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Created July 10, 2017 01:27
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  • Save mogauvin/871a5e50918fdcd597c659ff8d775b96 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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SO stacked bar chart with padding
{"description":"SO stacked bar chart with padding","endpoint":"","display":"svg","public":true,"require":[],"fileconfigs":{"inlet.js":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"crimea.csv":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"config.json":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12}},"fullscreen":false,"play":false,"loop":false,"restart":false,"autoinit":true,"pause":true,"loop_type":"period","bv":false,"nclones":15,"clone_opacity":0.4,"duration":3000,"ease":"linear","dt":0.01,"ajax-caching":true,"thumbnail":""}
date wounds other disease
5/1854 0 95 105
6/1854 0 40 95
7/1854 0 140 520
8/1854 20 150 800
9/1854 220 230 740
10/1854 305 310 600
11/1854 480 290 820
12/1854 295 310 1100
1/1855 230 460 1440
2/1855 180 520 1270
3/1855 155 350 935
4/1855 195 195 560
5/1855 180 155 550
6/1855 330 130 650
7/1855 260 130 430
8/1855 290 110 490
9/1855 355 100 290
10/1855 135 95 245
11/1855 100 140 325
12/1855 40 120 215
1/1856 0 160 160
2/1856 0 100 100
3/1856 0 125 90
var w =tributary.sw,
h = 500,
p = [20, 50, 30, 1],
x = d3.scale.ordinal().rangeRoundBands([0, w - p[1] - p[3]],0.176),
y = d3.scale.linear().range([0, h - p[0] - p[2]]),
z = d3.scale.ordinal().range(["lightpink", "darkgray", "lightblue"]),
parse = d3.time.format("%m/%Y").parse,
format = d3.time.format("%b"),
var svg ="svg")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + p[3] + "," + (h - p[2]) + ")");
// Transpose the data into layers by cause.
var causes = d3.layout.stack()(["wounds", "other", "disease"].map(function(cause) {
return {
return {x: parse(, y: +d[cause]};
// Compute the x-domain (by date) and y-domain (by top).
x.domain(causes[0].map(function(d) { return d.x; }));
y.domain([0, d3.max(causes[causes.length - 1], function(d) { return d.y0 + d.y; })]);
// Add a group for each cause.
var cause = svg.selectAll("g.cause")
.attr("class", "cause")
.style("fill", function(d, i) { return z(i); })
.style("stroke", function(d, i) { return d3.rgb(z(i)).darker(); });
// Add a rect for each date.
var rect = cause.selectAll("rect")
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d.x); })
.attr("y", function(d) { return -y(d.y0) - y(d.y); })
.attr("height", function(d) { return y(d.y); })
.attr("width", x.rangeBand());
// Add a label per date.
var label = svg.selectAll("text")
.attr("x", function(d) { return x(d) + x.rangeBand() / 2; })
.attr("y", 6)
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("dy", ".71em")
.style("font-size", "13px");
// Add y-axis rules.
var rule = svg.selectAll("g.rule")
.attr("class", "rule")
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(0," + -y(d) + ")"; });
.attr("x2", w - p[1] - p[3])
.style("stroke", function(d) { return d ? "#fff" : "#000"; })
.style("stroke-opacity", function(d) { return d ? 0.7 : null; });
.attr("x", w - p[1] - p[3] + 6)
.attr("dy", ".35em")
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