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author = {Ralf Jung and
David Swasey and
Filip Sieczkowski and
Kasper Svendsen and
Aaron Turon and
\textcite{doody} text\footnote{blub} \textcite{doody}
text\autocite{aksin} text\footnote{blub} text\autocite{aksin}
%%%%% alpha-all.bst
%%%%% for
%%%%% 2021-02-16 MW
%%%%% modification of alpha.bst
%%%%% that displays all author letters in the alphabetic label
%%%%% and does not truncate the list with \etalchar{+}
%%%%% the only change is a slight simplification of format.lab.names
%%%% plainnat-allsort.bst
%%%% 2020-11-25 MW
%%%% use all names for sorting and ignore "et al." truncation
%%%% only removed the "zz" bit from `sort.format.names'
%%%% original copyright header follows, but should NOT be interpreted
%%%% as claiming endorsment or offers of support by people named there
%% File: `plainnat.bst'
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=authoryear]{biblatex}
\renewcommand*{\postnotedelim}{\addcolon\space} % add colon after year on \parencite
\DeclareFieldFormat{postnote}{#1} %no page prefix when citing
\DeclareFieldFormat{multipostnote}{#1} %no page prefix when citing
% comment out to make things work
% Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Philipp Lehman.
% 2012-2017 Philip Kime, Audrey Boruvka, Joseph Wright
% 2018- Philip Kime, Moritz Wemheuer
% Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
% software under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License
% (LPPL), version 1.3c.
% This software is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind,
% either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{biblatex}