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Created August 29, 2017 11:57
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Debugging stackoverflow question
(ns cipherize.core
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]] ))
(def alphabet-chars
(mapv char (range 97 (+ 97 26))))
(def alphabet
(mapv str alphabet-chars))
(defn shift-by-one
"takes the last and insert at the begginning shifting everything."
(->> (first coll)
(concat (rest coll))
(defn alphabet-cipher
"Takes alphabet then returns the 2d array representation of cipher"
(->> (iterate shift-by-one coll)
(take 26)
(defn seed-msg-letter-set
"Takes a seed (keyword) and a msg, sequential inputs for
encryption and decryption.
Note: the letter seed is always first."
[seed msg]
;; Todo: will be more specific about the string length later,
;; works for now
(if (> (count seed) (count msg))
(mapv str seed (clojure.string/join (repeat (count seed) msg)))
(mapv str (clojure.string/join (repeat (count msg) seed)) msg)))
(defn char-encoding
"Takes a letter seed and message and returns char encoding"
[char-s char-m]
(get-in (alphabet-cipher alphabet) [(- (int char-m) 97) (- (int char-s) 97)]))
(defn encode
"encrypts letter by letter using keyword and message"
[seed msg]
(->> (seed-msg-letter-set seed msg)
(map seq)
(map #(char-encoding (first %) (second %)))
(apply str)))
;; Testing
(prn "testing encode:" (encode (str "testing") (str "test")))
(prn "testing encode:" (type (encode "testing" "test")))
(prn "testing encode:" (type encode ))
(defn result-state []
(fn []
[:h1 "Shippin up to Boston"]
(reagent/render-component [ result-state ]
(. js/document (getElementById "app")))
(defn on-js-reload []
;; optionally touch your app-state to force rerendering depending on
;; your application
;; (swap! app-state update-in [:__figwheel_counter] inc)
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