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Last active August 11, 2020 04:57
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  • Save modmuss50/5e9415c7b6ea0fc96e56002a2b5f4fc7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save modmuss50/5e9415c7b6ea0fc96e56002a2b5f4fc7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Loom 0.2.6 and Yarn v2 upgrade guide.

  1. Update loom to 0.2.6-SNAPSHOT by changing the version at the top of your build.gradle file
  2. Update yarn to the latest version
    • 1.14.4+build.15 for 1.14.4
    • 19w46b+build.8 for 1.15
  3. Update fabric loader to 0.7.0+build.171
  4. Append :v2 to the yarn version in build.gradle

For a real life example please see this commit to the example mod.

Fixing the crash at startup.

To fix this please first re-run the setup tasks specific for you IDE, you may need to close and repoen the project for your IDE to take note of the changes. If this fails please keep reading.

If you are using Intelijj open the run configuration panel and delete the 2 run configs for the client and the server and then re-run the setup. This should generate new run configs, again you may need to close/open for the changes to take effect.

For vscode and eclipse delete the run config files and re-run setup.

This will only need to be done once, this change has been done to ensure it never needs to be done again in the future. If you still need help please reach out on the discord or irc servers.

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