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Last active April 14, 2024 03:57
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Export Bitwarden to KeePass 2 XML format
from __future__ import print_function
import base64
import commands
import json
import sys
import uuid
import xmltodict
Exports a Bitwraden database into an XML file conforming to KeePass 2 XML Format.
The advantage of the XML format, is that it supports importing custom fields from
Bitwarden into their own custom fields in KeePass 2, which is not currently supported
in the Bitwarden CSV import function.
# 1. log into bw
$ bw login
# 2. export xml
$ python > passwords.xml
# 3. import the passwords.xml file into KeePass 2 (or other KeePass clones that
# support importing KeePass2 XML formats)
# 4. delete passwords.xml
- Bitwarden CLI:
- KeePass 2 XML:
def get_uuid(name):
Computes the UUID of the given string as required by KeePass XML standard
name = name.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
uid = uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, name)
return base64.b64encode(uid.bytes)
def get_folder(f):
Returns a dict of the input folder JSON structure returned by Bitwarden.
return dict(UUID=get_uuid(f['name']),
def get_protected_value(v):
Returns a Value element that is "memory protected" in KeePass
(useful for Passwords and sensitive custom fields/strings).
return {'#text': v, '@ProtectInMemory': 'True'}
def get_fields(subitem, protected=[]):
Returns the components of subitem as a fields array,
protecting the items in protected list
fields = []
for k, v in subitem.iteritems():
# check if it's protected
if k in protected:
v = get_protected_value(v)
fields.append(dict(Key=k, Value=v))
return fields
def get_entry(e):
Returns a dict of the input entry (item from Bitwarden)
Parses the title, username, password, urls, notes, and custom fields.
# Parse custom fields, protecting as necessary
fields = []
if 'fields' in e:
for f in e['fields']:
if f['name'] is not None:
# get value
value = f['value']
# if protected?
if f['type'] == 1:
value = get_protected_value(value)
# put together
fields.append(dict(Key=f['name'], Value=value))
# default values
urls = ''
username, password = '', ''
notes = e['notes'] if e['notes'] is not None else ''
# read username, password, and url if a login item
if 'login' in e:
login = e['login']
if 'uris' in login:
urls = [u['uri'] for u in login['uris']]
urls = ','.join(urls)
# get username and password
username = login['username']
password = login['password']
# add totop to fields as protected
# Parse Card items
if 'card' in e:
# Make number a protected field
fields.extend(get_fields(e['card'], protected=['number']))
# Parse Identity items
if 'identity' in e:
# Check it's not None
username = username or ''
password = password or ''
# assemble the entry into a dict with a UUID
entry = dict(UUID=get_uuid(e['name']),
String=[dict(Key='Title', Value=e['name']),
dict(Key='UserName', Value=username),
dict(Key='Password', Value=get_protected_value(password)),
dict(Key='URL', Value=urls),
dict(Key='Notes', Value=notes)
] + fields)
return entry
def get_cmd_output(cmd):
Returns the output of the given command
status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
print("Error running command:", cmd)
return output
def get_bw_data():
Gets the folders and items from Bitwarden CLI
# get folders
cmd = 'bw list folders'
folders = json.loads(get_cmd_output(cmd))
# get items
cmd = 'bw list items'
items = json.loads(get_cmd_output(cmd))
return folders, items
def main():
Main function
# get data from bw
bw_folders, bw_items = get_bw_data()
# parse all entries
entries = [get_entry(e) for e in bw_items]
# Meta element
meta = dict()
# loop over folders
# bw_folders = d['folders']
folders = []
root_entries = []
for f in bw_folders:
# parse the folder
folder = get_folder(f)
folder_id = f['id']
# loop on entries in this folder
folder_entries = []
for entry, item in zip(entries, bw_items):
if item['folderId'] == folder_id:
# NoFolder (with None id)
if folder_id is None:
root_entries = folder_entries
# Normal folder
if len(folder_entries) > 0:
folder['Entry'] = folder_entries
# add to output folder
# Root group
root_group = get_folder(dict(name='Root'))
root_group['Group'] = folders
# add items to root folder
if len(root_entries) > 0:
root_group['Entry'] = root_entries
# Root element
# xml document contents
xml = dict(KeePassFile=dict(Meta=meta, Root=root))
# write XML document to stdout
print(xmltodict.unparse(xml, pretty=True))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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FYI, an opposite script to translate a KeePass KDBX database to a bitwarden JSON file:

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