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Last active June 24, 2020 12:45
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pragma solidity ^0.4.26;
library CheckOverflows {
function add(uint256 n1, uint256 n2) internal pure returns(uint256 n3) {
n3 = n1 + n2;
require(n3 >= n1);
return n3;
function sub(uint256 n1, uint256 n2) internal pure returns(uint256) {
require(n2 <= n1);
return n1 - n2;
function mul(uint256 n1, uint256 n2) internal pure returns(uint256 n3) {
if (n1 == 0 || n2 == 0) {
return 0;
n3 = n1 * n2;
require(n3 / n1 == n2);
return n3;
function div(uint256 n1, uint256 n2) internal pure returns(uint256) {
return n1 / n2;
* This is 1st version of Cretter 2.0
* $10 (0.04eth) to make a StatementBank
* $1 (0.004eth) to be a Questioner (Win: gets double of stake or lose it)
* Strict order of actions: Statement -> Questioner -> Answer -> Votes -> Finalize
// This is the Stater's bank If he's with the truth
// The amount of money will keep growing until maturity
// Where stater can withdraw all funds in it
contract StatementBank {
using CheckOverflows for uint256;
address public stater; // owner
uint256 public firstQuestioner;
uint256 public lastQuestioner;
// returns the amount the statementBank has at all times
function statementBankBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
return address(this).balance;
// potential util for generating a random number to get
// voter who gets reward
// set to public for testing [TODO: must set to private]
// arg: _numberOfVoters number of voters
// result: starts at zero |
function random(uint256 _numberOfVoters) public view returns (uint256) {
return uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp, block.difficulty))) % _numberOfVoters;
// (1): stater posts a statement
constructor() public payable {
require(msg.value == 0.04 ether);
stater = msg.sender;
firstQuestioner = 1;
lastQuestioner = 0;
// We're using a FIFO data structure, that represents the order of
// questions, first ones get settled first
// firstQuestioner and lastQuestioner serve as the index for both:
// questioners order and votes on each on those question
// 1st arg: _questionIndex
// result: questioner's address
mapping (uint256 => address) public questioners;
// (2): questioner asks a question
// only question staker should be able to run this function
// [No restriction] on when a question stake can be issued
// [Maybe deactivate when contract less than $2]
// The more money in the contract (and less true), the more likely a questionerStake
function questionerStake() payable public {
require(msg.value == 0.004 ether);
require(stater != msg.sender);
lastQuestioner = lastQuestioner.add(1);
questioners[lastQuestioner] = msg.sender;
// question got an answer from stater
// This is to safeguard the must follow cretter: statement -> question -> answer -> votes
// 1st arg: _questionIndex
// 2nd arg: whether the question got answer (existence is yes/1)
mapping (uint256 => uint256) public questionGotAnswer;
// (3): stater answers to question
// The only way for the stater to signal that he/she actually answered
// the question is by making a transaction
function staterProvidesAnswer(uint256 _questionIndex) public {
require (msg.sender == stater, "only stater can provide an answer no one else");
// stater can't signal he already answered a question
// when a question hasn't been asked yet | mainly checking for existence
require(lastQuestioner >= _questionIndex, "question hasn't been asked yet");
questionGotAnswer[_questionIndex] = 1;
// TODO: disable stater being able to call this function again.
// Stater can't update or edit, an already supplied answer
// 99 coz bearish on answers by default (100 or above, stater is winning)
staterAgainstQuestionIndex[_questionIndex] = 99;
// 1st arg: _questionIndex
// 2nd arg: _truthIndex
// the truth index starts at 100
// lower: stater is losing argument over the question at _questionIndex
// higher: stater is winning argument ...
mapping (uint256 => uint256) public staterAgainstQuestionIndex;
// 1st arg: _questionIndex
// 2nd arg: voterAddress
// 3rd: 1 > signifies [voted] // existence means yes/1
mapping (uint256 => mapping (address => uint256)) public hasAlreadyVoted;
// mapping to mainly reward the lucky voter who got it right
mapping (uint256 => address[]) votedForStater;
mapping (uint256 => address[]) votedForQuestioner;
// (4): voting
// Vote answer on question, binary:
// * satisfying: stater wins / Vote
// * unsatisfying: questioner wins / Vote
// 1st arg: _questionIndex
// 2nd arg: vote: 1 stater favor (agree answer), 2 questioner favor (disagree answer)
function vote(uint256 _questionIndex, uint256 _vote) public {
require(questionGotAnswer[_questionIndex] == 1, "You can't vote if stater hasn't answered yet");
