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Created April 3, 2013 14:38
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Minimal Android ZeroMQ Client/Server Example

While researching possible technologies for implementing a publish/subscribe-based task distribution system for long-running, semi-autonomous/intelligent agents (with Android as a supported platform), ZeroMQ emerged as a sensible choice for handling message transportation, given the exploding complexity of AMQP (Pieter Hintjens' August 2008 steering comittee missive sums up my misgivings).

The ZeroMQ/jzmq Android build instructions look pretty onerous, particularly for pre-3.0 versions (due to a libuuid dependency) - JeroMQ (a pure Java implemention) - seemed like a natural choice. I haven't benchmarked anything like a real-world use case, though there are some promising numbers published by the JeroMQ authors.

Since the JeroMQ and jzmq (0.2.0 series) API structures are functionally identical, barring showstopping bugs, there shouldn't be any real cost associated with making a choice for exploratory reasons. The code snippets below adumbrate a minimal working example of a ZMQ client/server in request/response mode, running in a single process (an Android application). There are a dearth of Android-specific ZMQ examples around - I've endeavoured to use Android-specific concurrency abstractions where they seem idiomatic.

Note that the purpose of this example/tutorial is to provide examples of how to issue a request and process a response using a trivial message format with ZMQ

  • while all of the work is happening in a single process, the server & client threads can be viewed as separate applications; trivial adaptations of the Hello World request/response example applications (hwclient & hwserver) which are ubiquitous in ZMQ tutorials.


Let's start with a Handler which takes an instance to which it dispatches message events, and a key name identifying the String datum within the corresponding Message's Bundle which holds the message payload.

<script src=""></script>

Predictably, the interface isn't particularly jazzy.

<script src=""></script>

The long-running server, which blocks on reads and instantly responds with a reversed version of the message payload is defined as a Runnable, taking a Handler which is used to communicate the content of incoming messages.

<script src=""></script>

The client/request-side is implemented as an AsyncTask which re-does all of its setup when run. [AsyncTask.execute](\)) takes a String to use as the message body, and the constructor, as above, takes a Handler to which received messages are dispatched (after being bundled).



The UI is incredibly simple, and the layout XML doesn't bear repeating. The three pieces of information required to make the Activity code intelligible are:

  • text_message is the EditText at the top.
  • button_send_message is the Button beside it.
  • text_console is the large TextView console below.

Wiring Everything Together

<script src=""></script>

The static methods in Util aren't particularly useful - the implementations have been omitted to reduce clutter.


MQTT makes sense on a couple of axes, though it may be a slightly curious choice given the heterogeneity of clients (it'd be easier to defend it were Android, or mobile-only clients). It may well be the subject of a follow-up blog-post.

ZeroMQ is used more in the wild, and it may be more flexible in case any strange requirements emerge (for example, if we were to develop an in-browser Javascript task consumer which required the proxying of ZMQ messages over HTTP, then the existence of middleware like Mule - might make this easier). There's an example of what looks like something similar here although I haven't looked at it (Mule, nor that example) in depth. The word "middleware" makes me a little suspicious.

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