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Last active November 11, 2019 13:33
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fix convert Arabic images names to webp through webp-express
// wp-content/plugins/webp-express/lib/classes/Convert.php
public static function convertFile($source, $config = null, $convertOptions = null, $converter = null)
try {
// fix arabic file names
$oldPath = pathinfo($source);
$basename = $oldPath['basename'];
copy($source, $oldPath['dirname'] . '/imageCopy.' . $oldPath['extension']);
$newPath = $oldPath['dirname'] . '/imageCopy.' . $oldPath['extension'];
// Check source
// ---------------
$checking = 'source path';
$source = SanityCheck::absPathExistsAndIsFile($source);
//$filename = SanityCheck::absPathExistsAndIsFileInDocRoot($source);
// PS: No need to check mime type as the WebPConvert library does that (it only accepts image/jpeg and image/png)
// Check that source is within a valid image root
$activeRootIds = Paths::getImageRootIds(); // Currently, root ids cannot be selected, so all root ids are active.
$rootId = Paths::findImageRootOfPath($source, $activeRootIds);
if ($rootId === false) {
throw new \Exception('Path of source is not within a valid image root');
// Check config
// --------------
$checking = 'configuration file';
if (is_null($config)) {
$config = Config::loadConfigAndFix(); // ps: if this fails to load, default config is returned.
if (!is_array($config)) {
throw new SanityException('file is corrupt');
// Check convert options
// -------------------------------
$checking = 'configuration file (options)';
if (is_null($convertOptions)) {
$wodOptions = Config::generateWodOptionsFromConfigObj($config);
if (!isset($wodOptions['webp-convert']['convert'])) {
throw new SanityException('conversion options are missing');
$convertOptions = $wodOptions['webp-convert']['convert'];
if (!is_array($convertOptions)) {
throw new SanityException('conversion options are missing');
// Check destination
// -------------------------------
$checking = 'destination';
$destination = self::getDestination($newPath, $config);
$destination = SanityCheck::absPath($destination);
// Check log dir
// -------------------------------
$checking = 'conversion log dir';
$logDir = SanityCheck::absPath(Paths::getWebPExpressContentDirAbs() . '/log');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return [
'success' => false,
'msg' => 'Check failed for ' . $checking . ': ' . $e->getMessage(),
'log' => '',
// Done with sanitizing, lets get to work!
// ---------------------------------------
//return false;
$result = ConvertHelperIndependent::convert($newPath, $destination, $convertOptions, $logDir, $converter);
//error_log('looki:' . $source . $converter);
// If we are using stack converter, check if Ewww discovered invalid api key
//if (is_null($converter)) {
if (isset(Ewww::$nonFunctionalApiKeysDiscoveredDuringConversion)) {
// We got an invalid or exceeded api key (at least one).
//error_log('look:' . print_r(Ewww::$nonFunctionalApiKeysDiscoveredDuringConversion, true));
if ($result['success'] === true) {
$result['filesize-original'] = @filesize($source);
$result['filesize-webp'] = @filesize($destination);
$result['destination-path'] = $destination;
$rootOfDestination = Paths::destinationRoot($rootId, $config['destination-folder'], $config['destination-structure']);
$relPathFromImageRootToSource = PathHelper::getRelDir(
$relPathFromImageRootToDest = ConvertHelperIndependent::appendOrSetExtension(
($rootId == 'uploads')
$result['destination-url'] = $rootOfDestination['url'] . '/' . $relPathFromImageRootToDest;
$newName = end(explode('/',$relPathFromImageRootToDest));
// fix arabic file names
$destination = pathinfo($destination);
$old_file = $destination['dirname'] . '/imageCopy.' . $oldPath['extension'] . '.webp';
$new_file = $destination['dirname'] . '/' . $newName;
rename($old_file, $new_file);
return $result;
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