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Last active February 27, 2023 11:34
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A fairly WIP Wireshark dissector for Sony SAPARi VSCP/VSAP
* A fairly WIP Wireshark dissector for Sony SAPARi VSCP/VSAP.
* (C) 2023 Lily Tsuru/modeco80 <>
* Public domain, but do let me know if you ever end up using this for anything...
* Usage:
* Launch wireshark with somehting like `wireshark -X lua_script:sapari.lua`
* (or place this into your plugins directory.)
* Then open a PCAP capture (or do live capture. I'm not your dad)
* ...
* VSCP protocol elements should show up in the capture and be (somewhat) decoded!
vscp_protocol = Proto("vscp", "Sony SAPARi VSCP/VSAP")
-- Hello
hello_header = ProtoField.string("vscp.hello_string", "Hello magic thing")
-- s->c
hello_unk1 = ProtoField.uint32("vscp.hello_unk1", "Unknown 1", base.DEC)
hello_unk2 = ProtoField.uint32("vscp.hello_unk2", "Unknown 2", base.DEC)
-- c->s
hello_vscp_ver_maj = ProtoField.uint8("vscp.hello_vscp_ver_maj", "Client VSCP Version Major", base.DEC)
hello_vscp_ver_min = ProtoField.uint8("vscp.hello_vscp_ver_min", "Client VSCP Version Minor", base.DEC)
-- for regular VS(C|A)P messages
method_type = ProtoField.uint8("vscp.method", "Method type", base.DEC)
unk1 = ProtoField.uint32("vscp.unk1", "Unknown 1", base.DEC)
unk2 = ProtoField.uint32("vscp.unk2", "Unknown 2", base.DEC)
-- Type 0 header
message_type = ProtoField.uint32("vscp.type", "Message Type", base.DEC)
payload_size = ProtoField.uint32("vscp.payload_size", "Payload Size", base.DEC)
payload = ProtoField.bytes("vscp.payload", "Payload Data", base.NONE)
-- TODO: Other types.
vscp_protocol.fields = {
hello_unk1, hello_unk2,
hello_vscp_ver_maj, hello_vscp_ver_min,
-- normal
method_type, unk1, unk2,
-- type 0
message_type, payload_size, payload
function vscp_method_name(op)
local name="Invalid"
if op == 0 then name = "TYPE0"
elseif op == 1 then name = "TYPE1"
elseif op == 2 then name = "TYPE2"
elseif op == 3 then name = "HELLO/HELLA"
elseif op == 4 then name = "REJECT"
elseif op == 6 then name = "UNK6"
return name
function vscp_protocol.dissector(buffer, info, tree)
if buffer:len() == 0 then return end
info.cols.protocol =
local subtree = tree:add(vscp_protocol, buffer(), "Sony SAPARi VSCP/VSAP")
-- Process hello messages
if buffer(0,1):le_int() == 0x68 then -- 'h' in "hello"
local hTree = subtree:add(vscp_protocol, buffer(), "Hello")
hTree:add(hello_header, buffer(0, 5))
if buffer(5, 1):le_int() == 0x0 then
-- probably a server message then. This is a REALLY bad way of detecting it,
-- but it's seemingly "ok" enough for a dissector.
hTree:add(hello_unk1, buffer(6, 4))
hTree:add(hello_unk2, buffer(10, 4))
-- a client message
hTree:add(hello_vscp_ver_maj, buffer(5, 1))
hTree:add(hello_vscp_ver_min, buffer(6, 1))
subtree:add(method_type, buffer(0, 1)):append_text(" (" .. vscp_method_name(buffer(0, 1):le_uint()) .. ")")
subtree:add(unk1, buffer(1, 4))
subtree:add(unk2, buffer(5, 4))
-- Process TYPE0 method messages
if buffer(0,1):le_int() == 0 then
local t0Tree = subtree:add(vscp_protocol, buffer(), "TYPE0 Message")
t0Tree:add(message_type, buffer(9, 4))
t0Tree:add(payload_size, buffer(13, 4)):append_text(" bytes")
t0Tree:add(payload, buffer(17))
-- The VSCP protocol can run on any port, but
-- 5126 is the default for the Community Bureau,
-- so for simplicity's sake, use that.
DissectorTable.get("tcp.port"):add(5126, vscp_protocol)
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