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Created April 28, 2021 16:11
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shell for loop example
$ c=1
$ echo $c
$ for c in {1..9}; do echo -n $c; done
# {1..9} will expand to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .
# The for loop will loop through these words ,
# and echo will echo the words . -n is used
# to suppress the printing of a new line .
$ echo $c
$ for var in red blue green; do echo $var; done
# Loop through the three words , red blue and
# green . Execute the command echo . The result
# of executing the for loop is that red , blue
# and green are echoed out to the standard output
# each on a separate line .
$ for file in *; do echo $file; done
# print the name of the file in the current
# working directory . * is substituted
# by the shell with all the file
# names in the current directory .
$ for file in `echo hey hi | wc`
> do
> echo $file;
> done
1 # number of lines
2 # number of words
7 # number of characters
# Execute the echo command ,
# and redirect its output to
# wc , wc will count the number
# of lines words and characters ,
# its output will be
# 1 2 7
# loop through the words , and
# execute the echo command , and
# finally the result of the looping
# is displayed to the standard output .
# The preceding for loop command
# could have been written as :
# for file in `echo hey hi | wc`; do echo $file; done
# but using the first notation is clearer .
# A for loop script named cls , which can
# be used to clear the screen .
# The script can be executed
# either using ./cls , or
# ./cls 20
# Check if an argument is passed
# to the script , if so
# the counter variable will
# have its value , otherwise
# the counter is initialized
# to a value of 25
for i in `seq 1 $counter`
# Use the seq command , to
# generate words between 1
# and counter , and loop
# over these words , executing
# echo , which will just echo
# a new line .
# The result of executing the
# script is clearing the screen .
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