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Created February 4, 2020 22:35
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:- discontiguous gender/2.
:- discontiguous balls/2.
:- discontiguous age/2.
:- discontiguous gender_pair/2.
:- discontiguous position/2.
% positions: [sled] -> wheel -> team -> swing -> lead
% TODO: what is the significance of the wind?
% hari
gender(hari, male).
balls(hari, neutered).
age(hari, adult).
gender_pair(hari, male).
% runs best in the middle of the team
position(hari, swing).
position(hari, team).
% zagat
gender(zagat, male).
balls(zagat, intact).
age(zagat, yearling).
gender_pair(zagat, male).
gender_pair(zagat, female).
% "excellent leader in training" -- behind lead? or along side?
position(zagat, swing).
gender(flame, female).
balls(flame, neutered).
age(flame, adult).
gender_pair(flame, male).
position(flame, swing).
position(flame, team).
% spike
gender(spike, male).
balls(spike, neutered).
age(spike, adult).
gender_pair(spike, male).
gender_pair(spike, female).
% "can run lead or anywhere else"
% might want to remove other positions if too many options
position(spike, lead).
position(spike, swing).
position(spike, team).
position(spike, wheel).
%TODO: how to capture "friends with colbert"
gender(dora, female).
balls(dora, intact).
age(dora, yearling).
gender_pair(dora, male).
gender_pair(dora, female).
% "strong"; "smart but needs to tire herself out before she can really think" -- back of the pack?
position(dora, team).
position(dora, wheel).
gender(refried, female).
balls(refried, neutered).
age(refried, adult).
gender_pair(refried, male).
position(refried, swing).
position(refried, team).
gender(donut, female).
balls(donut, neutered).
age(donut, adult).
gender_pair(donut, female).
gender_pair(donut, male).
position(donut, swing).
position(donut, team).
gender(colbert, male).
balls(colbert, intact).
age(colbert, adult).
gender_pair(colbert, female).
gender_pair(colbert, male).
% "can run with anyone but yearling males"
% (redundant with `not_intact_pair` rule)
position(colbert, wheel).
gender(helli, female).
balls(helli, intact).
age(helli, adult).
gender_pair(helli, female).
gender_pair(helli, male).
% "if she has to wait too long, she'll chew her harness" -- does this suggest a position?
position(helli, lead).
position(helli, swing).
position(helli, team).
position(helli, wheel).
gender(jeff, male).
balls(jeff, neutered).
age(jeff, adult).
gender_pair(jeff, female).
position(jeff, swing).
position(jeff, team).
% pepe
gender(pepe, female).
balls(pepe, neutered).
age(pepe, adult).
gender_pair(pepe, female).
gender_pair(pepe, male).
position(pepe, lead).
% jules
gender(jules, male).
balls(jules, intact).
age(jules, yearling).
gender_pair(jules, female).
% "should be brought to the gang-line last" -- does that imply position?
position(jules, lead).
position(jules, swing).
position(jules, team).
position(jules, wheel).
% boo
gender(boo, male).
balls(boo, intact).
age(boo, adult).
gender_pair(boo, female).
gender_pair(boo, male).
position(boo, lead).
position(boo, swing).
position(boo, team).
position(boo, wheel).
% jenga
gender(jenga, female).
balls(jenga, spayed).
age(jenga, adult).
gender_pair(jenga, female).
gender_pair(jenga, male).
position(jenga, lead).
position(jenga, swing).
position(jenga, team).
position(jenga, wheel).
% biggie
gender(biggie, male).
balls(biggie, intact).
age(biggie, yearling).
gender_pair(biggie, female).
position(biggie, lead).
position(biggie, swing).
position(biggie, team).
position(biggie, wheel).
% grinch
gender(grinch, male).
balls(grinch, neutered).
gender_pair(grinch, female).
gender_pair(grinch, male).
position(grinch, team).
position(grinch, wheel).
compatible_one_way(Target, Compare) :-
gender(Compare, CompareGender),
gender_pair(Target, CompareGender).
not_intact_pair(Left, _) :- balls(Left, neutered).
not_intact_pair(Left, Right) :-
balls(Left, intact),
balls(Right, neutered).
not_two_yearlings(Left, _) :- age(Left, adult).
not_two_yearlings(Left, Right) :-
age(Left, yearling),
age(Right, adult).
compatible(Left, Right) :-
not_intact_pair(Left, Right),
not_two_yearlings(Left, Right),
compatible_one_way(Left, Right),
compatible_one_way(Right, Left).
pair_for_position((Left, Right), Position) :-
position(Left, Position),
position(Right, Position),
compatible(Left, Right).
% this is the performance-sensitive part, I think?
% should probably not be four appends in a row
% but who knows? computers are fast
take_two(Input, (Left, Right), Output) :-
append(Prefix1, [Left | Rest], Input),
append(Prefix2, [Right | Postfix], Rest),
append(Prefix1, Prefix2, Prefix),
append(Prefix, Postfix, Output).
team(Input, Output, Leads, Swings, Teams, Wheels) :-
take_two(Input, Leads, Next1),
pair_for_position(Leads, lead),
take_two(Next1, Swings, Next2),
pair_for_position(Swings, swing),
take_two(Next2, Teams, Next3),
pair_for_position(Teams, team),
take_two(Next3, Wheels, Output),
pair_for_position(Wheels, wheel).
two_teams(AllDogs, [Leads1, Swings1, Teams1, Wheels1], [Leads2, Swings2, Teams2, Wheels2]) :-
team(AllDogs, RemainingDogs, Leads1, Swings1, Teams1, Wheels1),
team(RemainingDogs, _, Leads2, Swings2, Teams2, Wheels2).
run(Team1, Team2) :-
[hari, zagat, flame, spike, dora, refried, donut, colbert, helli,
jeff, pepe, jules, boo, jenga, biggie, grinch],
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  • still need to account for wind direction / fur
  • might need to make position scored rather than valid/invalid -- can't assemble two full teams with this as-is

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