 (1) {
["resolveTargetEntities":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ResolveTargetEntityListener":private] => array(0) {
["cacheSalt":protected] => string(14) "$CLASSMETADATA"
["cacheDriver":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\AbstractClassMetadataFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)#155 (3) {
["data":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache":private] => array(13) {
["DoctrineNamespaceCacheKey[DoctrineModule]"] => int(1)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry@[Annot]][1]"] => array(2) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Table)#473 (5) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["schema"] => NULL
["indexes"] => NULL
["uniqueConstraints"] => NULL
["options"] => array(0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity)#472 (2) {
["repositoryClass"] => NULL
["readOnly"] => bool(false)
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$districts@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\OneToMany)#490 (6) {
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(8) "UserCity"
["cascade"] => NULL
["fetch"] => string(4) "LAZY"
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["indexBy"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code@[Annot]][1]"] => array(3) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#488 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Id)#493 (0) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\GeneratedValue)#491 (1) {
["strategy"] => string(8) "IDENTITY"
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$name@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#484 (9) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(52)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$continent@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#485 (9) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(50)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$region@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#486 (9) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(26)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$localName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#487 (9) {
["name"] => string(10) "local_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(45)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$code2@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#481 (9) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(2)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyCode@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#494 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(3)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyName@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#495 (9) {
["name"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["length"] => int(80)
["precision"] => int(0)
["scale"] => int(0)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$currencyExchangeUsd@[Annot]][1]"] => array(1) {
["Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Column)#497 (9) {
["name"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["length"] => NULL
["precision"] => int(13)
["scale"] => int(4)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["options"] => array(0) {
["columnDefinition"] => NULL
["DoctrineModule[UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry$CLASSMETADATA][1]"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["namespace":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => string(14) "DoctrineModule"
["namespaceVersion":"Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider":private] => int(1)
["loadedMetadata":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\AbstractClassMetadataFactory":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["initialized":protected] => bool(true)
["reflectionService":"Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\AbstractClassMetadataFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\RuntimeReflectionService)#461 (0) {
["proxyGenerator":"Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory":private] => object(Doctrine\Common\Proxy\ProxyGenerator)#450 (4) {
["proxyNamespace":"Doctrine\Common\Proxy\ProxyGenerator":private] => string(23) "DoctrineORMModule\Proxy"
["proxyDirectory":"Doctrine\Common\Proxy\ProxyGenerator":private] => string(28) "data/DoctrineORMModule/Proxy"
["placeholders":protected] => array(2) {
["baseProxyInterface"] => string(24) "Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\Proxy"
["additionalProperties"] => string(0) ""
["proxyClassTemplate":protected] => string(3383) "<?php
namespace <namespace>;
class <proxyShortClassName> extends \<className> implements \<baseProxyInterface>
* @var \Closure the callback responsible for loading properties in the proxy object. This callback is called with
* three parameters, being respectively the proxy object to be initialized, the method that triggered the
* initialization process and an array of ordered parameters that were passed to that method.
* @see \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Proxy::__setInitializer
public $__initializer__;
* @var \Closure the callback responsible of loading properties that need to be copied in the cloned object
* @see \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Proxy::__setCloner
public $__cloner__;
* @var boolean flag indicating if this object was already initialized
* @see \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Proxy::__isInitialized
public $__isInitialized__ = false;
* @var array properties to be lazy loaded, with keys being the property
* names and values being their default values
* @see \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Proxy::__getLazyProperties
public static $lazyPropertiesDefaults = array(<lazyPropertiesDefaults>);
* Forces initialization of the proxy
public function __load()
$this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, '__load', array());
* {@inheritDoc}
* @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic
public function __isInitialized()
return $this->__isInitialized__;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic
public function __setInitialized($initialized)
$this->__isInitialized__ = $initialized;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic
public function __setInitializer(\Closure $initializer = null)
$this->__initializer__ = $initializer;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic
public function __getInitializer()
return $this->__initializer__;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic
public function __setCloner(\Closure $cloner = null)
$this->__cloner__ = $cloner;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific cloning logic
public function __getCloner()
return $this->__cloner__;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @internal generated method: use only when explicitly handling proxy specific loading logic
* @static
public function __getLazyProperties()
return self::$lazyPropertiesDefaults;
["autoGenerate":"Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory":private] => int(1)
["definitions":"Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory":private] => array(0) {
["repositoryFactory":"Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager":private] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Repository\DefaultRepositoryFactory)#445 (1) {
["repositoryList":"Doctrine\ORM\Repository\DefaultRepositoryFactory":private] => array(1) {
["UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository)#496 (3) {
