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Created April 9, 2021 09:58
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Compute bounding box for MLModel
import CoreML
import Foundation
import UIKit
public class Lesion {
public static let inputWidth = 416
public static let inputHeight = 416
public static let maxBoundingBoxes = 4
// Tweak these values to get more or fewer predictions.
let confidenceThreshold: Float = 0.6
let iouThreshold: Float = 0.5
struct Prediction {
let classIndex: Int
let score: Float
let rect: CGRect
let model = Lesion_detector_v1_4()
public init() {
func predict(image: CVPixelBuffer) throws -> [Prediction] {
if let output = try? model.prediction(image: image) {
return computeBoundingBoxes(features: [output.output1, output.output2, output.output3])
} else {
return []
func computeBoundingBoxes(features: [MLMultiArray]) -> [Prediction] {
// assert(features.count == 125*13*13)
var predictions = [Prediction]()
let blockSize: Float = 32
let gridHeight = [13, 26, 52]
let gridWidth = [13, 26, 52]
let boxesPerCell = 5
let numClasses = 1
// The 416x416 image is divided into a 13x13 grid. Each of these grid cells
// will predict 5 bounding boxes (boxesPerCell). A bounding box consists of
// five data items: x, y, width, height, and a confidence score. Each grid
// cell also predicts which class each bounding box belongs to.
// The "features" array therefore contains (numClasses + 5)*boxesPerCell
// values for each grid cell, i.e. 125 channels. The total features array
// contains 125x13x13 elements.
// NOTE: It turns out that accessing the elements in the multi-array as
// `features[[channel, cy, cx] as [NSNumber]].floatValue` is kinda slow.
// It's much faster to use direct memory access to the features.
var featurePointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>(OpaquePointer(features[0].dataPointer))
var channelStride = features[0].strides[0].intValue
var yStride = features[0].strides[1].intValue
var xStride = features[0].strides[2].intValue
@inline(__always) func offset(_ channel: Int, _ x: Int, _ y: Int) -> Int {
return channel * channelStride + y * yStride + x * xStride
for i in 0 ..< 3 {
featurePointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>(OpaquePointer(features[i].dataPointer))
channelStride = features[i].strides[0].intValue
yStride = features[i].strides[1].intValue
xStride = features[i].strides[2].intValue
for cy in 0 ..< gridHeight[i] {
for cx in 0 ..< gridWidth[i] {
for b in 0 ..< boxesPerCell {
// For the first bounding box (b=0) we have to read channels 0-24,
// for b=1 we have to read channels 25-49, and so on.
let channel = b * (numClasses + 5)
// The slow way:
let tx = features[[channel , cy, cx] as [NSNumber]].floatValue
let ty = features[[channel + 1, cy, cx] as [NSNumber]].floatValue
let tw = features[[channel + 2, cy, cx] as [NSNumber]].floatValue
let th = features[[channel + 3, cy, cx] as [NSNumber]].floatValue
let tc = features[[channel + 4, cy, cx] as [NSNumber]].floatValue
// The fast way:
let tx = Float(featurePointer[offset(channel, cx, cy)])
let ty = Float(featurePointer[offset(channel + 1, cx, cy)])
let tw = Float(featurePointer[offset(channel + 2, cx, cy)])
let th = Float(featurePointer[offset(channel + 3, cx, cy)])
let tc = Float(featurePointer[offset(channel + 4, cx, cy)])
// The predicted tx and ty coordinates are relative to the location
// of the grid cell; we use the logistic sigmoid to constrain these
// coordinates to the range 0 - 1. Then we add the cell coordinates
// (0-12) and multiply by the number of pixels per grid cell (32).
// Now x and y represent center of the bounding box in the original
// 416x416 image space.
let scale = powf(2.0, Float(i)) // scale pos by 2^i where i is the scale pyramid level
let x = (Float(cx) * blockSize + sigmoid(tx)) / scale
let y = (Float(cy) * blockSize + sigmoid(ty)) / scale
// The size of the bounding box, tw and th, is predicted relative to
// the size of an "anchor" box. Here we also transform the width and
// height into the original 416x416 image space.
let w = exp(tw) * anchors[i][2 * b] * blockSize
let h = exp(th) * anchors[i][2 * b + 1] * blockSize
// The confidence value for the bounding box is given by tc. We use
// the logistic sigmoid to turn this into a percentage.
let confidence = sigmoid(tc)
// Gather the predicted classes for this anchor box and softmax them,
// so we can interpret these numbers as percentages.
var classes = [Float](repeating: 0, count: numClasses)
for c in 0 ..< numClasses {
// The slow way:
// classes[c] = features[[channel + 5 + c, cy, cx] as [NSNumber]].floatValue
// The fast way:
classes[c] = Float(featurePointer[offset(channel + 5 + c, cx, cy)])
classes = softmax(classes)
// Find the index of the class with the largest score.
let (detectedClass, bestClassScore) = classes.argmax()
// Combine the confidence score for the bounding box, which tells us
// how likely it is that there is an object in this box (but not what
// kind of object it is), with the largest class prediction, which
// tells us what kind of object it detected (but not where).
let confidenceInClass = bestClassScore * confidence
// Since we compute 13x13x5 = 845 bounding boxes, we only want to
// keep the ones whose combined score is over a certain threshold.
if confidenceInClass > confidenceThreshold {
let rect = CGRect(x: CGFloat(x - w / 2), y: CGFloat(y - h / 2),
width: CGFloat(w), height: CGFloat(h))
let prediction = Prediction(classIndex: detectedClass,
score: confidenceInClass,
rect: rect)
// We already filtered out any bounding boxes that have very low scores,
// but there still may be boxes that overlap too much with others. We'll
// use "non-maximum suppression" to prune those duplicate bounding boxes.
return nonMaxSuppression(boxes: predictions, limit: Lesion.maxBoundingBoxes, threshold: iouThreshold)
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