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Created April 22, 2014 17:42
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decode google click id
function gclid_decode($gclid, $splitTimestamp = true)
// Copyright 2013 Deed Poll Office Ltd, UK <>
// Licensed under Apache Licence v2.0 <>
\xdd\xe5\xed\xf5\xfd]) # 32-bit wire type
([\x80-\xff]*[\0-\x7f])(.{4}) |
([\x80-\xff]*[\0-\x7f])([\x80-\xff]*[\0-\x7f]) # default to varint wire type
base64_decode(str_replace(array('_','-'), array('+','/'), $gclid)),
$ret = array();
foreach ($matches as $m) {
$key = $val = 0;
foreach (str_split($m[1] ? $m[1] : $m[3]) as $i => $c)
$key += (ord($c) & 0x7f) << $i * 7;
if ($m[1]) { // 32-bit (probably) unsigned int (not supported by PHP)
foreach (str_split($m[2]) as $i => $c) {
$val = PHP_INT_SIZE < 5 && function_exists('bcadd') ?
bcadd($val, bcmul(ord($c), bcpow(2, $i * 8))) :
$val + (ord($c) * pow(2, $i * 8));
} else {
foreach (str_split($m[4]) as $i => $c) {
$val = PHP_INT_SIZE < 8 && function_exists('bcadd') ?
bcadd($val, bcmul(ord($c) & 0x7f, bcpow(2, $i * 7))) :
$val + ((ord($c) & 0x7f) * pow(2, $i * 7));
$ret[$key >> 3] = $val;
if ($splitTimestamp) $ret[1] = array( // Split into seconds / microseconds
(int) floor($ret[1] / 1000000),
is_int($ret[1]) ? $ret[1] % 1000000 :
(is_string($ret[1]) ? bcmod($ret[1], 1000000) : null),
return $ret;
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Sorry I didn't follow up here sooner, @jwest75674! Unfortunately I'm not personally using this piece of code anymore. If you find additional information anywhere, let me know and I'll be happy to update this Gist.

No problem at all!
I never did figure it out, but maybe someone will at some point!

Thanks for the reply!

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there are currently 3 different kinds of gclid. after decoded from base64/web the resulting byte arrays define the type of the GCLID at offset 0:

  • 0x08 (index 1, type varint): the old gclid type, with the microsecond-timestamp at offset 1
  • 0x10 (index 2, type varint): a version that has the message of the old GCLID in a sub-sub-message - the old message starts at offset 8 (also starting with 0x08), the timestamp is at offset 9
  • 0x0A (index 1, type string) a version with seconds-since-epoch (only containing the date at PST midnight) - the timestamp starts at offset 5

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