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Created May 26, 2012 02:17
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Save mogigoma/2791743 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
auto-reload yes
browser firefox
cache-file "~/.newsbeuter/cache.db"
confirm-exit no
error-log "~/.newsbeuter/error.log"
max-items 1000
reload-time 60
save-path "~/tmp/"
show-read-feeds no
suppress-first-reload yes
# Appearance
# ----------
# Attribs: blink bold dim invis protect reverse standout underline
# Colors: black blue cyan default green magenta red white yellow
# Elements: article background info listfocus listnormal
# <element> <fgcolor> <bgcolor> <attr>
color background green black
color listnormal green black
color listfocus red black
color info white blue
color article white black
# Key Bindings
# (un)bind-key <key> <operation>
unbind-key $
unbind-key :
unbind-key ,
unbind-key e
unbind-key f
unbind-key n
unbind-key s
unbind-key t
unbind-key v
unbind-key A
unbind-key B
unbind-key C
unbind-key D
#unbind-key F
unbind-key N
unbind-key ^B
unbind-key ^E
unbind-key ^F
unbind-key ^N
unbind-key ^P
unbind-key ^T
unbind-key ^U
unbind-key ENTER
bind-key n toggle-article-read
bind-key v toggle-source-view
bind-key N mark-feed-read
bind-key ^N next-unread
bind-key ^P prev-unread
bind-key LEFT quit
bind-key RIGHT open
bind-key ENTER open-in-browser
bind-key D delete-article
bind-key $ purge-deleted
# Kill File
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