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Forked from tsi/newsite
Last active March 9, 2016 16:47
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New drupal site
# This script creates virtual hosts and prepares your drupal directory.
# you should put it under /usr/local/bin/
# and run it with sudo newvhost
# Set the path to your localhost
echo "Enter directory name under $www"
read sn
echo "Enter the mysql password"
read password
mkdir $www/$sn
/home/mohamed/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush dl drupal --drupal-project-rename=$sn
mv $sn $www/
chown -R www-data:www-data $www/$sn
# Prepare settings.php
chmod '777' $www/$sn/sites/default
cp $www/$sn/sites/default/default.settings.php $www/$sn/sites/default/settings.php
chmod '777' $www/$sn/sites/default/settings.php
# Create a database
mysql -uroot -p$password -e "create database $sn"
cd $www/$sn && /home/mohamed/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush site-install standard --db-url=mysql://root:$password@localhost/$sn --site-name=$sn
chmod '444' $www/$sn/sites/default/settings.php
# Create the file with VirtualHost configuration in /etc/apache2/site-available/
echo "<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot $www/$sn/
ServerName $sn.lh
<Directory $www/$sn/>
AllowOverride All
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Require all granted
</VirtualHost> " > /etc/apache2/sites-available/$sn.conf
# Add the host to the hosts file
echo $sn.lh >> /etc/hosts
# Enable the site
a2ensite $sn
# Reload Apache2
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
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