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Last active August 7, 2020 09:03
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Function Invoke-WakeOnLan
# one or more MACAddresses
# mac address must be a following this regex pattern:
# instantiate a UDP client:
$UDPclient = [System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient]::new()
foreach($_ in $MacAddress)
try {
$currentMacAddress = $_
# get byte array from mac address:
$mac = $currentMacAddress -split '[:-]' |
# convert the hex number into byte:
ForEach-Object {
[System.Convert]::ToByte($_, 16)
#region compose the "magic packet"
# create a byte array with 102 bytes initialized to 255 each:
$packet = [byte[]](,0xFF * 102)
# leave the first 6 bytes untouched, and
# repeat the target mac address bytes in bytes 7 through 102:
6..101 | Foreach-Object {
# $_ is indexing in the byte array,
# $_ % 6 produces repeating indices between 0 and 5
# (modulo operator)
$packet[$_] = $mac[($_ % 6)]
# connect to port 400 on broadcast address:
# send the magic packet to the broadcast address:
$null = $UDPclient.Send($packet, $packet.Length)
Write-Verbose "sent magic packet to $currentMacAddress..."
Write-Warning "Unable to send ${mac}: $_"
# release the UDF client and free its memory:
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