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Last active December 27, 2022 09:15
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SVG Elliptical Arc to Chord Approximation
;; NB there is a bug when switching between circles/ellipses. Anyone spot it?
(ns perturb.arcs
(:require [perturb.util
:refer [cos
(def end 1.000001)
(def angle-zero (rad 0.000001))
;; this assumes we're dealing with circles, but just adding an ry param ought to be fine
(defn- arc-points* [[x y] [x' y'] rx & [{alpha :alpha sweep?* :sweep? large? :large?}]]
(let [ry rx
alpha (or alpha 0)
angle (- PI alpha)
sweep? (cond-> sweep?* large? not)
c (cos angle)
s (sin angle)
e (/ rx ry)
ax (- (* x c) (* y s))
ay (* (+ (* y c) (* x s)) e)
bx (- (* x' c) (* y' s))
by (* (+ (* y' c) (* x' s)) e)
sx (avg ax bx)
sy (avg ay by)
vx (- ay by)
vy (- bx ax)
l (sqrt (max 0 (- (/ (sq rx) (+ (sq vx) (sq vy))) 0.25)))
vx (* vx l)
vy (* vy l)
[sx sy] (pairwise (if sweep? + -) sx sy vx vy)
a0 (atan (- ay sy) (- ax sx))
a1 (atan (- by sy) (- bx sx))
da (- a1 a0)
[a0 a1]
(<= (abs (- (abs da) PI)) angle-zero)
(let [db (- (avg a0 a1) (atan (- by ay) (- bx ax)))
[db] (drop-while #(< %1 (- PI)) (iterate (+' TAU) db))
[db] (drop-while #(< PI %1) (iterate (-' TAU) db))
sweep? (or (neg? db) sweep?*)]
[(cond-> a0 (and sweep? (neg? da)) (- TAU))
(cond-> a1 (and sweep? (not-neg? da)) (- TAU))])
[(cond-> a0 (and (neg? da) (< (- PI) da)) (- TAU))
(cond-> a1 (and (not-neg? da) (< da PI)) (- TAU))]
[(cond-> a0 (< da (- PI)) (- TAU))
(cond-> a1 (< PI da) (- TAU))])
da (- a1 a0)]
(fn point-calc [incr]
(let [t (+ a0 (* da incr))
x (+ sx (* rx (cos t)))
y (+ (/ sy e) (* ry (sin t)))
c (cos (- angle))
s (sin (- angle))]
[(- (* x c) (* y s))
(+ (* x s) (* y c))]))))
(defn arc-points
([p1 p2 r & [opts]]
(let [f (arc-points* p1 p2 r opts)]
(into [] (map f (range 0 end (:incr opts 0.05)))))))
(defn approx-arc [[px py] {radius :r :as circle} t & [opts]]
(let [[end-x end-y] (polar->cart circle t)]
(arc-points [px py] [end-x end-y] radius opts)))
(defn approx-arcs [prev & params]
(fn [[prev acc] [circle angle sweep? large?]]
(let [pts (approx-arc prev circle angle {:large? large? :sweep? sweep?})
prev (last pts)]
[prev (into acc pts)]))
[prev []] params)))
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