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Last active December 5, 2020 20:29
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Dart Basics II
* Dart Basics II:
* Written By: Kyra Samuel
* Coded By: Kyra Samuel
* Twitter/GitHub/Discord:
* @modernlabrat
* Sources:
* * * * * * Udemy - Flutter & Dart
* - The Completed Guide [2020
* Edition]
* * * * * * O'Reilly - Programming
* Flutter
* * * * * * Introduction to Dart for
* Java Developers
* Dart doesn't use the keywords
* public, private, or protected.
* Dart supports top-level functions.
class _APrivateClass {
* I am a private class.
* I am only accessible from within
* the current package.
void main() {
var a = 4.2e2; // specify powers of 10 by using 'e'
print('powers of 10: ' + a.toString()); // toString on num subclasses for proper String concatenation
num _privateNum; // a private variable
_privateNum = 4;
var fourInt = _privateNum as int; // type casting using the keyword 'as'
* type casting is used in Dart
* to cast a value to one of its
* subtypes i.e num => int, num
* => double
print('num to int: ' + fourInt.toString()); // need toString()
List<num>list = [1, 2, 3]; // List of type num
print('num list: $list');
var numListToInt = list.cast<int>(); // use 'cast' to cast all values of List
print('numListToInt $numListToInt');
var roundMe = 5.6;
print('roundMe.round(): ' + roundMe.round().toString());
* The Non-null selector, ??,
* operator is used to select
* the non-null value.
var nonNull = 10; // non-null value
int nullNull; // null value
var sinceNonNull = nonNull ?? 2; // nonNull has a value of 10, so sinceNonNull has a value of 10.
var sinceNull = nullNull ?? 3; // nullNull has a value of Null, so sinceNull has a value of 3.
print('sinceNonNull: ${sinceNonNull}');
print('sinceNull: ${sinceNull}');
var aSet = { // A Set is a linear collection of different values.
print('aSet: $aSet');
// remove and add elements to a Set
var set2 = aSet
..add('Yellow'); // note the syntax.
print('set2: $set2');
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