["_entityName":protected] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_em":protected] => *RECURSION*
["_class":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)#462 (37) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["namespace"] => string(17) "UserDetail\Entity"
["rootEntityName"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["customGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["customRepositoryClassName"] => NULL
["isMappedSuperclass"] => bool(false)
["parentClasses"] => array(0) {
["subClasses"] => array(0) {
["namedQueries"] => array(0) {
["namedNativeQueries"] => array(0) {
["sqlResultSetMappings"] => array(0) {
["identifier"] => array(1) {
[0] => string(4) "code"
["inheritanceType"] => int(1)
["generatorType"] => int(4)
["fieldMappings"] => array(9) {
["code"] => array(9) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "code"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "code"
["id"] => bool(true)
["name"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(4) "name"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(52)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "continent"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(50)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(6) "region"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(26)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "localName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(45)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(5) "code2"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(2)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(3)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["type"] => string(6) "string"
["scale"] => int(0)
["length"] => int(80)
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(0)
["columnName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => array(8) {
["fieldName"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["type"] => string(7) "decimal"
["scale"] => int(4)
["length"] => NULL
["unique"] => bool(false)
["nullable"] => bool(false)
["precision"] => int(13)
["columnName"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["fieldNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["local_name"] => string(9) "localName"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currency_code"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["currency_name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["currency_exchange_usd"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["columnNames"] => array(9) {
["code"] => string(4) "code"
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["continent"] => string(9) "continent"
["region"] => string(6) "region"
["localName"] => string(10) "local_name"
["code2"] => string(5) "code2"
["currencyCode"] => string(13) "currency_code"
["currencyName"] => string(13) "currency_name"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => string(21) "currency_exchange_usd"
["discriminatorValue"] => NULL
["discriminatorMap"] => array(0) {
["discriminatorColumn"] => NULL
["table"] => array(2) {
["name"] => string(12) "user_country"
["options"] => array(0) {
["lifecycleCallbacks"] => array(0) {
["entityListeners"] => array(0) {
["associationMappings"] => array(1) {
["districts"] => array(15) {
["fieldName"] => string(9) "districts"
["mappedBy"] => string(11) "countryCode"
["targetEntity"] => string(26) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCity"
["cascade"] => array(0) {
["orphanRemoval"] => bool(false)
["fetch"] => int(2)
["type"] => int(4)
["inversedBy"] => NULL
["isOwningSide"] => bool(false)
["sourceEntity"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isCascadeRemove"] => bool(false)
["isCascadePersist"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeRefresh"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeMerge"] => bool(false)
["isCascadeDetach"] => bool(false)
["isIdentifierComposite"] => bool(false)
["containsForeignIdentifier"] => bool(false)
["idGenerator"] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator)#478 (1) {
["sequenceName":"Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator":private] => NULL
["sequenceGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["tableGeneratorDefinition"] => NULL
["changeTrackingPolicy"] => int(1)
["isVersioned"] => NULL
["versionField"] => NULL
["reflClass"] => object(ReflectionClass)#477 (1) {
["name"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["isReadOnly"] => bool(false)
["namingStrategy":protected] => object(Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultNamingStrategy)#463 (0) {
["reflFields"] => array(10) {
["code"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#464 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "code"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["name"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#476 (2) {
["name"] => string(4) "name"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["continent"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#475 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "continent"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["region"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#469 (2) {
["name"] => string(6) "region"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["localName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#471 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "localName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["code2"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#467 (2) {
["name"] => string(5) "code2"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyCode"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#474 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyCode"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyName"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#468 (2) {
["name"] => string(12) "currencyName"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["currencyExchangeUsd"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#470 (2) {
["name"] => string(19) "currencyExchangeUsd"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["districts"] => object(ReflectionProperty)#482 (2) {
["name"] => string(9) "districts"
["class"] => string(29) "UserDetail\Entity\UserCountry"
["_prototype":"Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo":private] => NULL
["expressionBuilder":"Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager":private] => NULL
["closed":"Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager":private] => bool(false)
["filterCollection":"Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager":private] => NULL
["_hints":protected] => array(0) {
["_hydrationMode":protected] => int(1)
["_queryCacheProfile":protected] => NULL
["_expireResultCache":protected] => bool(false)
["_hydrationCacheProfile":protected] => NULL
["fetchJoinCollection":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator":private] => bool(true)
["useOutputWalkers":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator":private] => NULL
["count":"Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator":private] => NULL
["currentItemCount":protected] => NULL
["currentItems":protected] => NULL
["currentPageNumber":protected] => int(1)
["filter":protected] => NULL
["itemCountPerPage":protected] => NULL
["pageCount":protected] => NULL
["pageRange":protected] => int(10)
["pages":protected] => NULL
["view":protected] => NULL
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