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Last active August 7, 2020 09:00
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Function Test-OnlineFast
# make parameter pipeline-aware
$TimeoutMillisec = 1000
# use this to collect computer names that were sent via pipeline
[Collections.ArrayList]$bucket = @()
# hash table with error code to text translation
$StatusCode_ReturnValue =
11001='Buffer Too Small'
11002='Destination Net Unreachable'
11003='Destination Host Unreachable'
11004='Destination Protocol Unreachable'
11005='Destination Port Unreachable'
11006='No Resources'
11007='Bad Option'
11008='Hardware Error'
11009='Packet Too Big'
11010='Request Timed Out'
11011='Bad Request'
11012='Bad Route'
11013='TimeToLive Expired Transit'
11014='TimeToLive Expired Reassembly'
11015='Parameter Problem'
11016='Source Quench'
11017='Option Too Big'
11018='Bad Destination'
11032='Negotiating IPSEC'
11050='General Failure'
# hash table with calculated property that translates
# numeric return value into friendly text
$statusFriendlyText = @{
# name of column
Name = 'Status'
# code to calculate content of column
Expression = {
# take status code and use it as index into
# the hash table with friendly names
# make sure the key is of same data type (int)
# calculated property that returns $true when status -eq 0
$IsOnline = @{
Name = 'Online'
Expression = { $_.StatusCode -eq 0 }
# do DNS resolution when system responds to ping
$DNSName = @{
Name = 'DNSName'
Expression = { if ($_.StatusCode -eq 0) {
if ($_.Address -like '*.*.*.*')
{ [Net.DNS]::GetHostByAddress($_.Address).HostName }
{ [Net.DNS]::GetHostByName($_.Address).HostName }
# add each computer name to the bucket
# we either receive a string array via parameter, or
# the process block runs multiple times when computer
# names are piped
$ComputerName | ForEach-Object {
$null = $bucket.Add($_)
# convert list of computers into a WMI query string
$query = $bucket -join "' or Address='"
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PingStatus -Filter "(Address='$query') and timeout=$TimeoutMillisec" |
Select-Object -Property Address, $IsOnline, $DNSName, $statusFriendlyText
$iprange = 1..254 | ForEach-Object { "10.10.101.$_" }
$result = Test-OnlineFast -ComputerName $iprange
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize
$result = $null
for ($i=1; $i -lt 255; $i++) {
$iprange = 1..254 | ForEach-Object { "10.10.$i.$_" }
$result += Test-OnlineFast -ComputerName $iprange
$result | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq 'Success'} | Sort-Object {$_.Address} | Format-Table -AutoSize
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