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Created July 15, 2022 04:36
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Juniper DDNS script
version 1.0;
ns junos = "*/junos";
ns jcs = "";
ns curl extension = "";
import "../import/junos.xsl";
put this file as /var/db/scripts/op/update-ddns.slax
and then configure:
system {
scripts {
op {
file update-ddns.slax {
command update-ddns;
routing-instance somewhere; // optional, add this if you want to send update with non-default instance
services {
apply-macro ddns:he-example {
type HE;
password 114514;
interface pp0.0; // IP source, optional
event-options {
generate-event {
every-10min time-interval 600;
policy ddns-update {
events [ snmp_trap_link_up every-10min ];
attributes-match {
snmp_trap_link_up.interface-name matches pp0.0;
then {
execute-commands {
commands {
"ping 1 count 5 interval 1 wait 1"; // wait 5s for pp0.0 to be online
"op update-ddns";
match / {
var $configs = jcs:invoke(<get-configuration> {
<configuration> {
<system> {
<services> {
}, "no-login-logout");
for-each ($configs//apply-macro[starts-with(./name, 'ddns:')]) {
expr jcs:output('Processing config ' _ ./name);
call update-ddns($config=.);
template update-ddns($config) {
var $address = {
if ($config/data[./name="interface"]) {
var $iface = jcs:invoke(<get-interface-information> {
<interface-name> $config/data[./name="interface"]/value;
expr $iface//address-family[./address-family-name="inet"]/interface-address/ifa-local[1];
var $hostname = $config/data[./name="hostname"]/value;
if ($config/data[./name="type"][value="HE"]) {
var $curlParam := {
<url> '';
<method> 'POST';
<param name="hostname"> $hostname;
<param name="password"> $config/data[./name="password"]/value;
if ($address) {
<param name="myip"> $address;
if ($address) {
expr jcs:output('[HE:' _ $hostname _ '] Updating to address ' _ $address);
} else {
expr jcs:output('[HE:' _ $hostname _ '] Updating');
var $curlResult = curl:single($curlParam);
if (not($curlResult/curl-success)) {
expr jcs:output('[HE:' _ $hostname _ '] cURL error: ' _ $curlResult//error);
} else if ($curlResult//headers/code = 200) {
expr jcs:output('[HE:' _ $hostname _ '] Success with content: ' _ $curlResult//raw-data);
} else {
expr jcs:output('[HE:' _ $hostname _ '] Failed with content: ' _ $curlResult//raw-data);
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