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Last active October 21, 2015 12:01
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# A calendar script for use with TextBar (
# by Max Melzer
# Explanation here:
export LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8; # Set the language of the virtual shell to german. This makes the following "date" command output german day and month names. If you want the date in english, you dont need this line
date '+%a, %-d. %B %-H:%M'; # This outputs the current date, according to the unix "date" command. The Output becomes the first line in the finished menu bar app – the title that is always displayed (this makes the default menu bar clock redundant. Remove it by CMD-dragging). The refresh rate of the TextBar script should be at least be set to something like every 10 seconds so the time is always up to date.
DAY=$(date '+%e') # We save the current day as a variable to highlight the corresponding day in the month overview.
# The following piece of code is a bit of a monstrosity. At its heart lies the unix "cal" command which outputs a simple month calendar.
# This calendar gets piped (with the | character) to a huge awk command which I got from some forum. All it does is rearrange the calendar to start the week on mondays.
# This rearranged calendar is again piped to a piece of code which wraps every line in html tags. These are necessary to preserve white-space and display the calendar in a monospaced font. Also in this piece of code is the command to highlight the $DAY variable if it occurs in the calendar (which it always does, of course).
# (If you want to use the calendar with the default bright menu bar you obviously should set the css color to black instead of white.)
cal | awk '{ print " "$0; getline; print " Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So"; \
getline; if (substr($0,1,2) == " 1") print " 1 "; \
do { prevline=$0; if (getline == 0) exit; print " " \
substr(prevline,4,17) " " substr($0,1,2) " "; } while (1) }' | while IFS= read -r line ; do
echo "<html><span style='color:white;font-family:DejaVu Sans Mono,Menlo;white-space: pre;font-size:10.5pt;'>${line/ $DAY / <strong style='color:red'>$DAY</strong> }</span></html>";
echo "<html><span style='font-size:5pt'>&nbsp;</span></html>"; # Just adding a little whitespace
# Next comes the list-overview of upcoming calendar events. For this I used the free "icalBuddy" program which you need to install for this script to work.
# The icalBuddy script is quite slow to run, so we need to find a way to not make it run on every refresh of the main script. For this we save the icalBuddy output to a local file.
lastedit=$(find ~/Dropbox/Development/menucalendartemp.txt -newermt "1 hour ago") # Here the find command checks wheather the local temp file has been modified in the last hour. If it wasn't, $lastedit is set to the path of the temp file.
if [[ $lastedit == "" ]]; then # This is the check for the variable set in the last step. If it is empty, the temp file's contents need to be refreshed.
echo "`/usr/local/bin/icalBuddy --propertySeparators "| |
|" --sectionSeparator "" --formatOutput --includeOnlyEventsFromNowOn --noCalendarNames --showTodaysSection --bullet "● " --limitItems "10" --includeEventProps "datetime,title" --propertyOrder "title,datetime" --dateFormat "%e. %B" --localizationFile --separateByDate "~/.icalBuddyLocalization.plist" --timeFormat "%H:%M" --noPropNames eventsToday+7 `" > ~/Dropbox/Development/menucalendartemp.txt; # Here I run the icalBuddy program with a whole bunch of arguments which are detailed in the manpage of icalBuddy. The resulting list of events is logged to our temp file (via the ">" command). This resets the modification date of the temp file and the next time the script is refreshed, the code will jump right over this step to the next line.
less ~/Dropbox/Development/menucalendartemp.txt; # lastly, the contents of the temp file are read with the "less" command and printed to our menu bar program.
less ~/Dropbox/Development/menucalendartemp.txt; # If the temp file is recent enough, it remains unchanged.
echo "<html><span style='font-size:5pt'>&nbsp;</span></html>"; # Some more white-space.
echo "<html><span style='font-family:-apple-system;font-size:11pt;color:white'>Neuer Eintrag</span></html>"; # this last line creates a "new entry"-link. This doesn't do anything but can be referenced in an action script.
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