// stater or questioner can't vote
require(msg.sender != stater, "Stater can't vote");
require(msg.sender != questioners[_questionIndex], "questioner can't vote on his own question");
// if already voted _questionIndex, can't vote again
require(hasAlreadyVoted[_questionIndex][msg.sender] != 1, "Cant double vote buddy");
// 1 stater favor (agree answer)
if (_vote == 1) {
staterAgainstQuestionIndex[_questionIndex] = staterAgainstQuestionIndex[_questionIndex].add(1);
// 2 questioner favor (disagree answer)
} else if (_vote == 2) {
staterAgainstQuestionIndex[_questionIndex] = staterAgainstQuestionIndex[_questionIndex].sub(1);
// record voter
hasAlreadyVoted[_questionIndex][msg.sender] = 1;
// [In the future] the webserver will send the transaction to finalize
// question on statement [last step]
// This SHOULD be a timelocked function
// [ideally] webserver calls this function when statement has matured
// [For NOW] only Judge can run this function:
// * Did enough time for votes on answer's to question?
// * Was the answer on question fairly ranked and not gamed?
// * function [dequeue] the oldest question
// To save on transfer fees and give an addictive spin:
// choose a random ranker who got it right and pay him $0.5
// [originally 10% of the questioner's stake was the spec]
// webserver calls this [for now manually]
function finalizeQuestionerChallenge () public returns (address removedQuestionerAddr) {
require(lastQuestioner >= firstQuestioner, "queue must be non-empty");
// [Todo] Server calls this when it has matured
// At meetup doing (calling) this manually
// >>>>>>>>> Disable for quick testing
// require(msg.sender == address(0x45405DAa47EFf12Bc225ddcAC932Ce5ef965B39b));
// [Final a.] Pay questioner first if he won
// if questioner didn't get an answer by this time > questioner wins (stater loses)
if (questionGotAnswer[firstQuestioner] != 1 || staterAgainstQuestionIndex[firstQuestioner] < 100) {
// questioner wins, he gets 2x his staked money
address(questioners[firstQuestioner]).transfer(0.008 ether);
// reward a random ranker who betted on questioner
uint256 questLen = votedForQuestioner[firstQuestioner].length;
uint256 questVoteIndex = random(questLen);
address questionerRankingWinner = votedForQuestioner[firstQuestioner][questVoteIndex];
// Variable reward: the earlier you voted the more you deserve a full reward
// uint256 questVoterReward = 2000000000000000 * (1 - (questVoteIndex / questLen)); // in wei
uint256 questVoterReward = uint256(2000000000000000).mul( uint256(1).sub( (questVoteIndex).div(questLen) ) );
} else if (staterAgainstQuestionIndex[firstQuestioner] >= 100) {
// stater is winning (a tie, he's still winning) coz
// the goal of questioner is to kill the statement
// > nothing to do here money stays in the contract
// > reward a random ranker who betted on stater
uint256 stateLen = votedForStater[firstQuestioner].length;
uint256 staterVoteIndex = random(stateLen);
address staterRankingWinner = votedForStater[firstQuestioner][staterVoteIndex];
uint256 stateVoterReward = uint256(2000000000000000).mul( uint256(1).sub( (staterVoteIndex).div(stateLen) ));
removedQuestionerAddr = questioners[firstQuestioner];
delete questioners[firstQuestioner];
// Until a stater can retrieve money from the statementBankBalance
// [This to be implemented later]
// webserver calls this [for now manually]
function staterReceivesLoot() public {
require(msg.sender == stater);
// We need a bunch of checks here
// All rounds of questions challenges must be done
// All question challenges finalized
require(lastQuestioner == firstQuestioner, "All question challenges should be resolved");
// TODO: implement time waiting requirement
// The only strict restriction is that enough time like 2 weeks should go on
// Fund future development of cretter
uint256 fundCretterFuture = 4000000000000000; // 0.004 ether
address(stater).transfer(statementBankBalance() - fundCretterFuture);
// Funders can donate and keep statement live
// for more interaction even after stater withdrawal
// Reward always goes to stater though (if not drained by questioners)
function donateToStatementBank() public payable {
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it("Stater can't ask question", async function () {
await expect(await statement.questionerStake({ value: eth.utils.parseEther("0.004") }) );

it("Any amount different than 0.004 eth stake will fail to ask question", async function () {
let stakeWrongAmount = await statement.connect(addr1).questionerStake({ value: eth.utils.parseEther("0.008") });

// await expect(stakeWrongAmount)"You must stake 0.004 eth");
await expect(stakeWrongAmount);


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