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Last active December 5, 2021 12:55
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(ns forestry.rb
(:require [clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
[forestry.node :as n])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [find key val replace]))
(defprotocol -RedBlackNode
(color [node])
(blacken [node])
(-add [node k v])
(balance [node])
(red? [node]))
(defn search [v k]
(when v
(let [cmp (compare k (n/key v))]
(cond (zero? cmp) (n/val v)
(neg? cmp) (recur (n/left v) k)
:else (recur (n/right v) k)))))
(extend-type clojure.lang.IPersistentVector
(key [v] (nth v 2))
(val [v] (nth v 3))
(add [n k v]
(blacken (-add n k v)))
(left [v] (second v))
(right [v] (last v))
(color [v] (first v))
(blacken [v] (assoc v 0 :B))
(red? [v] (identical? :R (color v)))
(-add [[c l k v r] k' v']
(let [cmp (compare k' k)]
(if (zero? cmp)
[c l k v' r]
(if (neg? cmp)
[c (-add l k' v') k v r]
[c l k v (-add r k' v')])))))
(balance [[_ L K V R :as node]]
(if (red? node)
(match [L K V R]
[[:R [:R a xk xv b] yk yv c] zk zv d] [:R [:B a xk xv b] yk yv [:B c zk zv d]]
[[:R a xk xv [:R b yk yv c]] zk zv d] [:R [:B a xk xv b] yk yv [:B c zk zv d]]
[a xk xv [:R [:R b yk yv c] zk zv d]] [:R [:B a xk xv b] yk yv [:B c zk zv d]]
[a xk xv [:R b yk yv [:R c zk zv d]]] [:R [:B a xk xv b] yk yv [:B c zk zv d]]
:else node))))
(extend-type nil
(-add [_ k v] [:R nil k v nil]))
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