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Last active March 24, 2019 17:46
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The React Context API in an alternate universe

The React Context API in an alternate universe


Context is "just" a prop with special behavior, like children or key. It implicitly propagates from elements to their children, unless it is explicitly overridden.

Context can be provided as a prop (to elements) or via the children object's withContext method. Context can be consumed as a prop (to components) or by using a function in children.

This component:

const Container = ({ children }) => (
      <h1>Hello, World</h1>
      <Nav />

is equivalent to:

const Container = ({ children, context }) => (
    <Header context={context}>
      <h1>Hello, World</h1>
      {(headerContext) => <Nav context={headerContext} />}
    <Footer context={context}/>

Note that HTML elements and text nodes do not interact with context.

API Differences


Context is an object with the following methods:

update: create a new context with an updated value

  key: string | symbol,
  update: (previousValue) => nextValue
) => Context

get: read a value from context, or get its default value

  key: string | symbol,
  defaultValue?: any 
) => any

Context can also be consumed via a `useContext` hook:

const value = useContext(key, defaultValue)

Context can be provided to elements via the context prop.

<Foo context={context}/>

If an element is not explicitly provided a context prop, it will receive the context its parent element passes to its children.

Passing a non-Context value as a context prop is an error.


Children is an object with the following methods:

withContext: create a new children object with an updated context

children.withContext(Context) => Children

Calling withContext with a non-Context value is an error.

Regardless of what type of value is passed as the children prop, the component will always receive an opaque Children object.

If a function is used in children, that function is called with the parent context as its argument:

  {(context) => <Foo value={context.use(key)} />}

Rough equivalents to real-world React

function createContext (defaultValue) {
  const key = Symbol()

  // <Context.Provider value={value}>{...}</Provider>
  const Provider = ({ value, children, context }) =>
    children.withContext(context.update(key, () => value))

  // <Context.Consumer render={(value) => ...} />
  const Consumer = ({ render, context }) =>
    render(context.get(key, defaultValue))

  // const value = Context.use()
  function use () {
    return useContext(key, defaultValue)

  return { use, Provider, Consumer }
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