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Last active October 21, 2020 05:08
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public interface ITopic {
bool IsClosed();
void Update();
void Close();
string ToString();
public class Topic<T> : ITopic where T : new()
T value = new T();
string name;
public event Action<T> channels;
public HashSet<string> aliases;
public bool everPublished;
public bool dirty;
public bool closing;
public bool closed;
public Topic(string name)
{ = name;
channels = delegate { };
aliases = new HashSet<string>();
everPublished = false;
dirty = false;
closing = false;
closed = false;
public void UpdateValue(T value) {
if (closed) {
if (!everPublished || !value.Equals(this.value)) {
this.value = value;
dirty = true;
everPublished = true;
public T Value() {
return value;
public void Update() {
if (closed) {
if (closing) {
closed = true;
void Publish() {
if (dirty) {
try {
foreach (string alias in aliases) {
Publisher.Instance.Publish<T>(alias, value);
} catch {
Debug.LogError("Error publishing ";
dirty = false;
public void Close() {
closing = true;
public bool IsClosed() {
return closed;
public void Subscribe(Action<T> listener) {
if (everPublished) {
channels += listener;
public void Unsubscribe(Action<T> listener) {
channels -= listener;
public Delegate[] Subscribers()
return channels.GetInvocationList();
public void AddAlias(string alias)
if (everPublished) {
Publisher.Instance.Publish<T>(alias, value);
public void RemoveAlias(string alias)
public string ToString()
List<string> output = new List<string>();
output.Add($"aliases: {System.String.Join(", ", aliases)}");
output.Add($"ever pub'd: {everPublished}");
output.Add($"closed: {closed}");
return System.String.Join("\n", output);
public class Publisher : MonoBehaviour {
public static Publisher Instance { get; set; }
bool dirty;
int maxFrames;
float maxTime;
float minTime;
float[] rolling;
int rollingIndex;
Dictionary<string, ITopic> topics = new Dictionary<string, ITopic>();
Dictionary<string, string> aliases = new Dictionary<string, string>();
void Awake()
rolling = new float[1000];
rollingIndex = 0;
if (Instance != null && Instance != this) {
} else {
Instance = this;
void Update()
if (dirty) {
Publisher.Instance.Publish<List<string>>("Publisher.Topics", topics.Keys.ToList());
dirty = false;
void OnApplicationQuit()
double min = System.Math.Round(minTime*1000, 2);
double max = System.Math.Round(maxTime*1000, 2);
double avg = System.Math.Round(rolling.Average()*1000, 2);
Debug.Log($"PUBLISHER STATS: min - {min}ms avg - {avg}ms max - {max}ms // max frames to process {maxFrames}");
public void Init()
public IEnumerator PublishDebounce() {
float maximumTimePerFrame = 1.0f / 50; // 50 fps
float timeStamp;
int frames;
bool yieldOvertime = true;
maxTime = 0f;
minTime = 1f;
maxFrames = 0;
while (true) {
timeStamp = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
frames = 0;
// make a copy first, because calling Update on a topic may add new topics/workers
ITopic[] currentTopics = topics.Values.ToArray();
foreach(ITopic topic in currentTopics) {
if (yieldOvertime && Time.realtimeSinceStartup > timeStamp + maximumTimePerFrame)
frames += 1;
yield return null; // wait for next frame of gameplay
timeStamp = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
// cull closed topics
int count = topics.Count;
topics = topics.Where(t => !t.Value.IsClosed()).ToDictionary(t => t.Key, t => t.Value);
if (topics.Count < count) {
dirty = true;
// profilin'
float duration = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - timeStamp;
ProfileOneIteration(duration, frames);
yield return null;
public void ProfileOneIteration(float duration, int frameCount)
if (duration > maxTime) {
maxTime = duration;
if (duration < minTime) {
minTime = duration;
if (frameCount > maxFrames) {
maxFrames = frameCount;
rolling[rollingIndex] = duration;
rollingIndex += 1;
rollingIndex = rollingIndex % rolling.Length;
public void Subscribe<T>(string key, Action<T> action) where T : new()
Topic<T> topic = GetTopic<T>(key);
try {
} catch {
Debug.LogError($"Error subscribing to topic {key} (usually a type problem)");
public void Unsubscribe<T>(string key, Action<T> action) where T : new()
if (topics.ContainsKey(key)) {
Topic<T> topic = GetTopic<T>(key);
try {
} catch {
Debug.LogError($"Error unsubscribing from topic {key} (usually a type problem)");
public Topic<T> GetTopic<T>(string key) where T : new()
if (!topics.ContainsKey(key)) {
topics[key] = new Topic<T>(key);
dirty = true;
return topics[key] as Topic<T>;
public void CloseTopic(string key)
if (!topics.ContainsKey(key)) {
Debug.LogError($"can't close non-existent topic {key}");
public T GetTopicValue<T>(string key) where T : new()
return GetTopic<T>(key).Value();
public void Publish<T>(string key, T value) where T : new()
Topic<T> topic = GetTopic<T>(key);
if (value != null) {
public void AddAlias<T>(string alias, string original) where T : new()
if (aliases.ContainsKey(alias)) {
aliases[alias] = original;
public void RemoveAlias<T>(string alias) where T : new()
if (aliases.ContainsKey(alias)) {
string original = aliases[alias];
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Character : MonoBehaviour
int health;
string healthTopic;
string characterName;
void Awake()
health = 3;
healthTopic = $"Character.{GetInstanceID()}.Health";
void Start()
if (characterName == "Main Character") {
Publisher.AddAlias<object>("MainCharacter.Health", healthTopic);
void OnDestroy()
void TakeDamage()
health -= 1;
Publisher.Instance.Publish<object>(healthTopic, health);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
public abstract class SimpleView : MonoBehaviour
// set this topic in your inspector, for example "MainCharacter.Health"
public string topic;
// this is just a UI element
public TextMeshProUGUI textObject;
public virtual void OnEnable()
if (topic != "") {
Publisher.Instance.Subscribe<object>(topic, RenderTemplate);
public virtual void OnDisable()
if (topic != "") {
Publisher.Instance.Unsubscribe<object>(topic, RenderTemplate);
public virtual void SetBinding(string topic)
if (this.topic != "") {
Publisher.Instance.Unsubscribe<object>(this.topic, RenderTemplate);
this.topic = topic;
if (this.topic != "") {
Publisher.Instance.Subscribe<object>(this.topic, RenderTemplate);
private void RenderTemplate(object incoming)
textObject.text = (string) incoming;
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