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Last active February 18, 2020 12:48
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Title: Pelican setup gist
Description: What are the steps to get blog like this one up and running?
You can find this as a gist [here](
For this, you'll need basic knowledge of pip, terminal, virtualenv, python, git, and github.
Disclaimer : this is not a tutorial, this a quick recipe that worked for me. I voluntarly skip most of the explication part.
mkdir blog
cd blog
python3 -m venv blog_venv
source blog_venv/bin/activate
pip install pelican markdown
Once all the tools are installed, create a pelican project :
Then the pelican wizard helps you quickstart your project :
> Where do you want to create your new web site? [.]
> What will be the title of this web site? Wicked blog
> Who will be the author of this web site? mocquin
> What will be the default language of this web site? [fr]
> Do you want to specify a URL prefix? e.g., (Y/n) n
> Do you want to enable article pagination? (Y/n) n
> What is your time zone? [Europe/Paris]
> Do you want to generate a to automate generation and publishing? (Y/n) n
Done. Your new project is available at /path/to/blog
At this point, the folder structure would be :
> tree -L 1
├── blog_venv
├── content
├── output
Let's create a git repo, and work on a branch called "dev" :
git init
git checkout -b dev
And create a .gitignore file to not track the venv folder :
echo "blog_venv/
" > .gitignore
Commit :
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
# Create markdown content and test the setup
Create a markdown file in the content folder :
cd content
Then copy this content in the file and save it :
Title: First post with Pelican!
This is your first post with Pelican, generated with markdown.
Then go back to the main folder with ```cd ..```, locate the `` file and add at the end :
IGNORE_FILES = ['.ipynb_checkpoints']
This allows to ignore unwanted ipynb_checkpoints files/folders to be converted by pelican, and allow you not to define any date metadata in your posts - it will use the file system "fs" date by default. Test the whole installation with :
pelican -l -r
-> Modified: content, theme, settings. re-generating...
Done: Processed 1 article, 0 drafts, 0 pages, 0 hidden pages and 0 draft pages in 0.19 seconds.
and open ```localhost:8000``` in your favorite browser. You should see you markdown post.
Stop the server with ```CTRL+C```.
# Add theme and plugins
Let's add themes and plugins for pelican. I here use git submodules. In the main folder (this may take a while):
git submodule add pelican-themes
git submodule add pelican-plugins
Finally, do (this may take a while):
git submodule update --init --recursive
In the ``````, uncomment the line to
and add somewhere in the file
THEME = "./pelican-themes/bold/"
to apply the theme of your choice. You can see the themes at [](
Check the theme is functionning with
pelican -r -l
and check your ```localhost:8000```.
Now to add math-latex and notebook supports, add the following lines to the :
MARKUP = ('md', 'ipynb')
PLUGIN_PATHS = ['./pelican-plugins']
PLUGINS = ['ipynb.markup', 'render_math']
We also need additional packages to make the ipynb plugin work. Do :
pip install jupyter ipython nbconvert
Now create a markdown with latex content. Place the following content in `content/`:
Title: Testing latex in md
# Let's do this
This is inline latex in markdown $E_p = \frac{h_p c}{\lambda}$
This is block latex in markdown :
Check the math rendering is working by looking at your post with
pelican -l -r
Note : the plugin only work when your are on the page of the article, not on the main page.
Quit the preview mode with `CTRL+C`.
Now create a ipynb with the following content in the first cell, which must be markdown :
- title: My notebook
- date: 2020-02-17
Note : the pelican setting DEFAULT_DATE that we added earlier doesn't work with ipynb, so we HAVE to specificy a date.
Then, add content in your notebook (code cells, arrays, plots), and save it.
Now check your notebook is rendering properly with `pelican -l -r`.
At this point, you should have a working local website. Let's commit before moving on :
git add content .gitignore .gitmodules
git commit -m "initial content and conf"
Now it's time to upload online. We'll be using github pages.
Go to Github, and create a new repo called `<username>` with your username (follow exactly that syntax or it won't work). Copy the link of the repo, and then add this repo as remote to your local project :
git remote add origin<username>/<username>
Now create a master branch in your local repo :
git branch master
Go to the ``, and add
SITEURL = 'https://<username>'
with your username.
Now generate the full website with
pelican content -o output -s
Then we install a tool to easy upload to gthub pages:
pip install ghp-import
And use it to do so:
ghp-import -m "Generate Pelican site" --no-jekyll -b master output
This will create a commit on the master branch with the output content, all that with the right format for github pages.
We then push the changes of that master branch :
git push origin master
In the dev branch, add, commit and push your changes.
For future modification of your site :
- add/modify the content folder
- update the output with `pelican content -o output -s`
- create a commit and update the master branch with `ghp-import -m "Generate Pelican site" --no-jekyll -b master output`
- and push theses changes `git push origin master`
- you can also commit and push your changes of the dev branch
And that's it !
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